
A Faded Series

[Two Souls, One Destiny] A never ending battle against fate. A fight to death, a fight for love. ⚜⚜⚜ A dance of shadows and light. A tale of sacrifice and redemption. ⚜⚜⚜ Will this story forever remain faded?

Prince_Yuki · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Faded Love

Adrian was no fool. He is in fact a genius. The smartest in the class. He is someone who solves the hardest math problems on a daily. He should have realized sooner, right?

But no. Adrian made himself look like an idiot. And what for? For love.

Adrian deceived himself by thinking of the moments where Luke would hold his hand, lock eyes with him, and share in their laughter. He convinced himself that the years they had shared would be enough.

How naïve he was.

He should have accepted the truth that he could never fully satisfy Luke's insatiable appetite for excitement, the man who consistently found himself entangled in trouble and left a trail of broken hearts in his wake.

From the very beginning, Adrian was never good enough, and why should it be any different now?

And yet, Adrian still ignored the very fact that he was simply a temporary substitute for someone else. Someone with fair locks instead of his own raven-hued tresses, someone who is brave, someone who is not shy and someone who surpassed Adrian in every imaginable way.

When Daichi's girlfriend broke up with him, Luke became Daichi's unwavering pillar of support, not his own. Luke remained by the blonde's side, offering comfort and a compassionate shoulder to lean on. Movie dates were cancelled, texts left unseen and calls were ignored, all in the favor of tending to Daichi's needs.

And Adrian painfully understood.