
Dungions and Dragons

This story is about 6 six individials who decided to band up and become heroes. And this is where their story begins.

Shin: Hmph...these humans give up to easy.

Shin made an Ice sword from his hands and stabbed someone.

Gorgan: I beg to differ. They are actually quite fun.

Gorgan was a huge demon with giant knuckle kunai's.

Hizan: I believe Shin is right. I think its time that the Zaku's move forward!

He shouted and their was tons of demons and monsters behind them. They were in a burned kingdom with bodies everywhere.


King Drew woke up from his room.

Knight: Whats wrong sire?!

King Drew: They are growing stronger every second.

Knight: The Zaku's?. Yes their presence are getting more powerful.

King Drew: Call a meeting.


King Drew was in charge of the Kingdom of Valor. Probably the strongest Kingdom all around the world. He was in charge of the Knights Of Valor.

Their was a meeting between the leaders of the Kingdom.

King Drew: Everyone! The Zaku's only grow stronger everyday.

Ron: We have to do something!

Bell: Can't we just summon our Knights to attack them!

King Drew: No! Most of them are protecting the city and the Zaku's are too powerful for that.

Granice: We need to make a move! We have little information on them.

King Drew: Only Hizan.

King Drew had a scar across his face.

King Drew: The one man to actually leave a mark on me. Not only that he has an army. He has two other followers as well.

Just then someone spoke up.

Lee: I have a proposition.

King Drew: I will take anything.

Lee: I've been studying certain individuals that I hope to band together and stop the Zaku's.

Granice: Not this again!

King Drew: Silence!!!

His voice roared throughout the castle.

Alena: Not to loud father!

She was sitting besides him.

King Drew: My apologies daughter. Please continue Lee.

Lee: As I was saying. These individuals i've been studying may be our best chance.

Everyone around the table looked interested except Granice.

Granice: Enough!!

He slammed his fist.

Granice: All these individuals are thieves and criminals! There are known as individuals!

Lee: Which is why I think they can become a whole and fight for whats good.

King Drew: Hmmm...

Alena: I say let him do it.

King Drew: Very well Lee...You have a week to do this.

Alena: May I go along? Lee is one of the most powerful mages here.

King Drew: Fine..you are to much like your mother. Lee im going to send you one of my greatest Knights.

King Drew tapped his throne and a knight came out.

Len: Sir Lee I will be a service of you! My name is Len.

Len kneeled down.

Lee: Not neccesary. Stand.

Len stood up. He had a sword and a axe on his side.

King Drew: You keep my daughter safe.

Lee: I will give my life for her.

Ron one of the chairman stood up.

Ron: Good luck on your journey.

Granice walked away.

Ron: My apologies for him.

Lee: It's fine.

Lee looked at Alena and Len.

Lee: Lets go.

All three left the castle.


Alena: So who's first?

Lee: I want to collect these two.

It showed two kids who looked alike. Their description showed below the picture.

Alena: Shapeshifter?

Lee: The ability to transform into any animal, dinosaur, or monster.

Alena: Woah thats crazy they can do all that?

Lee: Well they are just beginning so im guessing not.

Alena: All right sounds like a plan.

Lee: What do you say big guy?

Len: I am in your service.

Alena: Geez lighten up.


Nanishi: Come ON!!!!

Guard: Stay in here criminal!

Bon: Let us out!!!! You little shit!

Guard: What did you say you ungrateful swine!!!

The other guards came and carried him away.

Nanishi: Nice.

Bon: So how do we get out of here?

They both turned into a small beetle and flew away.

They both then shapeshift into eagles and flew off.

They arrived at a building with old tents and garbage.

Nanishi: Aww home sweet home.

Bon: Yeah it feels good.

Nanishi and Bon looked towards the sky.

Nanishi: Hey don't you ever wondered if we can be something more than just thugs.

Bon: I was thinking the same thing. But no one out their needs us and besides its fun stealing.

Nanishi: I guess your right.

Lee: Hmm..

They both woke up.

Nanishi: Woah!!!!

Bon: Who are you!??

Lee: Relax.

Alena: Are these the two?

Bon: Woah she's hot...

Nanishi smacked Bon in the head.

Nanishi: Who are you?

Lee: My apologies. My name is Lee. I wish to recruite you.

Nanishi: Recruite?

Lee: Yes...to become something better.

Nanishi looked interested.

Bon: No thanks im not interested in becoming a hero.

Lee: Alright then what about you?

Nanishi looked eager but..

Nanishi: Yeah I go with my brother.

Lee: Fine.

Lee pushed Alena off the building.

Bon: Holy shit!

Nanishi and Bon both jumped off the roof and turned into birds and grabbed her.

They carried her upwards and softly landed her on the roof again.

Nanishi: Whats wrong with you!!!??

Bon: Yeah you could of killed her!

Bon turned into a tiger and rushed but the his claws went through Lee.

It was a mirage.

Bon: What!?

Nanishi: What the???

They both turned around and saw Lee standing their with Alena.

Alena: You gotta teach me that.

Bon: How did you?

Lee: Mirage spell. And not wanting to be heroes is what you said.

They both looked at each other.

Lee: Someone you've never met and you decide to jump off a building for them.

Bon: Alright fine.

Nanishi: So when do we start?


They now were traveling together. They had a giant horse carrage and a horse which Alena was riding.

Nanishi: So...Len right?

He didn't respond.

Lee: Sorry about that he doesn't talk. Len you can talk when you want.

Len: Are you sure?

Bon: Hahaha he said are you sure?

Alena: Hehe.

Lee: Go ahead...you don't need permission.

Len turned to Nanishi.

Len: Yes my name is Len.

Nanishi: What are you a knight?

Len: Yes...im one of the Knights of Valor.

Bon: Valor? From the Valor Kingdom?

Len: Yes.

Bon: I wonder why they need our help?

Lee: Didn't I tell you?

Bon: Yes to stop demons or monsters whatever.

Lee: No to stop Zaku's.

Nanishi: Wait what!?

Bon: Zaku's?!!!!

Alena: You've heard of them?

Nanishi: Everyone does! Why are we fighting them?!!

Bon: Yeah I didn't agree to a comit suicide.

Lee: Alright you guys are welcomed to go back to jail and become criminals and die a happy life. Or you can not be scared and become a hero that everyone admires.

Bon: I mean...I wasn't scared..

Nanishi: He does have a point.

Len: anyway who's next?

We all looked shocked he was talking.

Len: What?

Lee: Nothing....um here.

He passed out a paper to everyone.

Nanishi: A samurai?

Alena: Hamura? thats his name?

Lee: Yes.

Nanishi: Is he strong?

Lee: Very.

Len looked interested.

Alena: Any backstory?

Lee: His clan was made to fight demons or monsters.

Bon: Thats why your recruiting him?

Lee: Samurai's are very straightforward when it comes to getting stronger.

Bon: Alright then.


They arrived at a town.

It was late.

Lee: Alright you guys go buy and room for tonight. Len you stay with me.

Alena: Okay.

Nanishi: Lets explore the city.

Bon: Yeah!!

Before they were gonna run off they ran into a invisible wall.

Nanishi and Bon: Oww!!

Lee: No...your job is to protect Alena. If their is any scratches on her.

Lee made a scary face and incredible aura came out.

Lee: I will hunt you down...

Then he smiled.

Lee: Okay?

Nanishi: Whatever you say boss.

Bon: Geez I almost shit in my pants.

Alena: Okay good luck.

They left and Lee and Len went into the forest to look for Hamura.


Len: Umm..Sir Lee?

Lee: Haha no need to be so formal, call me Lee.

Len: Umm Lee? Why did you bring me?

Lee: When I was talking about Hamura you seem to be really curious.

Len: Well im also interested in finding strong warriors.

The two were walking in the forest.

Lee: There he is.

Hamura was fighting a huge monster with a giant axe.

They both were clashing and slashing each other.

The monster swung but Hamura jumped up.

Hamura: Speed Slash!

It showed Hamura slash right through the monster.

The monster was still alive. He tried slashing down but Len jumped in and was holding his sword and axe together.

Hamura: thanks.

Len slashed across and the monster chest was cut and turned into ash.

Hamura: Woah your a knight.

Hamura put his sword away into his side.

Hamura stook out his hand.

Hamura: Im Hamura.

Len didn't shake it.

Hamura: Umm???

Lee: Sorry he's like that.

Hamura: Who are you?

Lee: We are here to recruit you.

Hamura: Recruit? Sorry but im better off on my own.

Lee: Well then your gonna miss your chance to fight the Zaku's.

Hamura: Zaku's!? You know where they are at?

Lee: I have a clue.

Hamura: Wow. A chance to fight the Zaku's. The strongest demons and monster. Im in.

Lee: Very well.

Hamura: Besides that means I get to know this huge guy.


Alena: Hi im Alena!

Hamura: Im Hamura! Nice to meet you all.

Hamura bowed down.

Nanishi: So your like a real samurai?

Hamura: If you want to call me that hahaha!!!

Bon: Cool!!!

Lee: Sorry about their behavior.

Hamura: No problem, im glad to be working with a strong group of individuals.

Alena: Alright who's next?

Lee: The last person is actually in town.

Alena: May I go?

Lee: Of course. You guys get aquainted.


Alena: So who's the last person?

Lee: In Valor Kingdom he's not very known but outside of it. He's very powerful.

Alena: Whats his name?

Lee gave Alena the paper.

Alena: He's cute.

Lee: Hahaha teenage love.

Alena: Kai? Cool name. Fire mage?

Lee: Yes it's very rare to have fire mage magic. Or just elemental base magic.

Alena: He's known for collecting monster and demons bounties? What makes you think he's gonna join us.

Lee: He has a very dark past. One of the members of Zaku's he knows very well.

Alena: All right lets go.

They arrived at a bar.

Lee: Alright heads up. This might go sideways.

Alena: Wait what?

They both walked in. Their was people drinking and acting crazy.

Drunk Man: God damn look at the girl who walked in!!

All the guys were walking towards her.

Alena: Eww.

Lee grabbed his staff and pound the floor.

All the men froze in the room.

Alena: What the?

Their was beer in mid air.

Alena: Wow you are very powerful.

Lee: Can't hold it for long.

Alena looked at one guy sitting at the bar.

Lee: There he is.

Alena: Kai?

He was drinking a cup at the bar.

Lee: Hello Kai.

Kai: Do I know you?

Lee: No.

Kai: Are you guys after me?

Lee: What makes you think that?

Kai: The daughter of the Great King Drew is here.

Alena: (He didn't even turn around)

Lee: Nope thats not why we came for you.

Kai turned around.

He had a metal mask covering his mouth but took it off. He had a red and orangish hoodie. Kai has two ninja swords behind him. Kai put his hoodie down. He also took off the mask.

Kai: Alright then whats the reason?

Lee: To take down the Zaku's.

Kai: Pass.

Lee: Why is that?

Kai: I don't need help from a wizard and a princess.

Alena: (Princess? Why is that a bad thing?.)

Lee: I've already assembeld a group of strong individuals and I want your help.

Kai then turned back around and started drinking.

Kai: Leave me alone.

Lee: You know its very rare for a man to have a specific element power.

Kai: Your point?

Lee: Just like Shin.

Kai's whole vibe completley changed.

Kai: How do you know that name?

Lee: Out of all the individuals I've researched you the most. Your clan was killed and destroyed.

Kai: I would stop talking.

Alena: (oh no)

Lee: You survived and your older brother took care of you.

Kai: I said shut it!

Lee: And now the only thing thats missing is why did he join the Zaku's?

Kai stood up slowly and put on his hoodie.

Alena: Oh no!

She ran out of the bar.

Kai threw a kunai that had flames around it.

Lee unfroze the time and everyone was able to move. The kunai was coming.

Lee: Not bad.

Lee looked behind him and Kai was  holding one of his swords backwards.

Lee: (Shit he's fast!)

Lee grabbed his staff and swung it around causing a air shield.

The kunai flew away and Kai flew back out of the bar.

Alena: Holy shit!

Lee walked out.

Kai: Lucky shot.

Kai had flames in his left hand and he flipped the short sword upwards.

Kai: Lets try that again.


Nanishi: So... what brings you here?

Hamura: Im here to find strong enemies! If I take down the Zaku's then my clan would be proud.

Bon: Dang talk about proud.

Just then everyone heard the explosion.

Nanishi: What the!?

Len: It must be Lee!

Everyone ran out of the building and towards the explosion.


Kai and Lee both looked tired.

They were running across the rooftops.

Lee: Stop this!

Kai: How do you know he joined!!?

Lee: I've researched it all!

Kai jumped up with his sword and slashed.

Lee brought up his staff and deflected it.

Kai and Lee were both slashing each other but also blocking each other's attacks.

Kai: Where can I find them!?

Lee: Its suicide to go alone.

Lee grabbed his staff.

Lee: Water Bolt!

He blasted a water blast towards Kai.

Kai: Fire Bolt!

Kai's blast was bigger and it went through the water.

Lee flipped up and stabbed his staff to the ground.

The building around them felt like it was shaking.

Kai got unbalanced and fell of the building.

Kai teleported above.

Kai: Flame Overdrive!!!!!

Kai covered himself with flames and was falling towards Lee.

Lee spun his staff and had a huge air bubble covering him.

Lee: Shield of faith!!

We both clashed and flew off.

Kai hit the building and Len jumped up and caught Lee.

Lee: Thanks...

Len: No problem.

Nanishi and Bon went to Kai.

Kai: Oww.

Nanishi: Is this the guy?

Bon: Damn you got messed up!

Kai got up easliy.

Bon: I was just kidding.

Everyone else arrived and Alena.

Lee: Was that a good enough test?

Alena: Test!? That was a test!?

Kai: How did you know I was testing you?

Lee: Your attacks weren't lethal. When you threw that kunai it wasn't coming for a lethal spot at me.

Kai: So you know where they are?

Lee: I have a clue.

Kai: What makes you think you can find them?

Lee: I've researched these people for awhile. The Zaku's are never in the same place. So now we must make a move now to stop them! Your family and clan was killed by them. Stand up and fight for them. We can finally stop them for hurting other innocent people.

Kai walked towards Lee.

Alena: (Not again)

Kai shook his hands.

Kai: Fine.

Lee: There was that so hard?

Kai: Fine I will join but I need to go to the store.

Everyone followed Kai towards a market.

Kai: Manager!

Store owner: How may I be of service?

Kai threw a purple gem towards the man.

The Owner caught it.

Owner: Woah a Zaku's devil!?

Lee: You've been hunting on your own?

Kai: Yep.

He threw a giant bag of money to Kai.

Bon: Woah so much money!!

Hamura: He took down a Zaku demon? A worthy companion indeed.

Kai grabbed the bag and burned it with his hands.

Nanishi and Bon: What!!!!!????

Alena: You burned the money?

Lee: No...its a spell that stores different items.

Kai: Their now its safe. Where to now?


Now they were walking towards Valor Kingdom.

Nanishi: So what are you a flame mage?

Kai: I guess you could say that.

Bon: Does it not burn you?

Kai: No.

Hamura: Im Hamura! Nice to meet you!

He bowed straight down.

Kai bowed a little bit too.

Kai: My clan use to do that as well.

Hamura: It would be an honor to work with you as we take down the Zaku's.

Kai: Me as well.

Bon: So is fire all you can do?

Kai: Yep.

Bon: Alright.

Kai: So Lee right?

Lee: Yep.

Kai: Why are bringing two little kids and a spoiled princess.

Nanishi, Bon, and Alena: Hey!!!

Lee: Relax. She's only here to help me gather you all up.

Alena: And quit calling me princess!

Bon: Yeah and were stronger than you think!

Nanishi: Yeah!

Kai: Okay whatever.

Kai looked at Len.

Kai: Whats up with the Valor Knight?

Lee: He's going to be with us from on.

Len: Im Len the right hand man of King Drew!

Kai: Nice to see you too.

We arrived at the huge kingdom.

Nanishi: Woah!!!!!

Bon: Its huge!!!

Hamura: wow..

Alena was observing Kai.

She walked up Kai.

Alena: Beautiful isn't it?

Kai: Not bad.

Kai walked away.

Alena: Stubborn.

Len: Welcome to Valor!!!

Lee: I've lived here most of my life and yet it's still amazing to look at.

Everyone started walking towards the castle.

Kind Drew: Lee. Is these the people you think that can stop the Zaku's?

Lee: Yes sire.

Bon: Man you look young for a king.

Lee slammed Bon's head to the floor and told him to be quiet.

King Drew: Hahaha!! Yes I am young!

But I am 76 years old!

Nanishi whispered to everyone.

Nanishi: Holy shit.

King Drew: Now. I want to know why all of you decide to join Lee in this adventure.

Bon looked up.

Bon: To become rich and...

Nanishi slammed his head down.

Nanishi: To become heroes and protect Sire!

King Drew: Hahaha very well.

Hamura stood up.

Hamura: My clan is known for being very strong and fighting very powerful people. I want to take down the Zaku's once and for all.

King Drew: Very well.

Kai stood up.

Kai: I want to make sure no one else will ever get hurt from a Zaku ever again.

Kai's energy spread across the room and even King Drew felt it.

King Drew: I see. Len.

Len: Yes Sire!

King Drew: Would you like to join this  crew?

Len looked at us.

Len: Yes sire!

King Drew: Very well.

The king looked at all of them.

Everyone felt his energy.

King Drew: I leave my faith in trusting you all to take down the Zaku's!

Lee: Of course we will.

Alena: May I go?

King Drew: Of course not! The Zaku's do not hesitate to kill. You are my only daughter.

Alena: Fine!

She stormed off.

Lee: (geez)

We all left the kingdom.

Len came out and had less armor on. He looked a lot smaller and still had his weapons.

Hamura: Woah!!! You look so different with less armor.

Len: I decided since im traveling I need less armor to wear.

Lee: Alright we need a wagon and some horses.

Bon: Why horses?

Nanishi: We could just pull it ourselves.

Lee: If you guys wanna carry us and all our luggage for a couple miles your more welcome to.

Bon: Im gonna pass.

Nanishi: Good point.

We went to the store and bought supplies for the journey.

We bought a wagon with a huge tarp over it with supplies.

We all started traveling.

Kai: Where to first?

Lee: Well we are going to a village a little far that a Zaku demon is there. Any complaints?

Everyone shook their heads.

We walking down until we heard someone sneezed in the carriage.

All of us jumped back with our weapons except Kai.

Kai: Come on out.

Alena came out.

Len: What the!!????

Bon: Woah I was expecting a demon or monster.

Hamura: Hahaaha we have a stowaway.

Alena: Sorry I just wanted to come.

Alena had a sword on her back.

Lee: Oh great...your dad is gonna kill me.

She stepped out and instead of a dress she had armor pieces on her.

Kai: Woah princess can fight.

Alena: Quit calling me that! I've had training from the Valor Knights.

Len: Yep! I think she can take care of herself.

Bon: I will protect her!

Nanishi: Me too!

Alena: Thanks.

Hamura: I say let her come.

Len: Me too!

Kai: Why not.

Lee: Fine.

Alena: Yes!!!

Lee: I can already hear him.

Kai: Alright now whats first?

Lee: Their is a village that keeps getting attacked and we need to kill it.

Bon: What do we achieve from killing it?

Lee: Demons and monsters drop a jewel that can be used for money or trading.

Alena: And?

Lee: I have a spell that can trace it.

We all moved and got towards the village.

We arrived in front of the village.

Their was demons and monsters attacking it.

Lee: Spread out and defend the people!!!

We all dashed our way.

Their was two demons standing in the middle of the town square.

Bon and Nanishi: Transform!!!

Nanishi turned into a tiger and Bon turned into a bear.

They both bit down and the demons started screaming.

They were bleeding then they turned into ash.

Nanishi: Woah are these the gems?

Bon: Woah!!!

They grabbed the gem.

The demons was grabbing a family.

Civilian: AWWW!!!!!

Demon: Hahahaaha!!!

The demons hand grabbed the man.

Husband: Runn!!!!!

The family started running.

The demon was getting ready to eat the human.

Hamura slashed and the demons hand came off.

Demon: RAAWWW!!!!

Hamura: Hello demon! Allow me to slay you.

Hamura put his sword in the case and was holding it.

Demon: Raww!!!

The demon was crawling his way towards Hamura.

Hamura: Silent flash strike.....

Hamura was so fast that the demon's body was split open.

Hamura appeared behind them.

The demon had blood splurting out then turned to ash.

Hamura went back to pick up the Gem.


Len and Alena was together.

Civilian: Help!!!

A demon was in front of the store and a sword pierced right through.

The demon fell down on his knees.

Alena took her sword out of the demon.

Alena: Please come here.

Alena carried the family away.

The demon rose up and started running towards them.

Len stopped and swung with his axe and the demon flew back towards the store.

The demon turned into ash and the gem flopped out.

Len: Good job Alena.

Alena: No problem.


Lee and Kai was running around the village taking out demons.

Kai took out both of his swords and covered them with flames.

Kai: Flame Strike!

There was multiple demons in the alleyways.

Kai was running towards them. The first monster swung but Kai jumped up and slashed the head off. Two more demons were coming and Kai threw one of his blades and the demon got stabbed in the chest.

Kai ran up and pulled out the sword and the demon turned into ash.

Kai grabbed the gems and ran into the middle of the village.

Lee was their fighting the demons.

Lee: Call Lightning!!!

Lightning bolts from above struck down 3 of them.

Kai: Hmph... show off.

Lee: Catch up hehe.

Two more demons showed up behind us.

Lee: Guiding Bolt!

A bolt of energy came from Lee's staff and the demon instanlty turned into ash.

The other demon tried slashing down but Kai jumped up.

Kai: Flame Strike!!

Kai attacked and the blade went through the demons head and turned into ash.

The rest of the team gathered up.

Lee: Alright not bad.

Nanishi: So are these the Zaku's?

Bon: Man these weren't even hard.

Kai: If your thinking these are Zaku's then your wrong.

Alena: These weren't?

Hamura: No...i've fought one and these guys are nowwhere near Zaku's.

Kai: You've defeated one?

Hamura shook his head yes.

Lee: Weird..I think we should stay for the night.

Kai: Fine with me.

Alena: Why?

Lee summouned a white globe and he closed his eyes.

Lee: Im still tracing a evil presence.

Bon: What do we do with these?

He was holding up the gem.

Lee: Take it to the store and exchange for money.

Bon: Really!?

Nanishi: Lets go!

They both turned into a bird flew away.

Lee: Alright well im gonna go find a hotel.

Alena: Lets go!

Len and Hamura went with them as well.

Lee: You coming?

Kai: It think I will keep watch.

Lee: Alright.


Nanishi: Wassup store?

Store owner: Hello Travelers!!!!

Bon: How much for the Gems?

He grabbed and inspected the Gem.

Store Owner: 2,960 coins each.

Nanishi: Sound good.

Bon tried to grab it but the store owner threw the money at them.

Store Owner: Sorry I don't want people touching me ima very clean person.

Bon and Nanishi went with Lee to the hotel but while they were walking they noticed all the people were looking at them funny.

Bon: Hmmmm weird.

Nanishi: I know right?


Lee: Hello hotel owner?

A girl came out.

Stacey: Hello my name is Stacey and how may I be of service?

She had a creepy smile.

Lee: Umm do have any big rooms?

Stacey: Of course.

She held out a key and give it to Lee.

Lee grabbed it but as soon as he did she turned around walked fast away.

Hamura: Wow...this place is filled with interesting people.

They went to the hotel and their was suddenly enough beds for everyone.

Lee: Alright everyone fall asleep we have a early day tomorrow.

Nanishi and Bon both went to bed in the corner.

Hamura: What are you guys doing?

Bon: Sorry were not use to sleeping on the bed.

They both turned into a wolf and fell asleep.

Hamura: If you don't mind im sleeping as well.

Their was a window that leads to the outside on a balcony and Kai was sitting their.

Alena: He's not sleeping?

Lee: He's gonna keep watch.

Everyone fell asleep.

Alena woke up an hour later and Kai was still on the balcony.

Alena: Not sleeping?

Kai: Nope.

Alena: So whats your story?

Kai: Don't pretend that you care princess.

Alena: I don't....but if we are going to be traveling together its nice to know why you are going to take down the Zaku's.

Kai: Huh....fine. As you hear my brother joined the Zaku's.  My family and clan was killed by them.

Alena: Thats tragic.

Kai: So me and my brother survived and we were living in agony and poverty. My brother was angry at my clan for being weak and wanted more power. So the Zaku's once found us again and decided to ask us to join. My brother instantly decided to join but I was hesitant. We arrived at their old hideout and their leader Hizan, showed us some horrible stuff and how they can make this world better.

Alena: wow...im so sorry.

Kai: After they showed us I ran away and never looked backed. At first I never wanted to find my brother until I saw a village that the Zaku's had raided. I gotten so angry that my brother did this. So now I need to find him.

Alena: And do what exactly?

Kai: Finish it. Its been years and I grew up on my own.

Alena: Yeah...I lost my mother to when I was young.

Kai: Im sorry to hear that.

Alena: Yeah it was pretty tough and also.....

Kai: Shhh!!!

Alena: Did you just Shush me?

Kai: Shh!!

We saw two villagers walking in the middle of the town. It looked like a couple.

Alena: Whats the matter?  Its just a couple.

Kai: During this time of night?

Alena: It does seem odd.

Kai: Wait here.

Kai went jumped off the balcony and Alena followed.

Kai: Do you ever listen?

Alena: No.

Kai: Fair enough me too.

We went to the couple.

Kai: Hello!

They both looked nervous.

Civilian: We are just walking around exploring because its our honeymoon.

Alena: Aww thats sweet.

Kai slowly pulled out his sword.

Civilian: Umm what are you doing?

Alena: Yeah what are you doing?

Kai raised his sword and slashed.

Alena: NOOOO!!!!!

Kai slashed at the couple and the couple turned into ash.

Alena: What the!?

Kai: I knew it.

Alena: Knew what?

Just then everyone was behind us.

Lee: Suprised you figured it out.

Len: Why you waking us up this late?

Hamura: I know.

Lee: Its not late.

Alena: What do you mean?

Kai: This is a fake village everything is not real.

Nanishi: Thats why people were avoiding us.

Bon: Make since why the reception girl is crazy.

Kai put his sword back into his case. He held out his hand.

Kai: Fireball!!!

It was a small fireball and launched it towards the sky.

Suddenly the sky cracked.

And the area around us lighted up and the village buildings turned into old abandoned warehouses and broken down houses.

Bon: Oww so bright!

It was the middle of the day.

Lee: This was my first instinct too when we got into the village. Demons were attacking but after we fought the town went back to normal instantly.

Nanishi: Thats crazy.

Bon: Didn't think this would happen.

Kai looked at the middle of the town square. It was a giant pillar that looked all broken.

Kai: You planning on coming out!?

Alena: Who are you talking to?

Just then a demon walked out behind the pillar.

Dedan: Hmph...Now I know why I wasn't able to eat you guys.

Lee: I put a safety spell over us.

Dedan: Im suprised you were able to tell that it was a fake village.

Kai: I've had enough experience.

Lee: Me too.

Dedan stepped closer to us.

Everyone had their hands on their weapon.

Nanishi and Bon both transformed into wolves.

Dedan: Now this is a challenge!!!!!!

He transformed into a large demon.

Dedan: RAAWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!

Kai: Now thats a Zaku demon.

Lee: Go!

Everyone rushed at him.

Hamura jumped up and slashed down.

Dedan covered blocked the blade with his hands.

Hamura: What the!?

Hamura slashed through the arm and Dedan punched Hamura and he flew towards a old house.

Nanishi and Bon both jumped up and transformed into wolves and bit down.

Dedan: RAAWW!!!!!

He spun and Nanishi and Bon both flew away.

Len jumped and swung with his axe and aimed right at his ribs. It dug in deep and Dedan punched Len and he flew above us and launched into a tree.

Alena: Oh my god.

Kai pulled out both of his swords and covered them with flames.

Kai: Flame Strike!

Kai rushed in and dodged Dedan's fist.

Kai started slashing so fast that all we saw was a ball of flames covering them both.

Kai: Take this!!!!

He put his swords together and launched Dedan towards the pillar and the pillar broke.

Alena: Woah.

Dedan got up quick and rushed Kai.

Lee: Wall of Force!

A giant invisible wall blocked Dedan.

Dedan dissapeared from behind the wall.

Kai: (Shit he's fast!)

Alena: Where did he go?

Just then Dedan was behind Alena.

Dedan: Die!!!!

Kai was there in a instant.

Kai: Fire Shield!!!

Kai made a fire shield blocking the punch.

Kai: Alena move!!!

She ran away towards Lee.

Dedan's fist was burning. But his force was so powerful causing Kai to fly towards a abonded house.

Alena: Kai!!!!

Lee: Stay behind me.

Dedan was running towards Lee.

Lee: Chaos Bolt!!!

A bolt of energy was flying towards Dedan and hit.

Lee: Elemental Bane!!!!

A large magic circle appeared above Dedan.

Lee: Strike!!!

Fire, Ice, Acid, Wind, and Water  came from above and striked Dedan.

Dedan: AWWWWW!!!!!!!

Dedan jumped sideways before the attack could kill him.

Lee: Dammit.

Dedan began to regenerate.

Just then the whole team came and knocked him away to the other side of the village.

Len looked tired.

Nanishi: damn....this guy hits hard...

Kai: yeah...he's no pushover.

Nanishi: What...do...we..do?

Bon: Crap he's running back.

Kai: I have a plan but it's gonna take all of us.

Everyone looked at Kai and listened.

Nanishi: Im...down.

Bon: Lets....go.

Dedan was coming through.

Kai: Fire Bolt!!!!

A fire bolt shot from Kai's hands and flew towards Dedan.

Dedan whole body was turned to flames.

Dedan: RAAWWW!!!!

Kai: Now!

Nanishi and Bon turned into gorilla's and was holding Dedan's arms.

Kai: Len!!!!

Dedan was trying to flail but couldn't.

Len: Wraithful Smite!!!

He launched his axe and sword into both of Dedan's arms.

Dedan: RAAWWW!!!!!

Hamura stood in front of Dedan.

Hamura: Speed Slash!!

He rushed with the slash so fast and cut of the head.

Kai: Lee!!!

Kai was flying from the top and above Dedan.

Lee: Everyone step back!

Everyone jumped backwards.

Lee: Elemental Bane! Fire!

He aimed at Dedan and Kai.

Dedan was set on fire and Kai was as well.

Kai: (Lee's flames won't hurt me but I can use his flames)

Kai absorbed the fire around him and made a fireball from his hands.

Kai: Fire Sphere!!!!!!

It was a giant fire sphere the size of a bowling ball and Kai struck the back and the entire neck.

Kai: Burn!!!!!!

Kai slammed Dedan onto the ground and burned his entire his body.

Just the smoke and explosion appeared.

It was smokey.

Hamura: Damn can't see a thing.

Alena: Kai!!!!

Lee spun his staff and used wind magic to clear out smoke in seconds.

Kai was standing their but with a gem in his hands.

Kai: Carbonized....cells don't....regenerate.....

Bon: We won!!!!

Everyone looked relieved.

Kai's hands looked injured.

Alena walked up.

Alena: oh my god are you okay.

Kai: yeah...im fine..

Kai passed out but Alena caught him.

Lee went up and touched his head.

Lee: Hiis energy is really low.

Nanishi: So now what?

Lee picked up the gem.

Lee: Now we find the Zaku's.


Hizan: Hmm Dedan died.

Gorgan: What!? Now way...

Shin: Hmph. Guy wasn't that important.

Hizan: But he was a strong allie.

Gorgan: How did he die?

Hizan focused.

Hizan: Appearently a fire mage.

Shin looked up.

Hizan: Could it be??

Shin: Its him.

Hizan: Well and I sensed that he's not alone.

Gorgan: What should we do sire?

Hizan: Hmm... I say we show them a bit of our strength.

Shin: Finally...

Gorgan: Shall I call the demons?

Hizan: Maybe just a few...

Shin: I think the three of us should be enough.

Hizan: We still don't know how strong the Valor Kingdom could be. That old bastard Drew might still be alive.

Gorgan: Yes sire!

He ran away to grab the demons.

Hizan: So your little brother...

Shin: He's no pushover...but im going to handle him.

Hizan: Very well.


Kai woke up in the carrage.

Kai: What the!?

Alena: Kai!

She hugged him.

Kai: Oww.

Alena: Sorry.

Kai walked out of the carrage.

Lee: Finally awake?

It was in the afternoon.

Kai: What happened?

Bon: We slayed the monster thats what happened.

Lee held up the gem.

Kai: So what now?

Lee: Im trying to track where they are.

Hamura: Any luck?

Lee: The energy coming off this gem is amazing...

Nanishi: So what were going straight for them?

Lee: No we need to regroup with the Valor Kingdom.

Alena: What for?

Lee: We might need help.

Kai: Alright then.

We arrived at a pretty big town.

Lee: Alright I have a good clue where they might be.

Kai looked down on his hands.

Kai: Lets go.

Lee: But first rest. Everyone here is exhausted and we have a long way to go back to the Valor Kingdom.

Everyone: Alright.

We all rented seperate rooms.

Kai was getting bandaged up by a nurse.

Nurse: Okay you should be fine by tomorrow.

Kai: Thank you.

The nurse left.

Alena: Hello?

Kai: Oh hi.

Alena came in the room.

Alena: Are you doing okay?

Kai: Yeah im fine. How about you?

Alena: This has been the craziest week of my life.

Kai: Hehe...this like every other day for me.

Alena: I never got the chance to say thank you.

Kai: Come on...it was a team effort.

Alena: still thanks for saving me.

Kai: If I didn't I would have gotten killed by your dad hehe.

Alena: Hehe your probably right.

Kai: so...umm... you were talking about your mom?

Alena: Oh yeah....She had died during a war. My father is very protective of me from now on. I can't go anywhere without Lee or a guard.

Kai: So what made you sneak onto the carrage?

Alena: I wanted to see the world and fight for my kingdom. I wanted to stop the Zaku's.

Kai: I see.

Alena: By the way how did you notice me in the carrage?

Kai: For years i've been training to higthen my senses far better than humans and animals.

Alena: Wow.

Kai: If I focus hard enough I can hear through these walls and outside of the building.

Alena: Wow thats crazy.

Alena looked sad.

Kai: Whats wrong?

Alena: It sucks that were going back because this had been the most fun i've ever had in my life.

I've always wanted to learn flyng spells so I can see whats above.

Kai got up from the bed.

Alena: You should be resting. What are you doing?

Kai: Follow me.

Alena: Alright?

They both went downstairs and checked and left the hotel.

Alena: Hehe why are we out here?

Kai kneel down.

Kai: Hop on.

Alena: What!?

Kai: Just do it.

Alena was blushing.

Alena: Okay....

She got on Kai's back and Kai flew up with his flames from underneath.

Alena: Oh my god!!!

Kai: Hold on.

Kai started flying up high.

Alena: Oh my god put me down!

Just then Kai stopped.

Kai: Look.

She looked and their was stars everywhere.

Alena: Wow!!

They both were above the clouds and gliding through the skies.

Alena: Its beautiful....I never thought this world could be this beautiful.

Kai: I always fly up here to clear my head.

They both were just gliding in the sky.

They flew a little lower to see the town.

Alena: Wow....

Kai: Looks amazing doesn't it?

Alena: Yes.

She laid her head on Kai's back.

Alena: Thank you...

We flew back down.

Alena: Thank you so much.

Alena was crying.

Kai: No need to cry princess.

Alena: Hehe....shut up...jerk...

They went back to the hotel but before they went in.

Alena kissed Kai in the cheek.

Alena smiled and ran inside.

Kai touched his cheek.

Kai: Hmm I guess this world is worth living for.

Kai then went inside.


The next morning everyone woke up.

Lee: Alright lets headout!

He had the gem but it looked different.

Hamura: Why does the gem look like that?

Lee: I made it easier to track now anyone can just hold it and track the Zaku's.

Nanishi: Cool now lets....

Lee then fell to his knees.

Alena: Lee are you okay?

Lee: No...I can sense them. They are at....Valor Kingdom.

Alena: What!?

Lee: We must leave now!

We all ran towards the entrance of the village.

Lee: I could fly but only carry two people with me.

Bon: Me and Nanishi can fly.

They both turned into a falcon.

Nanishi: Fastest bird in the world.

Lee: Okay just keep heading straight and you will reach it. Its a big castle you can't miss it.

Nanishi and Bon: Got it!

Lee: Okay...damn how am I gonna carry everyone.

Kai: Just carry Hamura and Len.

Kai picked up Alena with his hands. Kai was holding Alena in front of him.

Kai: Just keep up.

Alena was blushing.

Alena: Oh my god...

Nanishi and Bon: Lets go!

They both started flying fast.

Lee covered himself, Hamura, and Len with a clear sphere around them.

He lifted them up and started flying.

Kai: Here we go!

Kai's legs turned on fire and started running.

Nanishi: Holy shit!!!

Kai looked like a red flaming streak going through the lands.

Alena: Oh my god!!!!!!!!

Kai: Hold on!

Kai was running through the forests so fast burning the ground he was running on.

Lee: (Were coming King Drew!)

Lee flew so fast that Hamura and Len flew backwards towards their sphere.


Hizan: Alright Gorgan release them!

Tons of demons showed up and started attacking the kingdom.

Valor Knights: Protect the kingdom!!!!

Shin jumped over the wall that was surrounding the kingdom.

Hizan: Remember just a warning.

Shin breathed and cold air flew out of his breath.

Shin touched the ground and

a ice circle started forming around him.

From the ground ice was rising up then he launched a huge ice glacier attack at the castle.

The castle was halfway gone.

King Drew: Their here.

Valor Knights: Protect the King!!!

Civilians were running around trying to hide.

Hizan: Alright go and fight my demons!

Shin: Huh.....where are you Kai!?


Nanishi: God damn!!

Bon: Holy shit Kai's fast!

They were above and saw Kai running below them.

Kai was running through little villages and over lakes.

Lee: There it is!!

There was a huge mountain ahead of them and behind the mountain Valor Kingdom was their.

Kai: Fire Boost!!!

Flames from underneath caused and explosion and Kai flew over the mountain.

Alena: AWWWW!!!!!!

Lee: Wow he's good.

Kai landed on the other side of the mountain and started running again.

They arrived at the entrance of Valor Kingdom.

Kai: Damn....im tired...

Everyone else arrived after Kai.

Hamura: Wow amazing Kai!

Bon: Damn your fast!

Kai put Alena down.

Lee: Okay they need our help! Spread out!

Everyone split up seperate ways.

Alena: Kai.

Kai: What?

Kai looked and saw the giant Ice.

Lee: Is that him?

Kai had flames flickering around his body.

Kai: Im ready...


Hizan: Well...well...well.

King Drew: After all these years...your still alive.

Hizan: I was gonna say the same thing to you.

King Drew stood up and drew his sword.

King Drew: You made a mistake invading my kingdom!!!!

Hizan: Lets see if you can still fight old man!

They both rushed each other and clashed so hard that the castle shooked.


Hamura jumped up and slashed a demon in half.

Hamura: Everyone run!!!

Valor Knight: Who are you?

Len: He's with me.

Valor Knight: Sir Len! My apologies but we are losing men!

Len: Spread out and protect the civilians at all cost!!!

Hamura ran straight and stabbed a demon right in the chest.

The demon turned to ash.

Len: Blinding Smite!!!!

His sword and axe both slashed and sliced demons all around.

Hamura: Keep going!

Just then a big demon dropped down.

Gorgan: Hello.

Hamura and Len looked at him.

Hamura: (Oh no...he's trouble.)

Gorgan: So these are the one who killed Dedan. Nice to meet you.

Len pulled out his axe and sword. Hamura gripped his sword.

Hamura: Rawwww!!!!!!


Nanishi and Bon was fighting demons around the town.

Nanishi: Damn it there's no end to this.

Bon: Hey im gonna use Howl.

Nanishi: Go ahead.....

Just then Nanishi got grabbed and tossed towards the castle.

Bon: Nanishi!!!

Bon got punched towards the castle and they both passed out.


Kai jumped up with his legs on fire and kicked a demon towards the entrance.

Kai: Lee take Alena inside the castle!!

Lee: Alright!

Alena: Kai!!!!

Kai was getting surrounded by demons.

Kai: Flame Storm!!!!

Kai put both of his hands down on the ground and flames spread out everywhere causing the demons to burn and die. Little tornado's made of fire was going around sucking up demons and burning them.

Kai: There is that it?

Just then the air around him got cold.

Kai: What the?

Kai stood up and cold smoke was at the bottom of his feet and all around the floor. He was suddenly just in a black void.

Shin: Hello Brother....

Kai pulled out both of his swords out and covered it with flames.

Kai: Im not afraid of you!!!

Shin: Oh I know...Its good to see my brother after all these years.

Shin appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the dark void.

Kai: Your not my brother.

Shin made two ice swords from his hands.

Shin: Still don't know how to use elemental shaping huh?

Kai: Shut it!!! Im going to kill you once and for all!!!!!

Shin: Hehe finally a challenge!!!

They both rushed each other and the dark void and smoke disappeared and they were in the middle of the town.


King Drew stabbed Hizan but Hizan turned into a shadow and covered King Drew with chains and threw him back towards his throne.

King Drew: Dammit....

Hizan: Too slow oldman.

Lee: Call lightning!

Lightning struck and Hizan flew away.

Alena: Stay away from him!!!

Alena ran toward her dad.

Hizan: She did that?

Lee: No I did.

Hizan: Lee...am I right?

Hizan started walking towards Lee.

Hizan: I've heard about you.

Lee: Im going to stop you right here and now!!!

Hizan blasted a dark blast towards Lee.

Lee: Chaos Bolt!

A bolt of energy blasted and smoke appeared.

Hizan appeared behind Lee.

Hizan: Your slow!

Hizan slashed but it was a clone that turned into ash.

Hizan: What the!?

Lee: Earth Bind!!!!

The earth around Hizan surrounded him and Hizan got caught.

Lee: Guiding Bolt!!!!!

A energy was flying downwards on Hizan.

Hizan: AWWWW!!!!!!!!!!

Smoke appeared.

Lee jumped backwards.

Lee: King Drew step away.

King Drew: He's not dead

Lee: I know.

Hizan: Hmm hahahahaha!!! Finally after all these years a challenge!!!!!

Lee: Shit!


They all looked tired.

Gorgan had two giant kunai knives that also fit into his knuckles.

Len: Blade ward!!!

Len's weapon glowed and tried slashing but Gorgan deflected it with his kunai.

Len: What!?

Gorgan punched Len right in the face and Len got cut and flew back towards the house.

Hamura: Spinning splash!!!!

Hamura spun and cut his chest.

Hamura then stabbed his sword into the ground and kicked Gorgan far away.

Len walked up.

Gorgan: Damn it.

Len rushed first again and used his sword and slashed again.

Hamura rushed and sliced across the face.

Gorgan: Damn it.

Hamura: Silent Flash Strike!

Hamura was charging ahead but Gorgan grabbed a civilian nearby and Hamura stopped.

Hamura: (shit!)

Gorgan punched Hamura towards the castle.

Len: Blinding Smite!!!!

Gorgan used the person he was carrying.

Len: Shit!!!

He had to slash downwards on the ground.

Len: Damn it!

Gorgan then punched Len across the street and a giant building fell down on Len.

Hamura dashed out so fast that Gorgan didn't see it coming. Hamura slashed his hand.

Hamura: Run!!!

The civilian ran away.

Gorgan: Damn it!!!!

Gorgan had demon aura showing all around him.

Hamura slashed but Gorgan blocked it with his blades.

Gorgan then grabbed Hamura and slammed him into the ground.

Gorgan: Easy enough. Hahahaha!!!


Kai jumped up with his flame swords and attacked Shin.

Shin blocked it with his ice sword.

Shin: Still rusty.

Kai covered his legs with fire and spin kicked Shin.

Shin blocked Kai's leg and threw Kai towards a house.

Shin: Is that all you got?

A fire kunai flew towards Shin and scratched his cheek.

Shin: Tsk! Not bad.

Kai jumped out of the building and rushed with his sword.

Shin grabbed the blade.

Kai: What!?

The sword froze and broke in half.

Shin covered his fist in ice.

Shin: Hehe.

Shin punched Kai in the stomach then slammed him into the ground.

Kai pushed himself up and Kai covered his flames with a leg and kicked down.

Shin made a ice shield.

Kai: RAAWWW!!!!!!!!

The ice was slowly melting but then Kai's leg started turning frozen.

Kai: What the hell!?

Shin put his hands in front of him and blasted a ice blast towards Kai and Kai flew in the middle of the kingdom.

Their was a giant pillar and Kai hit it and fell down.

Kai spit out blood.

Shin: Giving up already?

Kai came and punched Shin with a fire fist.

Shin punched back with a ice fist and the impact blew them both away.

Shin stomped on the ground and ice was barreling towards Kai. Kai jumped up.

Kai: Firebolt!!!!!!

The firebolt was heading towards Shin.

Shin had a giant ice block show up and block the firebolt.

Kai: Fire Blast!!!!

Kai punched and a giant flame was coming towards Shin.

Shin swung and a ice blast shot upwards and froze the fire.

Kai jumped over the frozen fire and launched straight towards Shin.

Kai landed one huge punch at Shin.

Shin flew off.

Kai: Gotchu...

Shin: not bad....

Just then Shin came from behind Kai and made a ice kunai and stabbed Kai.

Kai coughed out blood.

Shin: You wanna know why your weak?

Kai suddenly appeared behind Shin with a kunai that was on fire.

Kai tried slashing but Shin made a ice that blocked the blade.

Shin grabbed Kai and slammed him onto the ground.

Kai was injured.

Shin tapped the floor with his feet and ice covered Kai.

Shin: You don't have a reason for fighting me.

Kai covered his whole body with flames.

Shin made a bunch of ice swords floating around Kai.

Shin: Sorry Kai. You did good. But your still far away from me. The only reason your doing this is because of hate.

Kai: What other reason do you need!?

Shin: Tsk...tsk... you don't have a clear goal. Thats why you will always be weaker than me. Revenge blurry's one's vision.

Shin closed his fist and the ice swords stabbed Kai.

Kai coughed up blood.

Shin made the ice disappeared.

Shin: Nice try Kai.


Hizan and Lee was fighting and launched into the sky.

They were flying.

Lee: Elemental Bane!!!!!

Lee's staff slammed into Hizan and swung at Hizan.

Hizan dodged the staff and grabbed Lee by the throat.

Hizan flew straight down and slammed through the castle and onto the floor.

Alena: Lee!!!!!!

Lee: Damn it...

Hizan grabbed his staff and snapped it in half.

Hizan: Sorry but this is a final warning....stay away from us.

Gorgan and Shin walked in carrying everyone.

Gorgan: So these are the individuals? Hahahaha.

King Drew: Oh my god.

Alena was crying and covered her mouth.

Shin threw Kai towards the middle.

Gorgan threw Len and Hamura away towards Alena and King Drew.

Hizan: How many did they take out?

Gorgan: The Knights took out most of them.

Hizan: As expected of the Knights of Valor.

Gorgan went outside and called the demons and went away.

Hizan: This is a warning.

Alena: Kai!!

Shin: Kai? This your girlfriend? Hehe.

Hizan: Was he troubled?

Shin: Nope.

Shin looked around the castle and saw it destroyed.

Shin: Looks like you struggled.

Hizan: Hahaha.

Shin slammed Kai on the floor.

Hizan made a purple sword out of nowhere and stabbed Lee and threw him away towards the throne.

Alena: Lee!

Hizan: Let us leave.

Just then Kai grabbed Shin's leg.

Kai's hands turned into fire and was gripping the leg.

Kai: no...im....not.....done...

Shin felt it burning.

Shin picked up Kai by the throat.

Shin: This will kill you. See you brother...you chose the wrong side.

Shin's hand was covered in ice and Kai's throat was getting frozen and his whole body was getting cold.

Kai covered his hands with fire and grabbed Shin's arm.

Hizan: Wow...very persistent. What a waste of talent.

Shin threw Kai towards the throne.

Hizan: This was a warning from the Zaku's!

Hizan blasted a large blast and the roof and castle was caving in.

Smoke covered everything.


Valor Knights: My King!!!!

Civilians and Knights were looking for each of them and brought them to the nurse building.

Lee was bleeding out.

Valor Knight: Sir! We found two more individuals.

It was Nanishi and Bon.

King Drew: I failed my kingdom.

Valor Knight: No we failed you...

Lee grabbed King Drew's arm.

Lee: Im....so....sorry..

Alena: Lee rest.

Kind Drew stabbed his sword and onto the ground and started healing Lee, Hamura, Nanishi, Bon, and Len.

Kind Drew looked like he was getting old.

Alena: Father.

Valor Knight: Sire!

King Drew: Its okay.

Lee was slowly getting healed.

Lee: Thank you.

Hamura woke up.

Bon: My head hurts.

Nanishi: Yeah.

Alena was looking around.

Alena: Where's Kai.

Everyone looked around.

Valor Knight: Im sorry but we couldn't find him in the debris.

Alena: No!!

She ran towards the castle that was broken.

Valor Knight: My lady.

King Drew: Its fine.


Alena was digging through the debris.

Alena: No!! No!!!!

Lee grabbed her shoulder.

Lee: Stop...

Everyone was their.

Alena: No!!! He might still be alive!!!!!!!

Everyone was upset, injured, and was crying.

Alena bumped into Lee and ran away.

Nanishi and Bon was going to run after her but Kind Drew stop them.

Lee: I can't feel Kai's energy.

Just then.

Lee: Oh no!

Hamura: What?

Lee: The tracking gem is gone!

King Drew: Men look for the gem.


Alena had her sword and the gem.

Alena: Im going to kill them.

She left and ran away.


Lee and the others sat down.

Valor Knight: Sir!! Your daughter left the kingdom.

King Drew: What!?

King Drew tried walking but fell.

Valor Knight: Sire!!

Lee: We need to find her.

King Drew: She's my only daughter I can't lose her.


Kai was freezing and a boulder was on top of him.

Kai's whole body and cells were freezing.

Kai: (Shin is right....I don't know what im fighting for...my family I couldn't avenge them)

Just then Kai heard them through the debris and heard them talking.

Valor Knight: Sir! Alena is gone!

Kai felt his fire coming back.

Kai: RAAWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His whole body was warming up and his magic was coming back.

The debris around him was burning.


Nanishi: Do you guys hear that?

Everyone looked at the debris.

Just then fire and flames rose up and exploded and bricks blew up and melted.

Everyone looked at the debris and saw Kai standing there.

Hamura: He's still alive!

Lee: Kai!

Kai was breathing hard.

Kai: Im not planning to die yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kai breathed out fire and the whole kingdom was lighten up.

Every civilian was looking at it.

Lee: That guy is crazy.

Kai jumped and landed near them.

Kai saw his sword on the ground.

Kai: Where are the Zaku's?


Lee: Its good that your still alive.

Kai: Same to you.

Nanishi: Alright you said were gonna track them?

Bon: Yeah how? Alena took the Gem.

Kai held up a piece of fabric.

Lee: Whats that?

Kai: This is Shin's clothing piece that I ripped off.

Nanishi: We can track that.

Kai: Exactly.

Valor Knights: What makes you think you guys can defeat them?

Civilian: Yeah look what they did to our Kingdom!

Everyone was rioting.

King Drew: Enough!!!!!

Kai: Its alright....everyone here has a reason to doubt us...

Civilian: Yeah!!... So what makes you.....

Kai: But!!!!

Kai's body turned on fire.

Kai: But...Before I was to lost in my own revenge that I forgot what I was fighting for....but now I know what im gonna fight for. I have a purpose and now im gonna end the Zaku's now.

Kai's energy flew around the whole kingdom.

Valor Knight: I've never felt magic like that since King Drew.

Lee: I agree.

Hamura: Me as well.

Len: Im going as well. Knights Of Valor check the kingdom and help us rebuild.

Valor Knights: Yes Sir!!!!!

They all scattered.

Nanishi and Bon both turned into giant wolves that were as tall as us.

Kai: King Drew...we will bring your daughter back.

King Drew: Thank you....Lee.

Lee looked behind him.

King Drew: Take this.

He gave him his sword.

King Drew: It belongs to you.

Lee: Thank you.

Lee swung it and put the sword behind his back.

Hamura dust himself off and Len took off his helmet.

Kai: Lets go!

We all bursted out of the kingdom and was running alongside with Nanishi and Bon.


Alena: Raww!!!!

She slashed one of the demons.

Their was a giant cave at the top of mountain. And below was a large valley filled with demons.

Alena jumped right in the middle and was slashing and killing the demons.

Hizan: Ohh....we have a follower.

Gorgan: Hahaa she's going to get eaten alive!!!!

The demons surrounded her until a white light showed up and the demons flew everywhere.

Alena's eyes were glowing white and had a white aura surrounding her.

Hizan: She's just like her father...

She swung her sword and the slash cleared out a huge section of the demons.

Hizan: Dark Bolt.

He blasted a dark bolt at Alena and Alena blocked it with her sword. The impact was too strong that Alena had gotten knocked back towards the forest.

Alena: oww...

Hizan: Demons finish her!!!!! Hahahahaha!!!

Just then Len jumped in the middle of the demons and slashed them towards the mountain.

All the demons were confused.

Hamura jumped in and stabbed Gorgan off the mountain and into the ground.

Gorgan: AWWW!!!!

Hizan: Gorgan!

The demons were still coming for Alena.

Kai: Fire Sphere!!!!!!

Kai made a giant Fire Sphere that blasted most of the demons towards the mountain. Hizan and Shin was shaking.

The ground was burnt to ash.

Alena looked up.

Kai: How you holding up princess.

Alena: Kai!

Shin: Kai!!!!!

Hizan: Hmph...he's still alive.

Shin looked angry.

Lee showed up.

Hizan: What!?

Lee: Alright so how's this going down?

Alena jumped up and hugged Kai.

Kai: Hehe...

Alena: Im so glad your alive!!

Kai: Yes im not planning on dying anytime soon.

Lee: So the plan?

Kai: Well...Len and Hamura is gonna handle that giant dude.

Everyone saw Hamura and Len fighting Gorgan.

Kai: Alright...im gonna handle Shin.

Nanishi: You sure you got that?

Kai looked up at the mountain and saw him.

Kai: Im sure.

Lee: Then im guess im going round two with Hizan.

Kai: Just hold him off long enough for us to come help you.

Lee put his thumb up.

Kai: So now we just need to get rid of the demons.

Their was thousands of them rushing from the bottom of the valley.

Nanishi: Let us handle that.

Bon: Yep!

Alena: How?

Nanishi: Trust us.

Kai: Alright then. Alena stay with them.

Alena: Got it.

Nanishi and Bon both turned into a giant werewolf and was standing on their feet.

Bon and Nanishi both howled into the sky. It was night with the full moon.

Just then thousands of wolves and werewolfes came from the forest and was rushing the demons.

Lee: Woah!!

Hizan: This doesn't seem good.

Shin: Let them come.

All the wolves attacked the demons and their was a full war going on.

Nanishi: Go!!!!

He sounded scary.

Lee and Kai both rushed.

Lee: This sword feels amazing.

Lee: Elemental Bane.

He covered his sword an a goldish aura.

He was slashing his way through.

Kai covered his sword with flames.

Kai: Take this!!

Kai punched with his right fist and a giant explosion of fire blasted the demons away from the mountain.

Lee: Keep moving.

Lee and Kai both jumped up towards Hizan and Shin.

Kai: RAAWWW!!!!!

Kai punched Shin and Lee kicked Hizan.

They both flew away back into the cave.

Shin: Tsk!

Hizan: Run back into the cave.

Lee and Kai followed them.

Alena: Go...


Gorgan: Hahaha back again!??

They were on the side of the mountain.

Hamura pulled out his sword slowly.

Len: Alright lets finish this.

Len rushed first.

Len was slashing and Gorgan was deflecting each of his hits.

Hamura then jumped and sliced Gorgan's back.

Gorgan turned around and punched Hamura with his blade.

Hamura blocked the attack with his blade and flew back.

Len jumped in and swung his axe and stabbed Gorgan in the back. Gorgan turned around and hit Len.

Len blocked it with his sword and swung back again.

Hamura jumped over and sliced Gorgans head.

Len swung with his sword and axe and knocked him him away.

Gorgan screamed and let out a roar.

Gorgan: Come here!!!!!!!

Gorgan had a purple aura surrounding him.

Hamura: Lets finish this!!!!!!

Len: Valor Aura!!!!!!!

Gorgan rushed and Hamura both rushed each other.


Lee and Kai was running in a dark hallway.

Just then they arrived at a huge room and Hizan was sitting on the throne with Shin next to him.

Hizan: You two really want to do this?

Lee held the sword in one of his hands and on the other one a energy blast on his hand.

Lee: This ends here and now.

Shin: I agree.

Kai was silent.

Shin: Brother...im suprised you survived.

Kai was slowly walking towards Shin and took out his sword.

Shin: Your gonna use that again? Hahahahaha!!!!!!

Kai covered the blade with flames.

Hizan: (Hmmm....he seems different)

Shin walked up slowly and made a ice blade.

Shin: Lets try this again.

Just then Kai threw his sword across the room. Kai took off his satchel with kunai's and ninja stars.

Kai covered his hands with fire.

Kai: Im going to kill you with these hands!

Shin: Hmmm a battle of just magic. Im interested.

Shin rushed Kai but Kai dissapeared.

Shin: What!?

Kai appeared behind Shin and kicked him.

Shin got back up and blasted ice towards Kai.

Kai got hit and flew back.

Shin blasted a huge ice glacier and broke the mountain.

Shin: Meet me out here.

Shin jumped away.

Kai: Lee.

Lee: Wassup?

Kai: Stay alive.....because im going to win this fight.

Kai left.

Hizan: Hehe..... getting cocky.

Lee: Your oppenent is me!!!

Lee rushed.

Hizan: Here we go!!!


Nanishi: God damn there's no end to them!!!

Nanishi clawed one and threw him towards a tree.

Bon: Keep at it!!!

Bon lunged onto one and started biting a demon and turned to ash.

Alena swung all around killing the demons.

Alena: Damn....to much demons.


Gorgan: RAWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

Hamura: RAWW!!!!

Len: RAWW!!!!!!

They both rushed.

The fighting was so strong that the mountain was shaking.

Gorgan slashed Len and Len slashed back at him.

Hamura: Speed Slash!!!!!!

Gorgan had a giant slash on his face.

Gorgan: Damn it!!!

Hamura: Len we gotta finish this now!!!

Len rushed in.

Gorgan broke both of Lens weapon and stabbed Len right in the shoulders.

Gorgan: Hehe!!!

Just then Len looked straight at him.

Len punched Gorgan in the stomach.

Gorgan: ACK!!!!!

Len: RAWWW!!!!!!!

Len threw Gorgan upwards into the sky.

Gorgan: What the!?

Hamura: Ultimate strike!!!!

Hamura's incredible aura was coming out of him.

Hamura: 2 charge!!!!!

He gripped his sword.

Then he slashed so fast that Len couldn't even see him take out his sword from the case.

Gorgan: ACK!!!!!!

He coughed out blood then turned into ash.

Hamura landed back down on the ground.

Len: Huh.....huh....

Hamura: nice....work....


Kai and Shin landed in the middle of the forest.

Shin: Mind clearing out the field.

Kai exploded and fire burned down the tree's surrounding the area.

Wind started blowing.

Shin distanced himself from Kai.

Shin: This going to be our last battle.

Kai was just staring at him.

Shin: In all honesty you should have joined us.

Kai: ....

Shin: I was hoping you would.....but im gonna end this fight.


Shin: Little brother. Haven't you learned from out last fight?

Kai kept looking at Shin.

Shin: Oh...so you did learn. You have a reason now don't you?

Kai: .....

Shin: Its the girl isn't it?

Kai: Lets...in this stupid fight.....once and for all.

Shin: Oh.....you seem stronger. But im going to kill you once and for all. Your predictible....your never going to be stronger than me! You know why I am stronger?!!!! Because I've got nothing to lose!!!

Kai had flames roaring around him.

Kai: All my life.....I wanted to get revenge....but now...I have a reason to fight.....Im going to win!!!! And im going to return to protect the ones that I love!!!!!!!!

Kai let up in flames.

Kai: RAWWWWW!!!!!!!!

Shin let out ice and had a blue aura.

Shin: RAWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!

They both rushed at each other.


Lee slashed at Hizan and Hizan started bleeding.

Hizan: Never had anyone leave a mark besides King Drew.

Lee: Yeah and im gonna be the one to kill you.

Hizan slashed a giant purple blast towards Lee.

Lee: Wall force!!!!

A invisible wall came up and blocked the blast.

Hizan appeared from behind.

Hizan had large claws and striked Lee.

Lee blocked with his sword.

Lee: Earth bind!!!

Hizan jumped up.

Hizan: You really thought I fall for that again!? Hahahaha!!!!!!

Lee: I made you jump for a reason.

Hizan looked up.

Hizan: (What!?)

Lee: Five layer magic circle!!!!

A giant ring appeared and struck Hizan.

Hizan flew away and coughed out blood.

Hizan: RAWW!!!!!!!!

Hizan's eyes turned purple.

Hizan: Demon slash!!!!!!!!

Hizan slashed Lee across the chest.

Lee deflected upwards and flipped away.

Hizan: Demon Form!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His energy was shaking the entire mountain.

Lee: Ancient Mage Awakening!!!!

Lee's eyes turned golden.

Lee covered his sword with many elements.

Lee rushed first and Hizan's claws turned bigger and had purple aura around it.

They both clashed and flew up.

Alena: Is that Lee?

Nanishi: Holy shit!?

Bon: Woah.

Hamura: Amazing.

They both were flying and clashing around the whole area.

Lee and Hizan both hit each other and they both flew apart.

Hizan: Demon Energy!!!

Hizan put his hands together and a giant purple ball appeared. Pink and purple electricity was flowing around the ball.

Lee: Chromatic Orb!!!!

5 different elements showed up and Lee mixed them together.

Hizan: DIEEE!!!!!!!!!

Lee: Take IT!!!!!!!!!!

They both blasted the blast at each other and the impact caused an explosion that shook the entire surrounding area.

They both fell down back into the cave.

Hizan: damn....it.

Lee used his swords to slowly get up.

Lee: Im.....not....done.


Shin and Kai both rushed and were fighting eacg other hand to hand.

Kai punched but Shin deflected his fist with the ice.

Shin blasted a ice blast and Kai flew back.

Kai then jumped and kicked down with flames.

Shin made an ice shield.

Shin: Aren't you reapeating the same thing!?

Kai added more flames to his legs.

Kai: RAWWW!!!!!!!

Shin: (what!?)

The ice broke.

Kai slammed Shin onto the ground with his kick.

Shin: ACK!!!!!!

Shin then punched Kai away.

Kai flew backwards.

Shin: How!!!!!!

Kai slowly got up.

Shin: How did you get stronger!!!!!!

Kai made flames show up on his hands.

Kai: Come here!!!

Kai jumped upwards towards Shin.

Shin jumped and they both collided.

The surrounding area was covered in ice and flames.

Shin then made a giant ice hammer and swung at Kai.

Kai: Fire Shield!!!!

Shin launched Kai towards the wall of the mountain.

Before Kai hit the wall Kai flipped himself away and blasted fire from underneath. His whole body was on fire and launching fast towards Shin.

Shin: Shit!

Shin stomped the floor and ice was tumbling towards Kai.

Kai dodged it.

Shin: Shit!

Kai: Blazing Impact!!!!!!!!

Kai punched Shin in the stomach and the explosion erupted flames everywhere.


Bon: Woah!!!!

Hamura: Is that Kai?

Alena: Wow...he's amazing.

Len: Heads up more demons!!!!


Lee and Hizan felt the impact.

Hizan: (is Shin losing?)

Lee: What....you worried?

Hizan looked angry.


Kai front flipped then landed on his feet.

Kai: Huh.....

Smoke was covering the area.

Kai: Did....that...do it?

Shin: nope....

Kai: What!? That was one of my strongest moves.

Shin: You may not know shape manipulation but you also don't know this as well!

Shin's eyes was glowing blue and his body was letting out cold ice and cold mist.

Shin: This is it!!

Kai: Fire Bolt!!!

He launched a firebolt towards Shin but before it hit him the fire turned into cold air and disappeared.

Kai: What!?

It was getting cold and Kai was shaking.

Shin: Alright brother.... this is it. You see...when you have nothing to lose your more dangerous. Having friends and family make you weaker.

Shin touched the floor and ice was rising.

Kai: Shit!!!

Shin: Ice Glacier!!!!!!!

Shin launched a giant ice blast at Kai and a giant glacier that was the size of the mountain.

The blast hit the cave that Hizan and Lee was in.


Hizan: Hahahaha....I guess I wasn't worried at all.

Lee: I can't feel his magic.


Hamura: Oh no.

Nanishi: God damn thats a giant glacier.

Bon: Thats not a glacier....its a mountain!

Alena: KAI!!!!!!


Shin was still in his awakening mode.

Shin slowly walked up the glacier.

Shin: You did good brother.... Sorry.

Alena ran up to the glacier and put her hand on it.

Alena: No....don't lose....please...I want to stay with you....

Hamura: Alena watch out!!

Demons showed up around her.

Shin was standing on top of the glacier.

Shin: Hmph....idiot.

Just then flames rose up from the ground around Alena and the flames turned into spike that stabbed the demons. The demons turned into ash.

Everyone was confused.

Hamura: Who else uses flame magic?

Shin: What the? I thought she was gonna die.

Just then the glacier that Shin was standing on flames erupted.

Shin: What!???

The ice then was cut into pieces by flames.

Shin fell and landed on the side of the mountain.

Shin: What the!? 

Kai was standing their with his eyes glowing red and flame was around him like aura. Kai had a flame sword on his hand.

Shin: ( He managed to learn elemental awakening and Element Control?)

Kai: I have people to look after!!!!!!! I have things to lose but thats why im stronger than you!!!

Kai jumped towards Shin.

Kai: I have a reason to fight!!!!

Kai jumped towards Shin and Shin made a ice sword and rushed Kai.

They both clashed and fire and ice was spreading alongside the mountain.

Shin: Just die!!!!

Kai slashed Shin in the chest.

Shin covered his arm with ice and punched Kai upwards the mountain.

Kai flipped backwards and started flying towards Shin.

Shin made a giant ice sword and swung.

Just then Kai was gone.

Shin: What!?

Kai was above Shin.

Kai was falling down and punched the ground.

Shin moved out of the way.

Kai looked straight at Shin.

Kai released flames that were shaped as spikes and  tumbling towards Shin.

Shin blasted up a wall of ice and deflected the blast.

Shin stomped the floor and ice was barrelling towards Kai.

Kai was running and dodging the ices.

Kai: Fire Beam!!!!!

Kai punched and a fire beam was coming towards Shin.

Shin: Ice beam!!!

He launched the blast and smoke appeared everywhere.

Shin: Where...did....you go?

Just then light shined on Shin's face.

Shin: What the!?

The whole land around and valley was looked as if the sun had come up.

Kai: GIANT FLAME SPHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was huge.


Valor Knight: Look!!!!

Everyone in the kingdom saw it.

King Drew: Thats Kai isn't it? Hmph....this new generation is crazy.


Hizan was in the cave.

Hizan: What is that!???

Lee punched Hizan out of the cave.


Every demon looked up and saw the fire.

Alena: Holy Shit!!!!!

Lee punched Hizan out and landed on top of Hizan.

Lee had a sword to his neck.

Len: Lee!!!!

Alena: Lee!!

Hamura: He got him!

The flame was so bright that everyone had to close their  eyes.

Shin: Ice Glacier!!!

Shin launched it upwards.

Kai slammed the giant flame sphere on top of the mountain.

Kai: RAWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ice melted and broke.

The ball was about to hit Shin.

Kai: (What the?)

Shin was smiling.

The ball hit Shin and the entire mountain burned off and blasted the entire cave.

Most of the demons flew away or turned into ash.

Hizan punched Lee's sword away and kicked Lee away.

The impact blew Hizan towards a tree.

Lee: Everyone!!!

Lee stabbed his sword into the ground and a giant forcefield appeared.

Nanishi and Bon turned back to human.

Bon: Holy shit!!!! the impact is crazy.

The flame dissapeared and the top of the mountain was caved in and burnt.

The mountain had burnt parts and lava spots.

Kai landed all the way down next to Shin's body and landed on his feet.

Kai: Huh.....

Kai breathed and smoke came out.

Shin was burnt and injured.

Kai: I....won.

Shin: no...dammit...


The sun was rising and the night was over.

Most of the demons ran away.

Hizan slowly got up.

Hizan: Oww..

He looked up and saw the team except Kai.

Hizan: oh....no.

Lee: It's over.

Hizan layed on his back against the tree.

Hizan: I....refuse...to get....killed....by....you people.


Shin: im suprised....you....beat me.

Shin coughed up blood.

Kai: I....have one question.

Shin: What?

Kai: Why did you join them!? I was alone for years!!!!! I had to learn to fight on my own!!

Shin: Do you remember how our village was like...??

Kai: not really.

Shin: our village was really evil...if the Zaku's didn't take over our clan would have. Thats why...when...the Zaku killed the clan I could become stronger and hoped for you to become stronger with me.

Kai: you chose the wrong path. I never wanted to kill and spread families apart. Even if our clan was evil im gonna change that name and do what I believe is right.

Shin: hehe...im really sorry about everything.....this time your not going to be alone...anymore....You have the princess.

Kai: Hehe....thats not her name....hehe.

Shin: Thats why I can trust you with this.

He held out his hand.

Kai shook his hand then suddenly Shin's body was glowing blue and the Ice powers transferred to Kai.

Kai: woah....thank you brother.

Shin died and smiled.

Kai went up to Shin and made a proper burial.

Kai: Bye brother.


Everyone saw the blue beam show up on top of the mountain.

Hizan: Hahahaha Shin's energy just became stronger!!!! Hahahaha.

Nanishi: Did Kai lose?

Alena: No he couldn't.

Hizan: Hahaha none of you guys can beat Shin and me together. You lose!!!!!

Just then Kai made a ice sword and ran down the mountain.

Kai slashed Hizan.

Hizan: Ack!!!! What!?

Everyone looked shocked.

Kai: When you see my brother...tell him I said thanks.

Hizan: You absorbed his.....powers?

Everyone looked relieved.

Alena: Kai!

Hamura: Good job.

Nanishi: Finally.

Hizan was slowly turning into ash.

Hizan: It doesn't matter if I die..... There are more demons....monsters....and threats all around the world...this world...is far from perfect....

Kai: Then thats why were here.

We all stood up.

Hizan turned into ash.

Lee walked up to Kai.

Lee: Aren't you glad that I walked into that bar?

Kai: Hehe...yep.

Bon: Wow first time I saw you smile.

Everyone started smiling.

Alena walked up to Kai.

Alena: Its good to have you back.

Kai: You too.


He passed out on the floor.

Nanishi: Im gonna join him.

He fell asleep.

Hamura tapped Len's shoulder.

Hamura: We did good Knight.

Len: Thanks.

Lee looked into the sky.

Lee: Finally.


After a few weeks the kingdom was slowly building up.

The heroes gotten awards and a huge cermony that everyone was celebrating.

King Drew: To the heroes that took down the Zaku's!!!!!

Civilian: YEAHHHH!!!!!

Alena was standing next to her father and was handing out medals.

Nanishi: Can't believe we made it.

Bon: WOOHH!!!!!

Len was standing up their with pride.

Hamura:  I am very proud to be here.

Kai looked down on the medal.

Kai: Hmph.

Kai looked at Alena and Alena was smiling.


Lee, Hamura, Kai, and Alena was at the entrance of the kingdom.

Hamura: Of course.

Lee: Where is Len?

Alena: My father promoted him to train our new recruits. Im proud of that soilder.

Lee: We are to.

Alena: I can't believe you guys are leaving.

Hamura: Yes....I must return to my village to tell them the news.

Lee: And yes I must go and spread the word.

Alena: Nanishi and Bon are going to stay here and protect the kingdom.

Hamura: Bye Friends! I hope to one day work with you guys again!!!

Hamura left.

Lee: Alright then im going to be on my way.

Alena hugged Lee.

Alena: Thank you for everything.

Lee walked away.

Alena looked at Kai.

Alena: Why do you have to go?

Kai: There is a new power that I must learn how to control.

Cold air came out of Kai's hand.

Kai: I must control it.

Alena looked down.

Alena: I see.

Kai: Hey....

Alena: What?

Kai kissed Alena on the forehead.

Kai: Make sure you stay strong princess.

Alena blushed.

Alena: ummmm...I...will...hehe.

Kai then disappeared and whats left is embers and flames.

Alena: Bye heroes.

And that was the first story of our heroes.

