
A dream of freedom

this is a journal of dreams that i am willing to share. these dreams are purely for plot ideas and hold no meaning or purpose. simply a place to share dreams.

YoungByrd · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Dream 4

Classroom Chaos

A young girl is sitting in her classroom minding her own business by herself with a comic on her nose and eyes filled with curiosity of the adventure she was watching. A boy storms over to her and takes her book from her, disrupting the flow of the story she was reading. The boy had a mean, metal filled smile on his face when he spoke to her, his voice, though with a threatening tone, was still soft and childish as it jumped from one strange pitch to another as if he was trying to force his voice to be stronger.

Carter: "Look at this. She's reading backwards. Are you stupid or something?"

Geeni: "… it's a comic book from overseas, Carter. It's normal to read it backwards since that's how they write it."

Carter: "So everyone over there is stupid like you?"

Geeni: "I'm pretty sure stupid people don't make a lot of money selling the clothes you wear."

Carter: "No dah! All of my clothes are from China."

Geeni: "And all your technology and cool games are from Japan and Korea."

Geeni snatches the book away from Carter and holds the back of the book to his face with a label that reads Made In Japan.

Geeni: "Just like this book is."

Geeni opens the book and finds her page to continue reading while the other students listening in start giggling and whispering around the room. Carter started turning red in the face from frustration. He snatches the book away again, chucks it as hard as he could out the window and into the tree where it gets stuck. Geeni stands in her seat and shouts at him.

Geeni: "What the fuck is your problem, man!? The day literally just fucking started!"

The room now fills with oohs from Geeni's swearing so loudly. Her shouting scars Carter to back into the window and nearly fall through it. No one expected Geeni to leave her seat and catch him by his shirt before he fell. She yanks him close to her and then throws him out of the way in that same instant.

She looks out the window and scans the tree in front of her. She spots the book near the center of the tree opened over a thin branch that seemed read to snap. Without a second thought she hops onto the window seal and jumps across with no hesitation. She lands on the thick of the nearest branch as Carter and the others watch her in horror. Geeni creeps her way across the tree with ease as if she knew what she was doing. The fact that she was doing so well started to upset Carter as the class started to praise Geeni for her bravery. Carter makes his way to the window and gets ready to follow her out of spite when the teacher enters the room and stops him.

Teacher: "Carter!! What are you doing!? Get out of that window now!!"

The teacher yanks Cater out of the window and he starts flailing while everyone continues to watch Geeni work her way to the book in the tree. As soon as the teacher notices her, she drops Carter and screams from panic as soon as Geeni grabs her book.

Teacher: "Geeni!! Oh my god!! Stay there Geeni! Please don't move! I'll call somebody to get you down!! Oh my god!! Please don't move! You come here and sit down! Don't you move!"

Carter is forced to sit in a seat across the room by the door while the teacher rushes to the phone in the room and calls the janitor. Carter wasn't going to just sit there and watch Geeni get all the attention, so he leaves out the door and rushes out to the yard where the tree was. The teacher couldn't get in touch with the janitor and started to panic more until she saw Carter duck out and dash down the hall.

Teacher: "Carter!!! CARTER!!!"

Geeni: "God damn, she as loud as ever. hm…"

Geeni looks around the tree and sees no easy way down the tree and the way back is too unstable.

Geeni: "… Guess I'll just get comfy and wait for the janitor to see me."

Geeni finds a comfortable spot in the tree and checks the damage done to the book before she continues to read it. Her peace didn't last that long when she feels the tree shake under her from being hit by something.

Janitor: "Hey!! You alright up there, kiddo?!"

Geeni: "I'm good. How bout you mister?"

Janitor: "I'm doing a'right here."

Geeni: "How'd you get here so fast? The teacher literally just called your room."

Janitor: "I saw what that little twat did. I was going to grab this ladder to get your book back for you. Though I see you're just impatient."

Geeni: "Sorry."

The Janitor puts the ladder on the tree for Geeni and helps her down, as her teacher rushes out to see them safe. The teacher takes Geeni back as they wave their farewells.