
Chapter 1:Normal day

I woke up feeling like I just ate a hole bag of marshmallows(I was feeling great.)I went downstairs and ate blueberry pancakes.It was a Saterday so no school.My mom was at work and I don't know my dad.So I was home alone.I heard a knock on the door and went to check who it could be.No one was there I looked and looked and never thought to look down…Until I did there was a basket.With something shocking in it…

CHAPTER 2:The egg…

I looked down to see and egg in a basket!!!It looked bigger than a regular animal egg that I've ever seen.I gave it a nice spot in my room under my bed so I would not get in trouble.Whatever it was it was going to hatch soon so I had to get it a new home!!!

Chapter 3:the dragon

A month later it hatched I saw what it was and in shock went to a cave and put it down safely.I found it some fish and it was a dragon.I never new they were real!!!Then a massive dragon and someone on it that looked like a dragon rider flew to me.They said to hop on and bring the small dragon.They said there name was ash and his dragons name was smoke they were the princes of DRAGONS!!!