
You Really Don't Realize The Effect You Have On Others, Do You?

Zeldris had to laugh. He never would have imagined a katzkin acting like a housecat but supposed that Ava was too much to resist. 

"What's so funny?" she asked. 

"You really don't realize the effect you have on others, do you?"

"Uh, no?"

"Never mind. Here's your food. Eat up so we can head back. Hopefully we'll be able to find this little one's family but if not, it'll have a safe place to be." 

Katzkin weren't terribly powerful on their own. They were easy targets for the beasts living in these woods, which was why they teamed up with his faction in the first place. It was all done for the sake of protection. 

When they finished eating, Ava gingerly picked up Ginzi and held him close, careful not to hurt his leg, when they teleported back. He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, "Hey, is this anybody's kitten? His name is Ginzi and he was lost in the woods!"