
So. You're Starbright

Sadie woke up in bed when she specifically remembered falling asleep on the couch. With nothing better to do, she had ended up hanging out with the kids and trying to get a better read on them for the rest of the day. They all had a lot of questions for her and she did her best to fudge her way through them considering she really didn't know her husband at all.

She wasn't able to ask about him either because that would give that away. But from what she gathered, he did care about these kids even if he was too busy to spend much time with them.

Marlee blinked up at her with big blue eyes and asked if she would take them to the zoo tomorrow because Ben couldn't drive. Sadie found herself powerless to resist. 

Marlee was really cute. A freckly little redhead. She looked absolutely nothing like the rest of these kids though. Sadie doubted any of them were blood related.