
A Different Twilight Story

Hadrian and Isabella Swan ,Twins move in with their father to the gloomy and rainy town of Forks but instead of the boring and expected life in such a small town, their lives are forever altered in a permanent way as hurdles they never even imagined come their way. A more Dramatic and thrilling Re-telling of the Twilight Series

Ariella_T · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Hadrian Alexander Swan (MC)

Name : Hadrian Alexander Swan

Nick Name : Rian,Alex,Hades

Older Twin brother of Bella Swan

Description: 6'3 feet tall with steel blue eyes and brown hair

Mates:Tanya Denali and Rosaile Hale

Gifts: Physical and Mental Shield

Vampire disguise (eye colour,age etc)

Alpha Wolf (Pure White the size of Jacob's Wolf)

Hates: Jacob Black,The Pack and the Quileute Tribe.

Face Claim:Daniel Radcliffe with a beard