
Chapter 11

Despite his reservation, Leonardo used Clark's suggestion to tuck Kyle away at Lex's. More for protection, since Rickman is stepping up his game. However, Leonardo also felt something off, not about the situation nor Clark's body, but himself. He has been feeling more sleepy lately, almost as if he is ill and wanted to rest.

'Is everything fine, Leo?' Clark asked.

'Yeah. Everything is fine.' Leonardo answered.

"I gave him something for the pain. It's lights out 'till the morning. My usual payment?" A middle aged man who looked more like a hippie than a doctor said.

"Brown bag on my desk. See you, Toby." Lex said as the man nodded and left. "So, want to tell me why you are out in the woods so late, Clark." 

Clark could only smile awkwardly. "I had a hunch that Rickman would do something to Kyle again since Kyle holds information to bring him down. I just didn't expect him to get a sheriff involved."

"Really? Then I guess it was a good thing you were there." Lex smiled oddly at Clark.

'Why does it seem like he didn't believe me?' Clark asked Leonardo.

'It's Lex, of course he won't believe it. While it probably is not as bad as in the future, he desires control and being the one others go to to solve all their problems.' Leonardo tried to sniffle a yawn. 'So since we are trying to solve this without him, he feels like it's a slight against him. Not uncommon among those with narcissistic personalities.'

"I will be back in the morning to chat with him. So I will see you in the morning, Lex." Clark said to Lex before leaving.


While watching Clark finish his chores with super speed, Leonardo felt his tiredness grew more. Not to mention when Martha was rubbing some cream on Clark's back for the bruised shotgun pellets left from earlier. His drowsiness only continued to increase and felt it would be a while before he could wake up again.

'What is going on?' Leonardo thought to himself.

Slightly nodding off, Leonardo was startled awake when he felt impacts on the back of Clark's body. Quickly looking around, he found himself in a garage and Lex shooting an Uzi and hitting Clark in the back as he tried to protect Kyle.

Then he slightly nodded off again to barely open his eyes again as Clark looked upon Rickman's body outside next to a burning car.

'Clark, what happened?' Leonardo asked, barely able to stay awake.

'Leo? What have you been doing, it's been over a day.' Clark asked back.

'Sleeping, and will be for a while.' Leonardo didn't explain much. 'Is the farm and everything is fine?'

'It is now.' Clark naively thought since he looked upon Ricksman's body.

'Ok, then I will be sleeping for a while more.' Leonardo said as he nodded off again.


On the dining table, Clark was tapping his pencil on the table with half finished homework before him. His mind wasn't on the homework, but Leonardo for it had been over two weeks since he said he was going to sleep. Yet, he hasn't woken up yet nor is there any sign, which got him concerned as he misses him, even if he gets annoyed with his lectures at times.

He also could use his advice, now since he had a busy past few weeks for it been one thing after another. For he lost his powers temporarily to Eric Summers who showed the dangers of what he or others who have his power could do without care. Not to mention Lex who is still still looking into the accident where they took a dive into the river.

Then having to clean up Whitney's mess when he got caught up with a gang of robbers who tattoo themselves with meteor rock ink, could phase through solid objects. Luckily, Lex helped hide Whitney's involvement in a blackmail attempt. Though Clark wanted to feel he did in good faith, but he also felt Lex was covering something up too. So he has mixed feelings about it.

'I guess I will ask Jor-El about this tonight.' Clark thought to himself, feeling hesitant about it.

Leonardo had told him not to worry so much about Jor-El who only wanted to give him the best chance for survival. He is still a bit scared from the unknown and the destiny that Jor-El and Leonardo have in mind for him. Which also made him resistant and scared since it made it sound like he didn't have a choice, even if Leonardo said he did.

"Is something wrong, Clark?" Martha asked from the kitchen.

"I'm not sure." Clark replied. "Just worried about a friend."

"Well, Chloe and Pete are fine, so is it this mysterious Leo you're Jonathan told me about?" Martha asked.

Clark froze at this wondering how his parents found out about Leo. He thought they were careful, especially when they chatted outside his head. So quickly running through how to divert things, as he didn't want his mother or father to worry about it. Since it is kind of hard to tell that he messed up in a wish and has a person from another world inside his body.

"Sort of, he went to sleep and hasn't woken up in the past two weeks." Clark said. "I think I will go check on him later."

Martha just smiled as she nodded. "Well, you have to finish your homework first."

Clark nodded as he rapidly finished it and stood up to do his chores. While he already completed them this morning, he was sure there was something else to do. Since he is rather busy himself than sitting still worrying.


When night fell and he knew his parents were asleep, Clark opened his window and hopped out before heading to the storm cellar. Making sure that no one saw him, he went inside and closed the door before walking up to the ship. Then he dropped the key into the ship side which activated it as it began to hover.

"Are you ready to begin the training, my sons?" Jor-El asked.

Clark knew the training would be of great help or Leonardo had told him. However, a part of him wanted to refuse and just live on this farm as a normal farmer forever. Though, he knew it wasn't possible either.

"No, I am worried about Leo. He has gone to sleep and hasn't woken up in over two weeks." Clark explained.

"He is adapting." Jor-El simply said after a moment.

"Adapting?" Clark asked, confused.

"Leonardo is not a person who was originally from this world and was a human. Now, he is adapting and syncing towards becoming a kryptonian not just in body." Jor-El explained.

Clark looked devastated at hearing this. "So, am I forcing him to become like me? An outsider."

"Leonardo knew this would happen." Jor-El stated choosing to ignore Clark's last sentence.

"Then when will he wake up?" Clark asked. "I need to apologize for doing this to him."

"I do not know, my son. It can be in a few minutes, a few days, weeks or months. However, he will awaken for a time, before he will fall asleep once more. For how many times this cycle will continue, I do not know." Jor-El said.

"Why send me here? All I do is cause pain and suffering." Clark whined.

"In time Kal-El, you will learn." Jor-El stated before the ship turned off once more.

Clark was left annoyed, angry and speechless at that answer. Then guilt overcame him once more as he thought of what he did to Leonardo. For he felt he ruined Leonardo's life and his future where he will be just like him. An outsider and someone who will never fit in.

'I'm sorry, Leonardo.' Clark murmured to himself.

Clenching his fist, Clark then dropped his head in grief as he didn't know what to do now.

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