
~Chapter 14~

Last time when some touched something that belonged to Chanyeol, they were tortured for decades just to kill them slowly and painfully for the fun of it. Sadly he couldn’t do that with mortals but this annoying bastard was gonna die at some point…right?

Now he couldn't help but feel excited about that day. Just the thought of being able to hurt this mere mortal that was standing in front of him made his blood rush into his veins.

He could tell the younger wasn’t feeling comfortable around this Kai or whatever his name was thus he was going to do whatever it takes to make the other leave. They were about to have an amazing evening and that dickhead ruined everything. The thing is, the faster this dude leaves, the faster they can get back doing what they planned.

However you look at it, this dude is a pain in the ass.

Sehun turned around in the raven’s arms and looked up at him as the other was a little bit taller. After seeing how Chanyeol’s gaze was still focused on the person behind him, the blond rested his unharmed hand on his cheek, getting the boy’s attention immediately.

“Don’t mind him, Chanyeol. He was already leaving. Let’s just-”

“Do you mind if I have a word with him real quick?”

Sehun’s eyes widened slightly at the request and quickly shook his head. There was no way he could let these two on their own. That was a mental note he made the moment they confronted each other the first time.

“No, you can’t have a word with him. I…I don’t want to. Besides, how can you guarantee you won’t break his bones or even worse, beat him to death? I don’t want his corpse lying in my doorway.”

And while Chanyeol giggled, Kai looked at Sehun shocked. What happened to him? He used to be such a nice and caring person, with a sweet personality that everyone adored. He never once said anything rude to anyone and being mean was never an option for him.

But now he clearly saw that’s not the case anymore. This person right in front of him wasn’t the Sehun he knew. And he couldn’t help but wonder… was it partially his fault for the other’s change?

He hated even the thought of causing the blond to be like this.

“As much as I would like to put in practice the second alternative I’ll do as you say and keep my hands to myself. I don’t wanna do anything that upsets you.”

Sehun couldn't help but smile a little when he noticed how thoughtful the other was. He won’t lie, this side of Chanyeol wasn’t that bad.

Without any other word, the blond removed his hand from the raven’s cheek only to grab his hand and lead him back inside, not noticing the mocking face Chanyeol made to Kai.

After closing the door behind him, the tall man carefully turned Sehun around and looked at him with concern in his eyes.

“Detective Kim, are you okay?”

The blond blinked a few times in surprise as he wasn’t expecting that question. After nodding he turned around and sat on the couch, motioning the other to do the same. Not wanting to make the situation awkward or something, Chanyeol didn’t ask any further even though he didn’t buy it. If the detective doesn’t wanna talk about it he’ll just distract him from whatever’s on his mind.

After sitting down at a considerable distance Chanyeol played the movie and within 20 minutes they both forgot about their surroundings and got comfortable around each other.

Without realizing they were suddenly sitting close to each other, their knees and shoulders touching slightly. But it wasn’t weird and strangely Sehun didn’t feel the need to pull away so he let it happen. And if that surprised Chanyeol, the raven got even more surprised when the younger rested his head on his shoulder and his knees on his lap while hugging his arm.

Now there was this thing about the blond. Whenever he was in a relaxed state he would always hug or cuddle up to something. Sometimes he’d do it unconsciously and only realize when he had to move or was interrupted.

It’s not like Chanyeol was going to complain about the other initiating any type of contact with him but he was worried the other might not be too comfortable or that his arm might hurt again. So slowly and with a lot of care he moved his arm the other was gripping so tightly and wrapped it around his shoulders, pulling Sehun a little bit closer to him. The other didn’t take too long to completely cuddle up to him and wrapped his unharmed arm around Chanyeol.

“This stays between us. Don’t you dare say a word about this to anyone.”

And even though the detective was clearly threatening the raven, his voice came out soft and calm. Chanyeol only giggled while playing with his hair.

— —

Sehun woke up to the smell of waffles and coffee and honestly, he couldn’t love it more. He was confused for a second before remembering that Chanyeol slept over after having a movie marathon and finishing all the food, snacks and drinks they prepared for themselves. Weirdly, he had fun and was really comfortable around the other. He allowed himself to be a little bit like his old self and didn't feel that bad about it like he usually would.

After stretching and turning for a few minutes he finally got out of bed and with some difficulty took a quick shower. Seriously, doing everything with one hand is hard.

Wearing gray pants and a black loose t-shirt he made his way to the kitchen, without worrying about fixing his hair. He couldn’t care less if he looked like a mess. He was too lazy to do anything about it.

Honestly he still felt strange about being so… close with the other. He never allowed anyone to sleep in his house before because of his insomnia. Speaking of which, for the first time, maybe in years, he had a good sleep. No waking up, no nightmares, nothing. It made him feel normal, even for just a little bit. And maybe he didn’t mind the other’s company that much after all.

But he doesn’t necessarily has to tell the raven… right?

“Oh~ Detective Kim, you’re awake! Good morning~~”

Sehun stopped walking and looked at him kinda dumbfounded. He has too much energy!


His reply was barely a mumble and went straight to one of the upper cabinets to get some plates and glasses to place them on the big crystal table in the living room.

Okay, he wasn’t used to all of …this. Greeting someone in the morning, having breakfast ready for when he woke up or having to set the table for two… He was always alone so he had to step out of his comfort zone.

And that didn’t go unnoticed by the other who just smiled and instead of teasing him he just announced that everything was ready to serve and asked him to sit down. Chanyeol wanted to spoil the other as much as he could.

Surprisingly, during breakfast, the atmosphere was awkward as the blond expected. It was all pretty natural with them understanding each other without having to talk or all the small talk Chanyeol did here and there.

It was pretty nice and to his amazement Chanyeol was a great cook. He could picture Chanyeol doing so many things but cooking.

To make up for not helping with preparing breakfast, Sehun wanted to help with drying the plates or at least help the older clean the table but the raven just wouldn’t let him do anything.

“Chanyeol, you make me feel useless. Is there really anything I can do?”

“Hm… well of course there is something you can do. I would never dare make Detective Kim feel useless.”

“Alright, so?”

“It’s easy. You have to rest. Just sit on the couch, lean back and allow yourself to relax while watching something on TV. As long as you don’t work…”

The dumbfounded look on the detective's face was priceless but the raven wasn’t that mean to point it out even though a part of him wanted to do exactly that.

“You’re making fun of me, right?”

Chanyeol smiled and shook his head.

“Oh, dear Devil. I would never dare, Detective Kim. Making fun of you is so much worse than sinning.”

After rolling his eyes and muttering a few curses, Sehun went to the living room to watch TV. And honestly, in Chanyeol’s eyes, that somewhat childish behavior was cute.

Turning around, he proceeded to wash the dishes while laughing a little.

“Ah, Detective Kim… What are you doing to me?”