
~Chapter 13~

It’s been over a month since Sehun moved in with Haneul and he was finally going home. And going home meant that he could also go to work. He knew that other people would be happy to stay home doing nothing and still get paid but it wasn’t fair. And it’s not a secret that his life was all about work, nothing else. No romance, no family, no drama. Just work. And not being able to do it for so long made him feel somewhat empty.

He had too much free time and it only made him think about stuff that he thought he forgot about a long time ago. That’s why he liked to get stuff done, because he can’t think of anything else than his cases. And that’s what he needs. To distract himself.

“Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, your shoulder still hurts when you make a sudden motion or when you move too much. I think-”

“Hyung, I’ll be just fine. Remember it’s not the first time I’ve been shot. And let’s be honest, if it was up to you I’d always stay with you, hurt or not.”

Haneul laughed at that, knowing damn well that it’s true. He was really protective over the blond.

“Fine, I won’t say anything. Just call me if you need anything.”

After saying goodbye, Sehun closed the door and locked it immediately.

A habit he’s got after breaking up with his ex.

Sehun scoffed at the thought of him and just turned around to make his way to the living room as he was planning to have a movie marathon. As he opened Netflix, he took a quick glance at his phone.

He hasn’t talked to Chanyeol since that night. At first he was glad that the other did what he said and stopped texting him but on the other hand… he felt like something was missing.


“Screw it, I should be happy he’s not bothering me. But then…”

Why is it bothering him so much?

Maybe the raven was waiting for him to text him first?

Maybe he was mad at him after his last text?

Or maybe he just didn’t want to talk to him.

And that was fine. It’s not like he made it easy for the other. And he was aware that it’s hard to deal with him and his mood swings and all his other issues.

“...this is annoying.”

He’s already been watching the movie for quite some time and he couldn’t help but keep looking at the phone from time to time.

But why?

What was he expecting?

A text?

Maybe a call?

But…From who?

Of course from a certain raven that didn’t go out of his mind since the moment he stepped into his house. But can you blame him? For some reason, the first thing he noticed when he got into his apartment was that it smelt somehow like Chanyeol. But there was no way his cologne lasted for over a month since he last visited…well, intruded. But there was also no way the other stopped by as nobody could get the door.

“It’s probably just my imagination.”

Yeah, it has to be that.

“Still… I wonder if he knows that I’m back…”

As soon as he got his stuff into Haneul’s house the whole department found out that he was staying somewhere else until he recovered. So there’s no way his assistant didn’t hear of it. Yeah, he might be suspended (yeah, he knows about that too) but we all know the raven is not exactly the ‘behaving’ type of guy.

With a sigh he got up to go and grab a glass of water when he suddenly had to change his destination the moment the doorbell rang followed by some persistent knocks seconds later.

Who could it be? He wasn’t expecting anyone.

As soon as he opened the door he stopped breathing.


What was he doing here?

“Missed me?”

Sehun opened his mouth just to close it again.

“Guess you weren’t expecting me to visit. Right…detective Kim?”

The blond quickly regained his posture, clearing his throat. He can’t let his guard down around the raven.

At least not yet.

“Of course I wasn’t expecting you to visit. What are you doing here anyway?”

“Oh come on! You can’t say that you haven't missed me at all in over a month. Yeah it’s true, you haven’t texted me ever since then but I bet you thought about it. Maybe you were even expecting me to reach for you first.”

Chanyeol made his way past the blond during his little speech straight to the living room dropping some bags Sehun hadn't noticed till that moment.

“Oh you were watching a movie! Good thing I bought so much food and snacks! Ah, this is gonna be fun.”

Sehun blinked, stunned by the audacity but just sigh and closed the door. He knew that no matter what and how much they would argue the other wasn’t going to leave until he felt like doing so, so why bother? It's not like he was in the mood and condition to stress so much over this.

Chanyeol smiled a little, happy to see that the other wasn’t yelling at him and just went with his plan.

He approached the blond and looked at him with a soft look in his eyes. No need to say how surprised Sehun was when they made eye contact.

Why was Chanyeol, the most annoying and intense guy he has ever met looking at him so softly?

“Detective Kim, sit down while I’m gonna get the plates for the food and prepare the drinks. Alright?”

That tone… it was so gentle.

Surprised by the sudden change of Chanyeol’s behavior, the mortal just nodded while slowly making his way to the couch.

What was wrong with him? When they are alone usually the raven gets on his nerves and makes stupid jokes. What happened to him now?

…was he feeling guilty?

“Right, I’m here! It was a bit of a challenge to find everything but in the end I succeeded!”

Chanyeol giggled.

He giggled.

No hidden meaning, no weird intention. Just a giggle. Nothing more.

He wasn’t used to this shit.

For the second time that day a knock was heard from the front door.

“I-I’ll go get it.”

‘Great Sehun. Just great. You really had to stutter.’

He let some curse words leave his mouth while he opèned the door and he instantly regretted not checking who it was first.

Sehun’s eyes immediately turned cold and his expression was black.


“What do you want?”

Kai took a step closer, leaning in to grab Sehun’s left hand as the right arm was resting in an arm holder.

“Omg, baby. What happened to you? Are you okay?”

The other began to check all over him and the blond could help but feel annoyed and free his hand.

“First of all, don’t call me ‘baby’. You lost the right to call me that quite some time ago. Second of all, whatever happened to me is none of your business. You are not a part of my life anymore. I would appreciate it if you remembered that from now on.”

“Baby, please don’t do this. You know how much I love you. I know that I messed up our relationship but I swear I changed. It’s gonna be different, you’ll see! Baby, I-”

“What’s taking you so long?”

Kai was interrupted by a deep and husky voice while a pair of muscular and tattooed arms wrapped around Sehun’s waist.

The other two male widened their eyes, shocked as none of them was expecting this. In other circumstances, the blond would have yelled at him and slapped him at least once but maybe he could let it slide for now and let the other take matters into his own hands.

Yeah, Chanyeol can take care of this for him.

And honestly, all this holding from behind thing… It wasn't that bad.

On the other hand, Kai was wishing the earth could swallow him. Chanyeol’s gaze was so intense and scary as his eyes were emotionless with a desire to kill whoever he was looking at.

“Oh, it’s you again.”

The raven’s tone sent shivers down their backs. Chanyeol was definitely not happy. He was clearly annoyed and angry. And of course he was angry. He planned everything for the evening, even for the night and then this idiot interrupted them and dared to touch the mortal.

He dared to touch Detective Kim.

That didn’t make him happy.

Nobody touches what belongs to him.