
~Chapter 10~

“Sehun, it’s too dangerous! Just wait for backup! Walking in there alone is like committing suicide!”

“You don’t have to remind me just how stupid the idea is but we need to do something. We need something that can help us with our investigation! They are leaving the room in a few so I want you to hack the cameras in the area and tell me when they are coming back. Meanwhile I’ll sneak in and try to find a clue.”

Sehun sighed and called for Haneul, his voice softer now compared to the one from a few seconds ago.

“Hyung, I know you are not happy with my decision but it can’t be helped. I’ll be careful, I promise. And once I’m out of here we’ll go to your place and watch that movie you’ve been talking about lately.”

On the other end of the call the blond heard a soft ‘alright’ and he smiled a little. Not gonna lie, he was happy there were still people who worried about him and always had his back.

Not like some certain raven who didn’t show his stupid face at the office because apparently, he had a date yesterday with a girl as flirtatious as him and he hadn’t picked up his phone since then.

And now he was in an abandoned building all alone as his so called partner was too busy flirting. Ugh, that’s why he hated working with a partner.

They always failed him.

Honestly, he hoped this day would be great and it actually started off amazing as they had a lead for their case. They did notice that the raven was missing so one of the officers called him several times while they were planning their next steps.

But the other never picked up.

Of course, the director was informed and he wasn’t happy with it.

After taking a few deep breaths Sehun focused again on the men who were now leaving the room, hopefully the building. He needed as much time as possible as he didn’t know what to look for exactly and honestly, at that point, anything would do.

“Alright Sehun, everything is clear. You can go…”

The older was definitely uncertain about this but he just had to do it.

“Alright, I’m going in. As soon as you see movement let me know.”

With that being said, Sehun got out of his hiding spot and went straight to the big desk in the middle of the room. He took out his flashlight and started to look for anything that could be useful. He looked through the papers, the small boxes and checked every little object. They were all related to some sellings, but nothing specific was mentioned.

As he was taking fingerprints from the glasses that were on a smaller table in the corner of the room, his pencil fell from his pocket. As he bent down to pick it up he saw a file underneath the table.

“Sehun, you have to get out of there. They are coming back!”

A few curses left his mouth as he quickly took the file and hid it underneath his jacket. After taking a quick look around to make sure he didn’t leave anything behind he turned around just to come face to face with a man pointing at him with a gun.


“Sehun, what are you doing? You have less than 2 minutes to get out of there!”

“Well, well, well. Looks like we have a visitor.”

Sehun glared at him, not daring to even blink as his right hand slowly made its way to his gun.

The man in front of him frowned, not happy with his move.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.”

Sehun scoffed, just as he got a better hold on his gun and raised it, smirking once he aimed at the man in front of him.

“Like I give a shit about what you would do, you asshole.”

Everything happened so fast after that. Both of them shot at the same time, Sehun shooting him in the chest.

But all of a sudden he felt a wave of pain before quickly holding onto his left shoulder.

Damn it.

“Sehun? What was that? Ta-”

“Get the car, I’m getting out of here.”

“Which exit do you want us to wait for you at?”

Sehun chuckled before turning around, facing his back towards the door.

“The window.”

“WHAT?! Sehun, you are on the first floor, damn it!!”

— —

Sehun blinked slowly, his vision still kinda blurry as he just woke up. He growled once he felt pain in his shoulder, pain that was slowly raising to his neck and the side of his head.


He couldn’t really tell when he passed out but one thing is for sure, since the moment he got in the black van of their department everything was a mystery to him.

Once his vision was clear he looked around him only to be welcomed by a bunch of cables attached to different machines and a sleeping Haneul. The blond couldn’t help but smile a little despite the pain he was feeling in his shoulder. The older was sitting on a chair that actually looked pretty comfortable with his head resting on the side of the bed. He could already imagine what was waiting for him once he woke up. He remembers clearly how unhappy his hyung was with him, but hey, it was worth it. The department really needed a new lead to work with.

As the blond was trying to get into a more comfortable position as quietly as possible, the older slowly started to open his eyes at some point. It took him a few seconds to realize that he had fallen asleep and that Sehun was looking at him kinda startled. After blinking a few more times he suddenly stood up and frowned at the younger.

“What is the matter with you?! You could have gotten yourself killed! First you got shot and then you JUMP out the window from the fucking FIRST floor?! You-”

“Hey,hey, stop. Me getting shot is not my fault! How was I supposed to know that one of those men stood behind?? I couldn’t just predict that he was going to walk up on me and shoot me!”

Sehun sighed and let his head fall into the pillows, forgetting a moment about his shoulder until he felt that pain pierce through his bones, making him whimper.

Was this really necessary? He was already feeling like shit, but on the other hand, he understood that the other had to somehow get rid of all that frustration.

But seriously, couldn’t he get yelled at later??

Haneul immediately calmed down and sat on the chair, this time getting closer to him.

“I-I’m sorry for yelling at you. It’s just…”

The elder let a long sigh leave his lips and he looked down, as he was trying to find the right words.

“I was so scared that something like this would happen to you the moment you said you were getting in that damn building and seeing that my fear came true… It also makes me feel angry at myself. Even though I had this bad feeling about you going alone I wasn’t there to have your back. And please don’t say that I had your back because I didn’t. One thing is staying behind a screen and a completely different one is for me to stay by your side. And then I can’t help but wanna kill your assistant. He was told the very first day that he would act as a partner in this kind of mission as he had all the necessary papers and formation to accompany you. Yet he didn’t even show his face around, not to mention that he didn’t even bother to pick up his damn phone. I know you never fear for your life… I know that too well, but please just be careful from now on. Maybe you won’t believe me but there are people who care about you.”

People who care about him, huh?

“Hyung, please don’t feel guilty about any of this. It’s not the first time I’ve been shot, you know. Don’t think about it anymore and just focus on the movie night we’re having once I get out of here.”

Haneul giggled and carefully hugged the other. He loved how the younger was getting out of his comfort zone by saying that just to make him feel better. Call him rude and distant but the boy in his arms was nothing like that. He cares about people even though he never shows it.

The boy in his arms was just hurt so many times that he has given up on his cheerful self.

“Sehun…I know you probably won’t agree but please stay at my place until you recover, maybe not completely but enough for you to do things on your own. And I’m not asking you this out of guilt but you are like the little brother I never had and I want you to be taken care of properly. At least… think about it, alright?”

Receiving a soft nod from the other, Haneul pulled away and smiled. Sehun could swear that the room light up and all that sad atmosphere was gone in a second.

“I’ll go tell the doctor you are awake. While he runs some tests to make sure everything’s okay I’ll go grab something to eat. I know how much you hate hospital food.”

Leaving a soft kiss on Sehun's forehead, he quickly left the room so the other couldn’t complain.

He was going to spoil the blond, whether he liked it or not.