
A Demon in the Dungeon

After arriving in the world of Danmachi, a horrifically tortured soul may finally have found a place to call home.

Goreleech · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

A Demon in the Dungeon: A new enemy


DAY 10

Tyler opened his eyes to see Hestia asleep beside him. Much better. he got up and she got up with him. He sighed as he saw her get ready to leave.

"You SURE you got it?"

She hugged him as Bell was still out cold.

"I'm okay. hephastus is an old friend. She's not cruel."

He hugged her warmly.

"I'm still stepping it up."

"I know you will."

He had a thought. And leaned in close to her ear.

"It okay if I say i have that?"

She blinked.

"A dare?"

"Utterly. They can't get the drop on me. So. Sooner they're in my face the better."

"Just be careful."

"Just because I have you."

He left her with that heart attack and sheathed his massive battleblade on his back. Then he ran as Hestia fought to understand what he JUST said. He laughed as he ran for the dungeon.

"Oh she didn't know WHAT the fuck to do with that one."

He went to see Aina and she smiled as he walked in.

"Tyler! What floor this time?"


She blinked.


"I want. Floor 9."

She slumped against her counter.

"Look, you're strong. But not THAT strong."

"My stats exploded."

"Okay. let's see."

He showed her and she gasped.

"Oh by the gods, Tyler. you weren't kidding! These will easily get you 11!"

"Then 10 it is."

She jumped.

"That's suicide for one man!"

Tyler stood up and looked at her.

"We were almost killed yesterday Aina. if not for Hestia and her gift we wouldn't be here. Not an an option."

She shivered at the will in his voice.

"Okay. floor ten. IF you get a supporter."

"I'll keep an eye out."

She sighed. Then smiled.

"No easy paths."

Tyler walked to the door smiling.

"Not when my strength dictates how well I can defend the ones I love, Aina."

She nodded as he ran off. He ran into the dungeon with a fire in his belly. Those damned apes nearly did us in. Never again. I will never again be so weak I needed a damned miracle to save us. He gritted his teeth as the fire in his belly exploded into a fullblown blaze. Hestia has given me EVERYTHING. And what have I given her? NOT a damned thing! No. No. No. NO! i will not let myself be a burden to her any longer! He dropped to floor 7 and tore ahead laying waste to the now pitfully weak monsters ignoring their stones as he sought the next flights of stairs. He found them and was running deeper with a near blind fury as his black blade sung and glowed. he reached floor nine half an hour later and FINALLY encountered some mild resistance but it was still pitiful. Then he blew out of a tunnel was faced with an open, fog covered landscape. he blinked.

"What the hell?"

His fire was still burning hot, but was now tempered by his caution as he walked down a long flight of stairs to the ground. He walked over to a set of skeletal trees and blinked.

"Wow. It's made of stone. Neat."

He heard heavy, thumping footsteps behind him and he saw a 9 foot tall green creature walking towards him.

"HEllo. YOU'RE new. I like it."

The thing grabbed a tree and it became a club. Tyler smiled as he drew his sword. Then he raced ahead as the beast roared as well. The thing swung it's club at him and he ducked underneath it and swung his own greatsword. it slicing clean through it's leg and toppling the beast. Tyler moved like lightning to pounce on it's chest and pierce it's heart. it exploded into dust and he added the 3 inche stone to a pocket. HE nodded as a set of screeches were heard. he looked and smiled as he saw more unknown things crawling from the ground to get at him.

"Better and better."

Tyler planted his feet and lunged with a wide arcing swing that killed two injured one which was followed up by a massive overhead smash on the center skeletal creature and knocking the rest off balance. THis next swing ripped oen in half before he ran the last through the face. He was panting slightly as he collected the stones.

"Now this is a workout. I like it."

He added the stones to his pocket as the sounds of footsteps were heard behind him. He looked to see another party of adventurers approaching from the mists. Tyler smiled as he saw them. They're not gonna believe I'm down here alone./ He looked around for the next kill as he got hailed.

"Hey. We got another one!"

Tyler looekd to see a tall, barrel chested raccoon man with a large sword laughing as he led his party of four and one supporter forward. The scarred man waved.

"Hiya. Any luck?"

The man chuckled.

"We did alright. Your party?"

"I'm doing good."

he blinked.

"Eh. You're not down here alone, are ya?"

Tyler smirked as another green thing approached.


Tyler killed the thing in one vicious swing and caught the stone as it fell. He looked at the crew and blinked as he saw one in the group.

"Woah. Hey Lily. Didn't see ya there."

She was mildly shocked he'd spoken to her and the big raccoon man laughed.

"Oh. You know her eh?"

Tyler chuckled as he flicked the blood off his sword.

"From another run. Hey. The offer's still there, Lily."

He saw her blink at that as he walked into the mists as a familar bullying voice was heard.

"See? he's interested in the little street meat!"

"Ha! ya see that sword?"

Tyler smirked now. Ahhhh. That trick. Alright. He knew them. He ALSO knew the look in Lily's eyes and would be stepping in when they played their trick. The contemplating boy was intrupted by a heavy footstep. And a yell.

"Run! it's a dragon!"

HE was moving back to the spot he'd seen the party and found Lily had been left behind as a 25 foot tall yellow dragon roared at her. He growled as he surged forward as the encumbered girl tripped.

"Get down!"

She covered her head with her arms as Tyler's whirling greatsword slammed into the head of the dragon, biting deep. Tyler looked at her a second.

"Stay down!"

She was utterly shocked.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Shut up! I'll explain later!"

She nodded as he thrwwthe beast off and rushed with a smile.

"Oh i've DREAMED of killing a dragon!"

The thing roared at him as it tried to swipe at him with a clawed foot, only for the more insane man to flip over the limb and slam his blade onto the thing's side with a savage force. it recoiled and he was right there impaling it with his greatsword to the hilt. Then he reversed his grip nad roared himself as he tore the 6 foot blade from the body of the beast in a sadistic sideways arc. He also tore the stone out with it. The dragon exploded into dust and he caught the arm sized stone as it dropped. Then he fell to a knee as he caught his breath.

"You okay, lily?"

She was still on the ground staring at him in awe for killing a dragon ALONE. He took in a deep breath and pulled a revitalizing potion from his pack and downed it.

"That's better. STILL taste weird."

He got to his feet and walked over to the girl. She looked at him nervously as he held out his hand.

"So. They trying to set me up?"

She gasped and went to run, only for him to grab her by her shoulder. She froze and surrendered to her certain pain. Tyler pulled her around to face him and lifted his armor to show her his scars. She gasped at the sight and looekd at him.

"I see it."

She blinked.

"I don't know what you mean."

Her voice was small, high, and hard. He smiled.

"I can help you."


"BEcause being alone sucks."

She blinked.

"You really think you can help me?"

"dead men tell no tales. and the dungeon is a most....treacherous place, Lily. YOu know that."

She blinked at that.

"Are you saying you'd kill other adventurers?"

"To protect YOU."

She just looked at him like he was insane.

"I'm just a supporter! Why? WHY WOULD YOU GO TO SUCH LENGTHS FOR ME? We just met three days ago!"

He pulled her in close and hugged her tightly.

"I was alone. Now I'm not. And I see the same pain in your eyes, Lily. And I don't like it."

She sniffed at this.

"It's impossible. I belong to the Soma familia."

"Sooo you can't jump ship?"

She jumped alright!


"To Hestia. She's got a hobby of taking in those that are alone. And giving them a home."

Lily just smirked.

"You just want a supporter."

"Not gonna lie, that's a bonus."

She snorted.

"Wow. Just. Wow."

"Hey. Why it's merely an offer. You want my help, Lily, you know what you have to do. For now though? I'll get you outta here. oh. And keep the stone."



He let her keep the orc stone she'd pickpocketed off him during his hug as a message that HEY I know. He escorted her out of the dungeon and they found her party catching their breath on the steps. Tyler patted her head and left her with a final thought.

"Would THEY risk their lives to rescue you?"

HE walked tothe hall where Aina was waiting anxiously. HE smiled as he walked in.

"Oh that floors fun! It's got dragons!"

She breathed a sigh of relief when it fully processed.

"Dragons? You saw a dragon?"

He flipped a stone up.

"KILLED a dragon."

"Oh by the gods."

He turned in his haul.

"19,000 vallace. Have a nice day."

"Oh I am going back down."

He took the money and ran for the church and found it empty. He poured the coins into the pot and saw it was just over half full. He walked out and looekd at the sky.

"I got enough time for another good one."

He went back down to ten and was nearly immediately attacked by another dragon. This one black. Tyler smiled widely as he dove into the fight.

"I love fighting dragons!"

The thing died and he grabbed the stone. Happy with the kill he was off on the hunt. He smiled as he moved hard along killing every thing that moved. He just dropped an odd creature with an armored spine when he heard voices.

"This sucks. You'd think they'd be another way do the lower floors."

"Quit complaining Bett. We do this everytime."

Tyler smiled as he heard that.

"You;d think he'd remember!"

Tark and his party came out of the mists and were shocked to see Tyler tossing a stone into his pack. He walked over smiling with his new battleblade.

"What up?"

Tark asked the question.

"Um. What are you doing down here?"

Tyler looked at him mildly confused. As another dragon reared up to the right. He grinned and rushed it.

"I'm having fun!"

The party watched as Tyler flipped over the tail and slammed his blade in a vicious slash that knocked the beast to the ground beofr leaping up and stabbing it in the side.

"Annnd POP."

it popped into dust as it died and he caught the stone before walking back over smiling. Bett asked the question.

"What the hell happened to you?"

He chuckled.

"I got a hardcore skill the other day."

That got a blink from the party as Riveria spoke.

"What's it do?"

"It boosts growth based on feelings and their strength. It increses based on how strong they are, and lasts as long as I maintain them. So. I got a shortcut."

Bett just looekd at him.

"You're telling me, that a skill like that exists?"

"Hestia had no clua either. I guess it's that kinda rare."

Aiz came over now.

"Your stats. May we see them?"

"50 vallace ogle. ya pay for a day's ogle."

The twins laughed as he lifted his shirt for inspection. He smirked as he felt them looking at him.

"Now this is a weird one."

Riveria blinked.

"Your stats are all level A."

He looked at them in mild curiousity.

"Okay. And compared to Aiz here, that puts me at?"

The blonde smiled.

"4 levels below me. But nearly my equal in stats."

"Wow. You a badass. i love it. Alright. Looks like I got some legwork ahead of me."

Bett snorted.

"You don't seriously think you catch up to her, do you?"

the cocky boy shrugged.

"Why not? I work hard, I LOVE my job, and I look damned good doing it. So. I'd say matter o time."

Aiz amiled at that.

"I'll look forward to it."

Bett laughed,

"ya got fire rookie."

Another of the armored spined things rolled at him and he killed it with a nasty sidesteping lunge and it popped. He smiled as he put the stone in his pouch.

"It's a hobby."

The party smiled at that as Tark chuckled.

"I'm afraid we must make our report to Loki."

"Tell her I said hi. We need to party again some time."

That got a few happy lights in eyes.

"Oh we will."

Tyler waved at them.

"See ya later ladies!"

They laughed as Bett grumbled.


Tyler spun on his heel and whipped his blade around the cut an orc clean in half as it tried to sneak up on him. He added the stone to the pile and off he went. the bait was cast. Let's see who bites. He filled his pouch with another dragonstone and ran for the surface. He smiling as he went. Though he got a mild shock as he caught up to Aiz' party on the second floor. They looked at him bemused and he shrugged sheepishly.

"I move fast. What can I say?"

They laughed at that as he took off again, and that made them blink.

"Holy. He does move."

Tyler was out of the dungeon and he smiled as he saw the sun setting hard. Aina was worriedly looking at the door and sighed with relief as he walked in.

"I was starting to worry something had happened Tyler."

He chuckled as he took his spot in line.

"I was having fun."

She smiled at that.

"Any issues?"

"None. The monsters down there are the right balance of fun/difficult that makes it entertaining. I think I'll hang there for a few days."

He walked up and put his stones in the slot.

"26,000 vallace. Have a nice day."

He took the bulging pouch and blinked.

"HOLY. Hestia is going to be happy."

He placed the coin under hsi armor and headed for home as Aiz and her party walked in. he patted her on a shoulder guard, getting a bemused look from the blonde and a snort from bett as Tyler took off again. he walked into see Hestia sitting on the couch exhuasted and he felt really bad.

"You okay?"

She smiled as he emptied his offering into the coffer.

"I'm fine. First day."

He hugged her.

"I'll work harder and see if-"

"I got this. Come on. Have faith in ME for once."

He smiled at that as he set his gear aside.

"Alright, Hestia. I'll put my faith in MY goddess."

She looked at him.

"I nearly had a heart attack this morning you smooth bastard."

He sat beside her and she rested against him.

"But I loved how it felt knowing that."

He smiled as he rubbed her black hair.

"Happy to make you happy."

She smiled as she rested against him.

"I heard you made it to floor ten."

"It's got dragons!"

She laughed and he leaned in.

"I cast out the line today."

She nodded.

"I'll keep my ears up as well."

"Plus I found a supporter in the Soma familia that is like me."

She jumped in shock.

"What world?"

He blinked. Then chuckled.

"Oh. Right. I forgot. Like this."

He showed his scars and she breathed a sigh of relief. then she became sad.

"How many?"

"No visible lines. but her familia use her like a lightning rod for cruel fun."

"That poor girl. Your plan?"

He chuckled.

"They saw my sword. So. Since they're a nasty group like that they'll have her join me as my supporter. That said? well. If she were to jump ship to us?"

Hestia blinked. Then nodded.

"Supporters move familias all the time. and if she makes that choice I will let her in. As long as she is trustworthy."

"She's had to survive on those streets for years alone and at the mercy of the town. So. It's going ot be a slog to get her trust and her to see I'm legit. Luckily I'm good at this. Her name's Lily."

The goddess nodded.

"Lily. Okay. Your next move?"

Bell came down from his run.

"Food, sleep and another run tomorrow."

She laughed and the small familia ate dinnger together before Tyler laid in the bed with Hestia. She putting her head on his chest and passed right out from a hard first day. He sighed at this.

"It's not that bad."

He chuckled as she opened one blue eye to smile at him as he cuddled her.

"I worry."

"Welcome to MY world."

They dozed off smiling.