
A Demon in the Dungeon

After arriving in the world of Danmachi, a horrifically tortured soul may finally have found a place to call home.

Goreleech · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

A Demon in the Dungeon: A Middling problem


DAY 25

Tyler woke as usual to see Hestia asleep beside him on the bed. he smiled as he kissed her awake.

"Morning to you too!"

He chuckled as he kissed her again just cause.

"Mornign Hestia. I love oyu."

she shivered with a happy smile.

"You hitting the dungeon again?"

"Yup. I'll go tear 19 a new asshole."

"Bell's hitting 13."

The pair got out of bed as Bell woke with a yawn.

"Morning cueball."

The guy snorted as he made coffee.

"Get a new joke."

The familia had breakfast together before Tyler sheathed his greatsword on his back.

"See ya later Hestia. bye Bell."

They waved as he ran for the dungeon.

"And GOOOOD morning to you too freya."

The goddess of beauty's voice was full of laughter in his mind.

"Well HELLLO. YOu'RE in a good mood."

"Looking for a rampage. maaaaybe you."

"You know where I am."


Tyler was full of energy as he ran along the road to the dungeon. he waved to Seer and Ryu in the tavern, putting a smile on the pretty barmaid's face as he did so. The warrior reached the dungeon as another group in samurai armor were being briefed by a god in a kimono. The warrior wallked up whistling as he addressed one.

"Now Mikito. don't go crazy just cause you ranked up."

Tyler chuckled as he walked by.


The man smiled fondly as the group caught up to the lone warrior and he greeted the biggest one/

"Fine morning for kicking ass!"

That got a laugh from the big man.

"Indeed it is. I'm Oaka of Takemi Kasuchi. These are Mikito Yamato and Simizu our supporter."

Tyler smiled.

"Tyler of Hestia. Nice to brag."

The one known as Mikito smirked.

"The Raging Demon. It's an honor."

"Woah. that did not take long to spread. Nice to brag. So what floor you guys railing?"

Oaka became guarded.

"Why you asking/"

"Mild curiosity. I'm hitting 19 myself."

They looked at him in shock as mikito voiced it.


"Yup. Later!"

Tyler took off runnign down the stairs, qand the group were flabbergasted by his extreme speed as he tore through the first 14 floors.

"I think I'll go pick a fight with Golaith. He's fun."

He felt Freya's amusement and smiled as he tore right through minotuars and hounds with ease, riding the rush of his joy at his new life. Then he reached floor 17 and found Golaith as usual. The warrior pulled his longswords.

"Starburst stream!"

The giant was cut to pieces by his extreme blade skill before he strapped the stone to his back and headed to 18. The smiling warrior loving the rush of sliding down the slope to the safezone before walking along the road whistling jauntily. The grass crunching underfoot and hte birds were chirping as the warrior spotted a tall rock that would net him a good view oft he surrounding area. The ever agile warrior hopped up the side like a billiygoat before reaching the top and getting a good view of close to three miles of the underground oasis. The trees rippling out like a pelt of green stirred by the out of place breeze while above his head flying monsters squawked and screamed. In the distance he could see a great tree that he knew was the floor exit while to the right was a gigantic multicolored crystal that gleamed in the light cast from more crystals high above. Tyler smiled as he looked around before spotting a large camp in the distance with an emblem he recognized.

"HA. I wonder if they pulled it off? I'llgo find out."

He hopped down and headed in it's direction whistling. The warrior enjoying the mindboggling experience of a forest miles underground as he came out into a small clearing to spot a familar bit of golden hair with another familar elf beside her.

"Nice to see you're working hard Aiz."

The sword princess and her elven friend smiled widely as Tyler walked into view. Riveria greeting him.

"Tyler! You following us?"

He snorted as he walked over.

"I am NOT- okay maybe. Got the rampage call. You know how it is."

Aiz smiled.

"We made it."

"really? I only got 40 floors to catch up. I'll get there."

The friends laughed at his arrogance,

"Tyler! You really need to get a life."

Bett came overand fist bumped the warrior.

"what? Bothering you people don't count? Bummer. Well. I just killed Golaith again so your path's clear."

Aiz nodded.

"Let tark know please."

"Sure. I'm actually headed for 19 this time. Butta, I got time to teach you a trick or two from my style."

The blonde got intense.

"I'm game."

"Sweet. I'll start you on the one handed varient first. Get that move set down and we'll move to the dual wielder."

She smiled as Riveria led him to the command tent.

"Haven't seen Aiz get that intense in quite a while. You might have something there."

Tyler smiled fondly.

"She's a warrior like me. Plus I think the style over all is a good fit for her since it relies so much on mobility and agility."

"So you teach too? Impressive."

"Yes you are. what's the fodder like on 19?"

The elf smiled at his on-the-fly flattery.

"Mostly the same as 17. Just tougher. You won't see another monster shift till 24."

"Of course. Guess the dungeon's big on consistency."

The green haired elf smiled at that one as they reached the tent.

"Tark. we got a party crasher."

"HA! I BRI9NG the party, Riveria."

the blonde haired boy that led the raid party laughed as Tyler walked in.

"Tyler! well. I guess the rest of the floors are safe."

"They will be till Tia gets there."

"Hey! Mean! I heard that!"

They laughed at the busty sister's offended voice as Tyler smiled.

"I killed Golaith again. Beyond that? Just here to bother you."

Tark chuckled.

"You heading back up?"

"Heading further down actually. 19 to be specific."

"Of course you are. We'll be here until our runners come back with antidote as a few members were badly poisoned by monsters."

"That sucks. when does the toxicity of Tio and the monsters come out?"


"I know."

"Arrogant jackass!"

The friends were laughing at the irritation of their friend as Tark looked at the grinnign warrior.

"You're welcome here till we leave, Tyler. Always a riot hanging out with the Raging Demon."

"Ha. Also the fact i'm the craziest bastard in ororio helps too, right?"

"we can all usea good doze of insanity."

"I can turn that into a hilarious joke, buttathe mirror's calling ya."

The tent busted up laughing at the clever jab as tark just shook his head.

"Get out before I hit you with a hammer."

"Later man."

He walked out laughing as tark looked at Roul beside him.

"That guy is insane."

Tyler walked over to where Aiz was waiting with her rapier and smiled.

"You ready?"

she smiled as he tossed her his blue longsword.

"Live blades?"

"It's THAT type of training. I'll give you the forms."

He struck the first stance with the sword slightly over his shoulder and Aiz mirrored it. The boy exploded into motion swinging the blade in a wide arc before pivoting on a foot and flipping the blade to stab a single target in the middle before reversing the grip and slashing outward in a manner that would slash multiple targets atonce before finished the cycle with a twirl that would hit the target no fewer then five times in a box pattern. Aiz was watching with hawklike intensity. Tyler smiled.

"Aincrad Style is all about mobility and agility. The sword has to seem ALIVE in your hands. The more faith in your skill with the blade and yourself the better the routines will flow."

She moved through the cycle now herself. Tyler watching with a critical eye as she moved elegantly and smoothly through the attacks.

"Not bad. You got the faith down. Alright. Next bit."

Tyler spent a few hours teaching Aiz his style of swordsmenship before testing her with a duel.

"MY style only. Day you can beat ME, use starburst stream, AND counter it in one fight is the day you master the style to my level."

She smiled.

"This is fun."

"Right? Plus the light show is great too."

"I'd very much like to see your attack at night."

"I'd be more an happy to show off for you. if we're here tonight I'll show you."

The duo clashed with ringing steel as the Raging Demon crossed swords with the Sword Princess. Tyler coming out on top with a well -placed foot that tripped the beautiful blonde fighter as she got caught in a unintentionally devoted slash. He smiled as he helped her up.

"Not bad rookie. You got the basics down. Alls you need for the one handed style is practice and drills. The dual wielder part is a bitch though, so be aware."

She smiled as they dusted themselves off.

"I like this style. is it strictly a longsword style?"

"It is. I tried it with a scimitar once and the routines were off. That said, if you have a set of longswords made with a collapse in it, you got a NASTY surprise in store for anything."

She nodded as heput the blue sword back in it's dagger sheath.

"Clever. have you perchance tried to teach Bell this?"

"No I haven't. My style and his are far too different. Guy fights with a knife and makes it work."

"I trained him a bit. No doubt he told you."

"I saw the results in the fight with the minotaur. I ALSO had a chat withn the guy. He's learning."

"A good thing."


They smiled at the thought of their friend before she looked to the forest.

"I'm going to relax for a bit. You don't show mercy."

"Be more an happy to go another roudn Aiz."

"We will."

Tyler walked off as Aiz went somewhere. The warrior was whistling a tune as he headed for the large tree when Aiz appeared no fewerthen five minutes later.

"Riveria. Weneed spells."

He looked over and saw her carrying Bell, Wulf, and Lily. All three unconscious and battered. Tyler was beside her in an instant to help carry the outcold trio to a tent as the healer elf appeared. Once all their wounds were set with bandages and the trio were safely resting Tyler looked back at the dungeon.

"They left a majority of their gear up there. Think I can get it?"

Tark frowned.

"Sadly not. Not now. It'll mostly have been absorbed by the dungeon."

Tyler looked at the sleeping boy.

"dammit Bell."

The warrior sighed as he left the tent with Tark and Aiz.

"Thanks guys. I'm thinking he got screwed."

The friends left the sleepers to their rest as Tyler walked over to help with the camp chores. Tark went back to his tent while Aiz kept watch over the unconscious friends. Riveria joined the warrior and smiled.

"Bett's pissed."

"He last awake/"

"Yup. Tark loved your idea. Plus it gets us a break from the usual meals."

"HA. Hey. Hows about biggest bitcher makes lunch?"

"You really don't liek Bett do you?"

"More giving him a hard time."

that got a chuckle from the others as Tyler helped build the firepit. Though they all thought he was insane when he built the thing in a teepee shape with a stone wall underneath. He smiled as the dwarf said as much.

"You'll see."

That got a collective gulp from the adventurers as they watched him fill the interior with dry leaves, grass, and bark from some white trees nearby. Once happy he walked back to check on Bell. Only to walk in the tent in time to see him trip right into Aiz' modest bust. The warrior smirked.

"Atta boy! I guess you're not JUST a rabbit!"


"You're too much for him Freya. Try it and i'll make it so you can't sit down for a month."

He felt her fear in his mind and smiled as Bell went red in the face as he saw his position. Aiz just looked at him coolly as usual before he tried groveling as she sighed.

"It's alright. Are you alright?"

He nodded.

"Yeah. Lily and Wulf are okay too."

Tyler smirked.

"What the hell did you do this time?"

Bell deflated as he saw the warrior standing there.

"Oh thank Hestia. Tyler. I need your help."

"Let's go let tark in and we'll go from there."


Bell was weak on his feet but managed as they went to hear his story. Tyler sighed as he heard him talk.

"we were on floor 13. Things were going fine when we got surrounded by a group of war rabbits. Then out of nowhere a group of adventurers came sprinting by leading a pack of monsters towards us. We got away but the entire mob chased us. we tried to head for the surface but the dungeon gave out under us and we fell two floors. So our solution was to head for floor 18."

Tyler looked at him.

"The idiots that passparaded you?"

HE shook his white haired head.

"I didn't get their names, but they were dressed in purple armor while one lady carried a katana."

Tyler rubbed his eyes.

"Mikitoe. Takimi Kasuchi's familia. I'll slap the taste outta their mouths next chance I get."

Tark smirked briefly.

"It seems your familia has some truly remarkable adventurers Bell Cranel. Since I know Tyler wouldn't let me live if I said otherwise, you may stay with us till our runners return from the surface."

Bell bowed deeply as Tyler snorted.

"Thank you. I owe you a debt."

Tark looked from bell to Tyler, as if disbelieving the sheer difference in their personalities. Tyler shrugged smiling.

"I'm the familia enforcer."

"Ah. that explains it. And that fits you too well."

Aiz smiled at that one as Tyler looked at her.

"well. I'm not going anywhere now. wanna keep at it?"

The sword princess smiled wider.

"I would. That style is fun."

"Alright. YOU. Go fall over."

Bell blinked as Tyler and Aiz walked out. then he looked at tark.

"Excuse me, sir, but are they close?"

Riveria answered smiling.

"Those two? They're very good friends. I think she likes him too."

Tark chuckled.

"Aiz does seem to respect him quite a bit. I can see why. Tyler's that type of intense. I heard he fights Golaith for fun."

Riveria chuckled fondly now herself.

"That does not surprise me at all. What's the word he used? Psychopath?"

Tyler was sparring with Aiz coaching her on his style as they danced.

"Keep you blade loose, Aiz. Think of it like you're water seeking to flow around your opponent. Oh! nice counter. Annnnd stab! That's it!"

They danced as Bell came out from the tent with a dejected look on his face and saw them sparring. Then Aiz lunged forward with her legs, and Tyler did a similar style triop that laid her on her back with a thud. He smiled.

"You fell back on you rapier skill there. A nasty surprise, but against aincrad, useless as it places all you weight on one leg or the other. All I have to do is merely redirect that force and bam. Flat on your back."

Aiz frowned as he lifted her back up.

"Do you not place your weight on your legs?"

"Not as much as you'd think. Most of Aincrad comes from the arms. while the legs merely provide extra mobility."

"I think I understand, but am not certain."

"Okay. Think of your body as a tree. All your weight is usually carried by your lovely legs. Are you with me so far?"

"I am and thank you."

"Every time. Now. You rapier style relies on lower body strength with the arms merely adding impetus. Like you plant your roots before your upper branches move the attack forward."

"I see now. YOUR style is the exact opposite. The roots are merely to MOVE the tree while the branches do all the heavy work."

"Exactly. The more agile you are the better you flow through the forms. Haven't you noticed how I seemed to drift from routine to routine?"

"Like you were mere water flowing through a river. Graceful and elegent."

"and yet utterly effortless."

"I'd like to try again."

Tyler took his stance ans she mirrored it as Bell watched from afar. Riveria came out to stand by the white haired boy and smiled as her friend dueled with her teacher.

"She's loving this."

Bell had a sad look now.

"I've never seen Miss Aiz smile like that."

The kindly elf pattedhis back.

"In Tyler's words? They're warriors. Comes with the territory. Plus he's teaching her a new style of swordsmenship she's never seen before. And that's kinda her weakness. woah."

Tyler and Aiz were going at it hammer and tongs as they flowed through their attacks and blocks as the enchanted blades weaved a pattern of black and blue that was mesmerizing for all that beheld it. Then Aiz slipped a foot behind her mentor's leg as she distracted him with a sword slash and tripped him to the ground. The ever crafty warrior used his free leg to take her base out and AIZ was the one on the ground with him pinning her in place. He smiled widely.

"You learn fast Aiz. well done."

He lifted the smiling girl to her feet.

"Thank you. I think understand it now."

"Easy rookie. You have the SINGLE blade style down. Now we move to the dual wield. But let's rest before we hurt ourselves."

She smiled at that as Riveria came over smiling.

"I want to see that style at night, Tylr."

"I'll showoff then."

Bell came over.

"That was incredible!"

Tyler picked RIGHT up on the hidden look of depression in his eyes and patted his back.

"Come on. Think we need to have a chat."

Now terrified Bell followed the warrior as the others laughed. Tyler led Bell to a spot out of earshot of thye camp and looked at him.

"I'mma make this clear. NO I am not after Aiz."

Bell jumped.

"How did you just read my mind?"

"Guy like you is an olpen book for a guy like me. Me an Aiz are good friends and sparring buddies. That's ALL."

Bell smiled with relief,

"I was scared you were trying to make her your partner."

"NAH. i HAVE a partner. And before you ask, I need to clear my bragging rights with her first. Okay?"

Bell looked at the still visible Freya mark on his neck and Tyler smirked.

"Freya's fun. But not who I meant."

Now burnign with curiousity Bell looked at the taller boy.

"Anyone I know?"

"Until she says I can brag, I won't say a word. Okay/"

He smiled ruefully.

"I understand. Sorry."

"You're good. Come on. Let's go see if the dingdongs woke up."

Bell sighed as they returned to the camp. Aiz was resting after her intense sparring session with Tyler by the tent with Wulf and Lily. She smiled as they walked in. Tyler sat by a wall as Bell took a small basket for his perch. The warrior ran a cloth on his sword, as Wulf stirred.

"Where in the hell are we?"

Thye warrior smirked at that one as Lily groaned.

"Wherever we are you're here. So it already sucks."

"Wow. Nice salt Lily."

The shinthrope smirked at that as Tyler's voice was heard.

"Oh thank the gods. Tyler."

Wulf hadn't moved as Bell looked at them in concern.

"You guys alright?"

The red haired guy sat up flexing an arm.

"Tired but a okay. You?"

Lily was nodding.

"Same here."

Bell and his friends reunited, kinda, as Tyler sat watch. Then wulf chuckled.

"I was starting to think you found another smith. Ain't been around Tyler."

The warrior smirked.

"Haven't needed anything. It ain't broke, don't fix it."


Lily had her ears and tail out as she stood up.

"I feel better now, but a litle dizzy."

Tyler smiled fondly.

"You get your foxiness back, Lily. we ain't going anywhere."


"I'm keeping that."

"She's cute when she does that."

Lily was now red in the face with embarrassment and anger as Wulf busted up laughing.

"Wow Lil bit. Haven;t seen you that pissed in a while."

Tyler snorted.

"You call her Lil bit? HA! that's humiliating."

"I am going to murder you!"

"I'll just pet ya."


"wow. She is cute when she does that."


Now steaming fit to burst, Lily was on the verge of murder with a tomato face as Bell sighed.

"Can you try NOT to make her kill you?"

"Sure. Lily. You're fun."

"I hate you so much. Like I didn't even know it was POSSIBLE to hate someone as much as I hate you right now."

Tyler chuckled at her pained fury as Aiz poked her head in.

"Are they okay?"

Tyler jabbed a thumb at the stunned duo.

"Wulf sucks and Lily's on the verge of murder. I'd say they're just fine."

"You REALLY wanna piss off the guy you buy your armor from?"

"You REALLY wanna piss off the girl that knows where you sleep? And WHO you sleep with?"

"Yikes. You know I have some very violent ladyfriends. Oh Sorry Bell."

Aiz chuckled as Wulf was on the verge of outright killing the guy as Lily smiled.

"And don't you forget it!"

Bell just slumped along with Wulf as aiz smiled.

"The fire needs to be lit, Tyler. Most are kinda scared to get near it."

"I got it."

The warrior walked out with the trio to the firepit. Tyler was nearly immediately pounced on by Tia and Tio though.

"My HERO!"

"You're sooooo awesome!"

Tyler chuckled at the flirtatious twins.

"Sorry ladies. i got claimed."

"Ahhhh POO!"

"Lucky lady! Anyone we know?"

"Till she gives me the nod, all you'll get to know."

The girls looked at each other.

"Good man."

"We'll keep an eye on it."

Tyler walked over to the 6 foot tall Teepee and chucked a match into the tinder in the base. Five minutes later the thing was blazing merrily and giving off immenase heat and light that the others all loved. Riveria smiled as Tyler sat beside her with a bowl of stew.

"Impressive fire, Tyler. How will we tend it though? the heat's kinda intense."

"It'll tend itself. Watch. It'll burn itself out in a bout.....three hours."

"You have a scary set of skills Tyler."

"Oooh you haven't seen HALF the tricks I got Riveria. butta, we need closed doors for me to show you."

That made her blush! Tyler got a round of applause for make the proud elf blush like a girl with a crush as Aiz poked him.

"I thought you got claimed?"

"I did. Now I'm just teasing her. Plus a skillset I have can be used freely provided there's trust."

"And what skillset is that?"

"God tier massages."

EVERY lady at that fire was now eyeing him like a hawk seeing a wounded mouse. Aiz asking the question.

"I thought you were a tiler slave?"

"I was. Didn't stop me from helping my fellow slaves best i could."

She blinked.


"Not exactly. The overseer bought his wife a massage slave she named Rub. well. Me an her got close and she taught me her tricks. Then she got pregnant with the master's child. Last i saw her she was hanging from a post they used to display the more....troublesome slaves after they killed them. Began my search for an escape that day."

He got a hug from the girls as the group all had a drink in the memory of the poor soul. Tyler smiled fondly at the memroy of his friend.

"I miss her. She was fun. Anyway. Yeah. i give god tier massages."

riveria smiled warmly now.

"The strength of your soul is incredible. No wonder you were able to kill Golaith at level 1. As for the other thing? Ask your partner."

"Will do. I mean she DOES get one first.'

"Good boy."

They laughed at that one as Bell and his two friends relaxed after their ordeal. Tyler was smiling as Aiz looked at him.

"Can you show us your style please?"


Tyler gotupand flicked his blades out before taking his stance by an open section of ground and gathered his strength. He was abut to release it when a loud squeal was heard by a nearby entrance to the floor above. Tyler looked over curiously before smiling.

"I'd know that voice anywhere."

The group grumbled as he headed to check it out with Bell. Aiz sighed in disappointment while Riveria smiled.

"He'll show us when he gets back."

"He better."

Tyler walked over to the slope he heard the sound as a bundle came tumbling down head over feet. The warrior laughed as Hestia landed at his feet with a thud.

"Helluva way to travel, Hestia."

She jumped on him.

"Tyler! Thank the gods! Have you seen bell?"

Tyler smiled as he hugged his goddess.

"He's over there. I know. He came to me."

He felt her deflate from relief as Bell got a hug after he set her on her feet.

"So YOU'RE the Raging Demon."

Tyler looked over to see a man in a feathered hat in a messenger's tunic with blonde hair. he smirked.

"I'd know THAT look anywhere. Hermes. The trickster god. This can't be good."

The man laughed at that.

"Oh my. I do not know what you're insinuating. I am merely a good courier!"

"Yeah, yeah. whatever helps you sleep at night."

The man laughed again as an elf in a green cloak and white briefs walked over. Tyler blinked.

"Holy. Ryu?"

She sighed.

"Seer would be devestated if Bell got killed down here."

"You look like a badass. I like it. Thanks Ryu."

She nodded before another woman in a white cloak and glasses walked over.

"I am Osvie Al Andromeda. Hermes number two. A pleasure."

"Oh you poor girl. Nice to meetcha. I hope you hit him hard."

She got a tired look onher face as Hermes huffed.

"Not hard enough apparently."

"Just kick him in the balls every time he does somethign stupid."

Hermes had a terrified look on his face now as Osvie smiled.

"I think i just might. Thanks."

"Sure. Use the tip a your boot. Hurts like hell, let me tell ya."

"Hey! Stop giving her ideas!"

The warrior laughed at Hermes now fearful tone before looking at him.

"So the master scheme?"

He smirked knowingly.

"You ARE sharp. Interesting. We're here cause a them."

He jabbed a thumb at the trio of Oaka, Simizu, and Mikito. Tyler smirked.

"Of course. Come on."

five minutes laterthe trio were in the command tent with Tark, Hestia, wulf, Lily, Bell, and Tyler. The warrior was leaning on a pole as they made their apology, with Mikito getting full on her knees for it. Oaka sighed.

"we apologize for our actions. They were selfish."

Wulf and Lily were glaring daggers at him.

"You nearly got us killed."

Oaka looked at him.

"I had my familia to look after. And to be honest I still don't think it was the wrong decision."

Tyler snorted, drawing all eyes to the most dangerous person in the room.

"That's a cowards answer Oaka. The RIGHT decision was to ask them for help. bell can't turn away people in need. And 9 is a far better force then three and 6. Fact YOUR first instinct was to sacrifice others like that raises some serious questions for me."

The man's fists were heard cracking at his words.

"Simizu was badly hurt and we had three rookies with us. If we'd tried to fight them, we'd have died. Plus we're in different familias."

"You're ALL adventurers aren't you? Familia or not, if someone needs your help you give it to them. Now. Whatever they choose to do about this mess, let me make this clear:"

The warrior walked overand backhanded each of them in the face hard.

"If you EVER endanger my friends like that again, it won't the gods you'll have to fear. It'll be ME."

Tyler retook his spot by the pole as Mikito hung her head in shame as Simizu mirrored her actions. Oaka just glared atthe warrior. All three with riasing welts on their faces. The warrior looked to Hestia.

"where do we go from here? they're on my shitlist but you know. YOU."

She smiled fondly at her lover before looking at Bell.

"You arethe injured party here."

The white haired kid sighed.

"Mister Oaka and Tyler make good points. But Tyler's right. we adventurers need to help each other in the dungeon regardless of familia."

OAka sighed.

"I see we're on opposite sides of the same coin. And yet I see your point. Very well. we need to get back to the surface."

Tyler shrugged.

"Tark's crew head out day after tomorrow. Long as we go trail we got nothing to worry about."

The heads nodded and Hermes spoke up now.

"So that means an entire day to kill. A rare thing."

Tyler smirked.

"Oh yeah. Come on I got something to show ya."

The now curious group walked out while Tyler stole a quick kiss off Hestia, making her squeak.

"I missed you."

She smiled warmly.

"I missed you too."

"I forgot to ask. Am I allowed to say we're a thing?"

That made her laugh.

"Go ahead. Thanks for asking though."

"I love you, Hestia."

"I love you too, Tyler."

The warrior and his goddess walked out to the fire hand in hand where the others were looking at them curiously. The warrior smiled as he took his spot in the open patch of ground with his twin blades out.

"This is the mark of mastery for my sword style. Ladies and Hestia, enjoy."

The goddess smiled proudly as he took his stance, gathering his power.

"Starburst STREAM!"

There was a mass gasp ashe all but vanished from sight leaving streaks of black and blue in the air as he went through his lightnign fast sword routine. even Hermes and Ryu were awestruck by the colors and howling blades before the show ended and Tyler was standing with both blades outstretched wide. He was panting slightly from the strain of the attack but smiling as the awed crowd applauded his skill. Aiz was smiling widely.

"So that's the mark of mastery."

Tyler flicked the blades back into his greaves smiling.

"Yup. 50 hits. 10 seconds. You have to be able to USE it, and counter it to be called a true master."

The warrior sat beside Hestia and kissed her rightt here, getting a round of shocked gasps, particularly from Bell, Tio and Tia as Hestia just smiled.

"Nice brag."

"I got ways."

she restedher head under his arm as Aiz jabbed him with a fork.

"You an Hestia are together/"

"Yup. have been for about...three days?"

"That sounds about right. You got Freya's mark earlier that day so yeah."

Hermes jumped.

"You did what now?"

Tyler let the purple kiss be seen,

"In yo faaaace."

The god just clapped slowly.

"Okay. YOU might be a love god."

"Nah. Just a REALLLLY passoniate horndog. Perverts my friend. We get it."

That got a round of snorting laughter from the group as Bell recovered enough to look at Hestia in utter shock. she merely smiled.

"See? I told you it's allowed."

Tyler got a high five from Wulf and they laughed hard at that one. The night wound down with the friends retiring to tents as Tyler kicked a log in the teepee, bringing the entire thing down to smother the fire entirely. The warrior set his own tent up by the still warm embers and Hestia was there to join him. He smiled as they climbed inside.

"They didn't know WHAT to do with that!"

The goddess smiled fondly as she rested her head on his bare chest.

"It was amazing. Thanks for asking first. I was kinda wondering if you'd told anyone."

Tyler stroked her hair fondly.

"I wanted to be sure first. I love you Hestia."

She snuggled into his arm like a happy cat.

"I love you too, Tyler."

Then she got close.

"When we get back. I want to."

He hugged her hard.

"Okay. we'll figure it out so no chance of a walkin."

she was smiling nervously.

"It'll be my first."

"I'll LOVE you."

She deflated from relief as he held her.

"I already love you."

He smiled proudly at her and kissed her lovingly. The goddess rested her head on his chest with a smile. Tyler stroked her hair like a cat, and she fell asleep like that. he looked at the tent flap and saw Bell walking after Aiz in the moonlight and smiled. Atta boy! make a move!

"oh he's learning?"


"I'm kidding. You have no idea what that does to me on this end."

"Imagine what I can do to you, Freya, with LOTION, and CREAM, and POTIONS."

"STOOP! I JUST relaxed!"

"Happy to destroy you."

"Bastard. Now I need new underwear."

"Just go naked."

"I....I...I like that. I will. Damn you."

Tyler kissed the sleeping Hestia fondly again before falling asleep with his goddess miles underground in a forest that had never know the light of the sun.