
A Demon in DXD

After being struck by the almighty Truck-sama, Our protagonist finds himself reincarnated into Highschool Dxd as a Demon!

Gold2109 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 1 (Death and Rebirth)

Nazuri POV

"Ugh, finally. I can get home and get some sleep." I groans as I walk through the rain to get home. I just got off of work and the only thing I wanna do is sleep right now. The rain is the only thing keeping me awake. Every time I feel like I'm about to doze off, the rain wakes me back up. I continue walking, pushing through my drowsy state to make it home. 'Finally. Just around the corner from home now.' I thought with a tired smile. Suddenly, I see a pretty girl crossing the street.

Nothing too out of the ordinary. But there was also a truck, and it was coming fast! Now, your usual protagonist would jump out and try to save her. Me? Screw that. Risk my life for a random persons'? No fucking thank you. I decide to just continue walking and let God decide what happens.

Apparently God said "Fuck you" and the truck swerved out of the way of the girl, narrowly avoiding her. The truck now had a new target. Me. It took me a bit to catch on, but when I did, it was too late. "Ah shi- *BOOM* Nothing but pain spread throughout my body as I felt my conscious slowly slip away. The truck driver quickly got out of his truck to talk to me, but I couldn't hear a word. I only saw his mouth move.

'So this is what dying feels like?' I cough up blood as a cold washes over my body. I smile as I close my eyes. 'Nothing I can do about it now. It is what it is...' My body goes limp as my breathing slows down, eventually stopping completely.

Darkness. Everywhere. Not a light anywhere to be found. 'Is this hell? Was I really that bad of a guy? Damn, Heaven must be strict.' "You poor creature." A calm, soft voice spoke to me. "What the hell?" I whisper to myself, looking around for the source of the voice. "Not quiet hell child. This is simply the midpoint between the two." The voice giggled. "So how long do I have to stay here before I go the heaven or hell?" I ask, honestly just tired of this darkness.

Not even 3 seconds later, a blinding light appears in front of me. It took my eyes a moment to adjust, but when they did, I couldn't believe what I saw. It was a woman with silky, long, blonde hair that went down to her deliciously wide hips. She had an hourglass figure accompanied by a nice pair of heavenly tits. However, what enchanted me the most were her eyes. They were as blue as the sky itself. She was without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

"That is your decision, Nazuri." She replied with a smile. 'God she's gorgeous.' A small, almost unnoticeable blush grew on her cheeks. "T-thank you." She smiled. 'Wait did she just-' "Yes, I did." Of course. She can read my mind. How convenient. eh Author? (Yes. Convenient indeed)

She cleared her throat before she continued. "Now listen Nazuri. Your time grows short. You have not been deemed worthy for heaven, Nor have you been deemed deserving of hell. However, you have 2 choices. The first is to remain here, forever in the darkness." No way in hell am I staying here. "The second option?" I ask, hoping for something better. "The second option is to be reborn in a different reality." She explained.

So be reborn, or forever be in the darkness. Is there really any competition between the two? "I choose to be reborn!" I shout up at her. Her eyes widen a bit, before softening again. "That's the spirit. Now, the universe you will be reborn in is that of Highschool DXD. You're familiar with it, are you not?" "Yeah! It's an anime about devils and shit." She flicked my forehead and scowled. "Watch your mouth Nazuri."

I simply scoffed and turned away. "So when do I leave?" I ask with a hint of impatience now. "Now." With a snap of her fingers, I was sent off to the world of Busty Devils, Bustier Angels, and, y'know, Fallen Angels.





(Should I add Rias just as a pet to piss off Issei?)