
A Demon's Will

‘Power, Supremacy and Pleasure’ These are the three things that every and all demons prioritize above everything else…well, every demon except me that is. I am the current and only heir of the Demon lord, my mother Morana, the Queen of darkness and death. From the moment I was born, I had always acted differently from the other demons, and now I was about to find out why. The Oracle decides to pay me a visit and gives me a way to find all the answers I’ve been looking for. Now I must journey to the human realm to find out the truth… And of course, have some fun along the way…

Just_a_guy17 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

We Get Hired To Capture A Deity


"Azrael...? Azrael...? Come on, wake up already!"

I felt someone shaking my shoulder. Groaning tiredly, I opened my eyes to see Abigor's face hovering over me.

"Finally", he said and moved back so I could sit up ,"I was starting to get worried"

"Your fight with Ravana must've taken a lot out of you", said Samira ,"You collapsed as soon as we got here"

"And where exactly is 'here'?", I rubbed my head as I looked around us. We were sitting together on a raised platform, in the middle of some sort of grand library.

Tall book cases with thousands of thousands of books were arranged neatly on both sides of the platform. A few windows were open, letting in strange rays of bright yellow light I'd never seen before.

A few more bizarre looking objects and podiums were set up behind us. On one of the podiums sat-

My eyes widened in surprise and I quickly got to my feet ,"Is that my orb of foresight?!"

"Your what?" Samira raised a brow at me.

"There!" I pointed at the podium where the familiar sphere rested ,"That piece of round glass. How did it get there"

"Oh that?" said Abigor ,"That was there when we got here"

I raised my hand and tried to open my space storage ring to check and see but it wouldn't work.

"Don't bother", said Samira with a bored look on her face ,"We already tried that. We can't even use our magic"

She was right. I could feel my magic being restricted. Was there some kind of spell cast over this entire room?

I tried to jump down from the platform just as Samira cried out ,"Don't-!"

I slammed into an invisible force and white hot pain shot through my entire body.

"Aaargh!" I cried out in pain.

Abigor quickly pulled me back and grinned ,"Hurts, doesn't it?"

"It burns worse than my own flames", I winced as I massaged my chest ,"What was that?"

Samira stood up and pointed down at our feet. I hadn't noticed before but we were standing within another magic circle, this time without a contract.

'No' I squinted my eyes at the magic circle ,'The formula for this one is slightly different'

"I'm guessing this summoning circle is what's restricting our magic" I pointed out.

Abigor nodded ,"And it zaps us if we try to leave it"

"Great", I grumbled ,"So we have no way out of here"

"Hmmm, I'm guessing now that you're awake", said Abigor ,"We just have to wait for that woman to come back"

"Yeah", said Samira.

"Woman?" I asked in confusion.

As if on que, a door on the other side of the room opened and two people walked in.

One was a female warrior with a pair of black horns jutting out of her head. She wore a set of shining gold armor with a great longsword sheathed at her side.

The other person wore a velvet green cloak with a hood drawn over their head to hide their face.

"Oh, the other one is awake now", said the female warrior ,"Now we can get started"

"Are you the one who summoned us?" I asked.

"Silence!" she snapped at me and put a hand on the hilt of her sword ,"You will speak only when spoken to, demon!"

"Hush, Kathalia", the person in the cloak put a hand on the warrior's shoulder. I could tell from her voice that she was a woman ,"Stand down"

Kathalia looked at her uncertainly ,"But-"

"Stand down", the woman repeated more sternly ,"I'll handle this"

Kathalia looked like she wanted to protest some more, but she obediently stepped back and kept quiet.

The woman in the cloak then turned to us.

"Forgive my ogre friend for her rudeness ", She apologized ,"I am the one who summoned you"

"Why?" Samira asked.

"I have a task that can only be accomplished with your power", said the woman ,"Do you agree to form a master-servant pact with me to assist me with this task?"

"What happens if we refuse?" Abigor asked, the suspicion clear in his voice.

"You will be sent back to the place from whence you came", the woman answered ,"So? Do you agree?"

Abigor and Samira looked at me for confirmation. I closed my eyes and thought for a moment. It sounded easy enough.

"Alright", I answered after a few minutes ,"We accept"


"Excellent" said the woman, clapping her hands together ,"Then let us go through the terms of our agreement"

As soon as she said that, a link of chains manifested, linking her wrist to all three of them.

"You shall capture your target", the woman stated ,"Using any means necessary and bring him straight to me immediately-"

"Within the period of five days", Azrael interjected.

The woman shrugged indifferently ,"Very well. Once finished, you shall return to your realm at once"

They all nodded and the chains disappeared. At the same time, the magic circle at their feet faded away.

"Our magic is back", said Samira, letting out a breath of cold air that dropped the temperature in the room by a few degrees.

Abigor took a hesitant step forward but didn't get zapped this time ,"And we can move freely now"

Azrael flexed my hands before jumping down from the podium and bowing down to the woman.

"Master", He said ,"Who do you wish for us to capture?"

Abigor and Samira hesitated for a moment before moving to his side and bowing down as well.

"This is your target", said the woman as she walked past them to the orb of foresight.

She waved her hand over it and an image of a young boy with dark hair and blue eyes appeared.

The boy didn't look any older than twelve and he wore a glamorous blue and gold robe. A golden crown with a sapphire gem was set on his head.

"The crown prince of the Dallion empire", Kathalia explained, coming to stand by the woman's side ,"Prince Hugo Levensi"

"Just one human?" Abigor scoffed ,"That's easy enough"

"That is no human", said Kathalia with a grim expression.

Azrael frowned at her ,"What do you mean?"

"The real prince Hugo was killed long ago and this person has simply taken his place in disguise", said the woman ,"That is Sirius, the divine dragon god"

"Dr-dragon god?!" Samira stammered nervously.

The woman waved her hand over the orb once more and the image vanished.

"You will capture him and bring him to the cathedral of Daekrahm city within five days", she said ,"Now be on your way"

With that said, a magic circle appeared under them and they were teleported out of the room.


" 'Now be on your way' ", said Samira mockingly ,"She didn't even give us any useful information!"

"Calm down, Sam", said Abigor ,"At least she sent us exactly where we need to be"

They'd been teleported to an empty alley in the city of Leveni, the capital of the Dallion empire.

The streets were filled with dozens of humans, who were busy trading and going about their lives.

Azrael looked around at everything in awe, mesmerized by all the different things he could see. Samira was still cursing their new master while Abigor was trying his best to calm her down.

A few people gave them some odd looks but no one approached them.

They came to a market center and stood by a marble fountain in the middle of a crossroad.

"Alright", said Azrael, finally snapping out of his daze. He turned and faced Abigor and Samira ,"We have three and half days to capture this Dragon god or whatever he is"

"I thought it was five days", Abigor pointed out.

"No", Azrael shook his head ,"We should take three days at most. We'll split up to save time"

"I can gather information on the Royal family", Abigor volunteered ,"As well as all the necessary pawns"

Samira nodded ,"And I can find equipment and resources"

"Sounds good", said Azrael ,"Meet back here in two days"

"Sounds like a plan", said Abigor ,"I guess I'll see you guys later then"

With that, Abigor's body turned to dust and got carried away by the wind.

"Damn Abi and his stupid illusions", Samira muttered under her breath. She looked at Azrael ,"Try not to cause a ruckus while we're gone"

Azrael smiled ,"Of course I won't"

"Why doesn't that reassure me?" Samira asked, shaking her head helplessly.

She walked away, leaving Azrael standing alone by the fountain.

"Now..." Azrael stared at the crowds of humans, shuffling around him, his eyes lit up with excitement.

"Let the fun begin..."

Hi guys! Thanks so much for all the new support I've received. As promised, here's a link to my new discord server where anyone can join to talk about the book, share their thoughts and have fun :). Please like and save my book to your library for more. https://discord.gg/GvVkCTjHZX

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