
Chapter 120: Nightmares?!

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Percy blinked, "when did you…." he remembered a few seconds ago when he used that word during his little speech, "oh shit. I mean fuck! I mean….don't tell Professor Sprout!"


The common room exploded into laughter as the party begun again going into full swing. 

They danced and drank and ate till the late hours of the night. 

The first and second years were forced into bed by around 11 while the rest just went to bed whenever they wished.

The next day Percy woke up late, which was surprising given his usually wake up routine during weekends. 

He wore a blue hoodie and muggle clothes as he walked into the great hall like a zombie.

He noticed Fleur and the other Beauxbaton students already there, Percy smiled and waved at them, Camille and a few others waved back, but Fleur just sent him a side glare.

'Great, what did I do now?' Percy grumbled as he sat down next to Camille and pulled up a plate. 

"Morning all," Percy wished them as he cast the translation charm around his head, "how was your evening?"

"Good, though yourz looks far more fun," Camille noted looking at Percy's sleepy face.

"Ya, if there's one thing we Badgers know it's how to party," Percy yawned, "Gods dammit, would it kill for the britishers to give me a cup of coffee instead of tea?"

"I t'ought you love tea," one french wizard asked in surprise.

"I don't love it, I tolerate it. I'm American through and through Hugo, and I need me some coffee," Percy grumbled as he grabbed a cup of orange juice and chugged it, "but I suppose this will do instead. Anyway, what did you guys do to celebrate last night?"

"Nothing," Hugo said as he gave a sidelong glance at Fleur, "madam Maxim kept an eye on uz, zo we couldn't do much. Or else we would 'ave partied, that I promise you."

"Bummer," Percy shrugged, "well if you guys ever need a place to party away from the watchful eyes of your headmistress just ask. I'm sure someone here knows a room you guys can use. Hogwarts has tons of unused space, it's kind of a tradition to explore and find a secret you can keep all for yourself."

"Like a 'iden room?" Camille asked.

Percy nodded, "if one should be so lucky."

Hugo turned to Camille, "we should explore this place later. If what he says is true then we can find rooms to gather our friends and hang out."

Camille nodded, "agreed. But let's not tell him that, I don't want our private time to be interrupted."

Percy rolled his eyes. Hugo spoke up, "thank you Perzy for telling uz thiz, we will find ourselves this room."

Percy chuckled, "no problem. Though I must warn you be careful, the walls have ears...and eyes...and moving sentient portraits that aren't afraid to rat you out to the professors."

The french students blinked, guess they didn't realise that part.

Percy turned to Fleur who was sitting a few seats away from Percy eating her own meals, not reacting or saying a word to anyone else.

"Hey Fleur!" Percy called out with a grin, "excited yet for the task?"

Fleur looked up and glared. She quickly finished the rest of her eggs and got up walking away, not sparing Percy a glace.

Percy watched her leave and turned to Camille, "what did I do?"

Hugo and a few boys chuckled, "don't worry Perzy, it izn't you. Fleur has always been a little...diztant. Did you zay anything to her yesterday?"

Percy shrugged, "no clue...well I may have joked around a little too much, but that's because everyone looked like they were going to kill each other, someone desperately needed to crack a joke."

"Zhe is probably upset you didn't take the zituation zeriously," Camille suggested, "if you want to make up with your girlfriend I zuggest you apologize."

Percy blushed, "girlfriend?! She isn't my girlfriend!" They all laughed hard at this while Percy puffed his cheeks in anger, "you french people are mean."

The rest of breakfast Percy spent asking them questions about their school and the way they were going to continue their education here. 

It seemed that all of them were seventh years and they would continue their education by joining in with the seventh year NEWT classes with the rest of the school. Apparently Bulgaria was doing the same.

After breakfast Percy got up to leave and saw Harry sitting alone at his table looking distracted. Remembering his promise to speak with the boy Percy quickly jumped down next to him, "heyo Harry!"

Harry snapped into alert as he looked up and saw Percy smiling down at him, "oh hey Percy."

"What's wrong? You sound super dull," Percy asked concerned.

"I...I didn't sleep well last night."

"More nightmares?"

Harry shook his head, "no..no nightmares. When I went up last night the Gryffindors were up partying, I told them I didn't put my name into the goblet, but they didn't believe me. And Ron...Ron's crossed that I didn't tell him how I did it. I told him I didn't do it, but he didn't believe me."

Percy blinked, "what? Why?!"

Harry sighed, "I don't know. He's supposed to be my friend, but he doesn't want to hear it! I can't belive him! He thinks I did this in order to get even more famous! What crap!"

Percy put a hand on Harry's shoulder and squeezed, "relax Harry, don't get angry."

"How can I not Percy?! He thinks I'm a liar! Bloody hell they all do! They don't believe me when I said I didn't do it! Ever Hermione thinks I'm lying!"

"Harry if Voldemort is responsible for this then you getting angry at them is the last thing you should do."

"Why?! They are calling me a liar!"


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