
A Debauchery Life In DxD

Gray The Soul Immortal, got betrayed by his own wife- The New Immortal Lady Fate. So he became a soul again. ...But the thing is he isn't depressed. Do you know why? He died 69 deaths by his own wives. 69 wives too in each life now its 70 deaths and wives. But he still got hurt so he won't get a new wife by 1000 years or more. Immortals are cold, they all hardy trust each other. Gray knew what he did is stupid. Getting a relationship to an Immortal? So he became a soul. He can create a new body but he won't. This time he will reincarnated to mortals but he have to find their home first so he wandered 10,000 years to find their World. there's many Worlds but Gray want something interesting. Something new that will pique his curiosity. and he finally found the World that pique his curiosity, Well he wasted 10,000 years but it's really worth it for him. Now it's time to decide what kind of life he will live from now on. Something life he will be happy and loved.. But what type of life is that?(He chooses what kind of life he will do in chapter 2. Well the Title of the novel says it.) I'll upload chapters if I'm in the mood or not busy. My writing might become bland, the characters interaction is like an emotionless talk, the chapters might not be interesting so don't expect to much. It's my first novel after all. But don't worry I will get better. :3 The cover is not mine, if the owner want's to take it down I will take it down. The first 1-4 chapters are bad but don't worry, I got better at chapter 5. All of the chapters are 1k+ words except the first chapters.

CarolineInPajama · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

A Duel For Two Maids.

(I was gonna upload early but. the electricity shut down! I forgot to save it and write it again from the start! I'm so stupid!!!)

(Tell me if I got better at writing fighting scene.)

(Fourth person's perspective.)

They are getting ready their stance

Gray they asked if they are ready.

They nodded

''Okay... Then go.'' Gray didn't shouted but they hear it well

Penelope then coat her sword with mana and Ice magic energy. She coat her body too but it's focus on her legs.


The sword Lit up.

Kuroka then coat both of her arms and legs with thick touki then light touki for the rest of her body.

They instantly appeared in front of each other and clash!


The ground on what their stepping on, cracked!


They made a shockwave when they clash.


Then their fist and sword meet again.


They are making an destruction impossible to make in their age and rank.

They step back this time.

'' [Ice Bullet!]'' Penelope fired it multiple times.

Kuroka then block and dodge them easily but..

''Heh.'' Penelope grin, she was double casting!

''Come forth! [Ice Age!]'' Then instantly, the 100 meters on their surrounding became snow and ice.

[Ice Age] Makes the user get 80% and her team get 50% of boost of their magic attack and physical when their inside of the surrounding ice and in those 100 meters, she can control it at her own will like creating a Sword, spear, daggers and more. But she is alone so she is 130% stronger than now.

''Tch.'' Kuroka frowned, she is in disadvantage now.

But [Ice Age] has major disadvantage.

She can't move.

Kuroka then fired Ki energies mixed with Youjutsu on Penelope while dodging the weapons thrown at her.

Penelope then make 2 clone of her from ice. They have the 1/3 of power she had right now.

Kuroka then stop running dodging around then run towards to Penelope while getting harassed from the 2 clones and weapons throwed to her.

*Clank!* *Clank!*

Kuroka then block the great sword coming towards her while blocking the clone's attack to her waist at the same time.

''!!'' Kuroka then found an opening and punch the clones stomach- piercing it!

Unexpectedly, the clone exploded and make an mini blizzard that limit her view.


This found Penelope and her clone an opening.

The Clone then tried to slash Kuroka's head but she block it and counter the clone, Hit it's head with her fist and it exploded.

''!'' Kuroka then sensed that a dagger is getting toward straight to her waist.


She blocked it but the dagger bounced and cut a fair big cut on her left legs.

''Ssss..'' Kuroka hissed at the sharp pain she felt in her legs.

She then healed it with her Senjutsu and continued running towards from Penelope.

50 meters... 43 meters... 35 meters...

She kept getting closer while dodging the weapons coming to her.

30 meters... 23 meters... 17 meters...

Penelope then make an 13 meters golem 5 meters width.

''ROOOAR!!'' The Ice golem roared and tried to punch Kuroka with it's huge fist.

''Hmph!'' Kuroka then tried to face the golem head on.


When their fist collided, the Ice golem is the one to step back.


When It look at it's fist, it's confused. How did that little thing hurt his fist?

When the Ice golem is startled, Kuroka take advantage of that and dashed.

''Ha...!'' She jumped towards the Ice golem's chest and punch it,


The Ice golem is again startled and roared when Kuroka instantly appeared in its chest and punch it.

Sadly this time the Ice golem didn't survive and It's body break and collapse.

''Hah.. Hah..'' Kuroka stabilized her breathing and continue running towards Penelope.

12 meters... 8 meters... 5 meters... 4 meters...

At 3 meters, when she's going to jump towards to Penelope.

''!!'' Kuroka then sense something underground, she tried to jump away but it's to late.

'' [Eternal Ice Prison!]'' Penelope chanted.

*Clank* *Clank*

The Ice suddenly appeared under Kuroka and Penelope grinned. But..

She's starting to feel dizzy...

'No! Don't lost consciousness! Your so close at winning!' Penelope thought while panicking.

Her mana is going down in fast rate!

Her spell is starting to get unstabilized, Kuroka then take advantage of that and break free.

''No...'' Penelope muttered. She started to lost consciousness.

She became unconscious and her body started to fall the ground

Luckily Gray caught her waist and carried he before her body get cold..

He then look at Kuroka and carried her too.

''!?'' Kuroka is startled and tried to get out of his arms.

Well Gray insisted it and won't let her go out.

He then instantly appeared in his bedroom and put down Kuroka and unconscious Penelope to the bed gently.

''That was a great fight..'' Gray said and clapped.

''And the fight was a tie.''

Kuroka nodded, she will lose when Penelope didn't get unconscious from mana lost.

Gray then heal Penelope. While she didn't get injured, her mana is very low at dangerous rate so he shared his mana a little.

Her body will exploded if he shared to much so he has to be careful.

1 minute later.

''Hmnn..'' Penelope eyes started to open.

When she is awake, she then thought how close she is winning was...

''Ugh...'' She started to feel frustrated, It's her first time getting a tie to someone in her age. Even though Kuroka is 1 year old than her, she ignore it.

''Hah...'' She calmed down, when she started to think the positive thoughts of getting a rival.

She then smile at Kuroka and said it was a good fight.

Kuroka smiled too and said the same.

They then compliment each other and more.

'They are getting alone faster than I thought..' Gray thought.

While they keep talking, Gray interrupted it.

''Cough... You two's fight is very good. As expected.'' Gray smiled.

''Anyway I'm here to give pointers and tips you needed.''

The two maids nodded, then listen to their young masters knowledge...