
A Death Monger's Only Wish

Finally!! Lee Byeol was free. He successfully killed himself at least. But wait was hell (because there's no way he is going to heaven.) supposed to look like this?

Just_Living_7191 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 3


"Very well. User LB07. I do not understand why you are expecting to be in hell. But let me tell you that you are definitely still on the earth of a novel called 'The Wild Wind'. There is a slight variation between your earth and this earth though. Here people have heightened control over different physiochemical and psychological attributes. To put it in a simpler terms 'super powers'. That now includes User LB07 as you are currently given the role of the right-hand man of the main of the main antagonist 'Choi Han'. You are role is to make the antagonist much more interesting and add more dimension to his character in a way that could satisfy the readers. Readers complain that the villain in this novel is too typical with little to no depth. This is where you as the antagonist's right hand man is required to work."

Lee Byeol, "Why I just wanted to dieeee!"

System, "Don't worry that is exactly you are fate once you accomplish all your missions. You can even choose how your death is going to be."

Lee Byeol, "What if I die now?"

System, "Please bear in mind that even if you were to kill yourself at any point during the plot, you won't likely be dead. Someone will save you or if somehow you managed to kill yourself, you will again reach the starting point f the story."

Lee Byeol, "What if other characters in this story were to kill me?" said thinking he find a major loophole in the system's statement.

System, "You would have to start over again from the beginning."

Lee Byeol, "This is not at all fair. So when can I actually DIE?" said exasperated. He was beginning to despair at his failed attempt at dying that landed him in this current predicament.

System replied, "User LB07, the system was originally made for people who are desperate to die. To give them the joy of death they seek over and over again. However for that to happen, you must first complete missions given to you. Once the readers deem the antagonist as someone who is fit for that role as you change them, you are wish shall for death shall be granted. Now the time for you to meet the antagonist has come, in another 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 second."

Lee Byeol, "Wait!!! I'm not ready yet. I got a lot to ask. System wait, WAIT!!!" was panicking.

"Hey you! Why are you still here?"

Now what was Lee Byeol supposed to do?