

Steffon a seventeen year old rebel teenage boy and his friends Jay and Lane went to the back of the school to engage in selling cocaine to one of the students. The three were know as "BIG DOGS". They were consistently called into the principal office. They were usually called for destroying the school properties, stealing, bullying, doing illegal drugs or misbehaving in class. Unfortunately, they always got away with it because the principal is Jay's father and he would do anything to maintain a positive relationship with his son.

When it was the weekend, Steffon told his mother that he was going for lessons with his English teacher since he wants to take a step in his education. His mother was so proud of him but didn't know what the future hold for her son. Steffon's mother is a christian and always warned her son for the friends that he kept and pleads with him everyday to change them and find better ones. She also tells him everyday to change his life from all the gangs that he is in before something bad really happens and she won't be there when he finally realize he should've listened to her. Although she tells him to come back to church and give your life to christ, he always brushes her and ignores all of her warnings and pleadings.

Stefffon lied to his mother and took his bike and went to the spot he and his friends usually hangout at. A few moments later when he arrived he noticed the Jay wasn't there so he asked for him, Lane replied late as usual. Soon after, Jay arrived walking very quickly with his head tilted towards the ground. He was wearing a black hoodie, a black jeans, a black airforce 1 with a hadkerchief has a mask. Lane asked where he was, as soon as he was about to speak they heard tires dragging along the road with gunshots in the air. They quickly ran to a alleyway near by and hid in the old factory. When the gunshots faded the stepped outside and sighed in relief.