
A deal with the devil (mafia boss)

After Alicia's engagement was unexpectedly called off by her fiance. She was too shocked to digest the news. She found herself in a majestic house. What would become of her when she mistake her savior as an enemy?. She finds herself in another entirely different world where everything seems strange to her. Dealing with this cold annoying boss of her and his underworld secrets. Was she going to discover the secrets behind her mothers sickness? How would she uncover this family plot twist? Would she be the mafia Queen?

PrinCess05adEx · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


Arriving at W.D company, Alicia was welcomed by the site of a skyscraper building presented before her, and workers could been seen busy and concentrated with their respective works. She kept wondering why Williams needed a personal assistant, when he already have more than enough workers.

Raymond was on his usual black outfit, making him more alluring as he continued walking elegantly towards his office. His face still remained expressionless no matter how hard she tried reading him.

His office was decorated with simple colors with simple touch of black,emanating a vibes of loneliness, yet its remained beautiful. Heaps of files were waiting for him on his table for attendance.

"You know your job. I don't have to be the one telling you on how to do your job" 

'Must he be this cold and unfriendly to everyone', Alicia thought within herself. She held back herself from rolling her eyes for the sake of professionalism. "Yes Mr Williams, I know how to do my job PERFECTLY" Alicia said with a little bit of sarcasm, emphasising more on 'perfectly'.

After she was done analysing his busy schedule for the day, she silently retreated after a slight nod from him.

" I DONT ACCEPT MISTAKES and make me a coffee. Don't add too much sugar. That will be all for now, if I need you, I will give you a call" willaims said engrossed in the file he was attending to. 

"OK sir"


First time working as a personal assistant wasn't an easy thing for Alicia. Williams on the other hand noticed how dutiful she was with her job, getting things prepared before the actual time and she haven't had lunch yet.

"A client of mine wants to talk business over lunch. Let go" Williams ordered walking up to her, making her startled by his voice. "OK sir"she replied him even though she didn't hear what he said. She was fully immersed In what she was doing, knowing how well he hates mistakes.

"Then let's go" Williams sounded a little impatient, he doesn't like repeating himself.

"But I still have works to do. I'm not done with...." She still wanted to argue more. But, before she could say more words, he had left her presence, leaving her with no choice than to hurriedly pack her things up and run after after him. Williams couldn't figure out why she had to be stubborn in everything, even with the simplest thing like food.


After the hectic day at work, Alicia got home more earlier than Williams. She didn't agree with going home with him in the same car, she didn't want different speculations and rumors circulating the company and she also didn't want to ruin his image. He knew he couldn't change her mind knowing how intransigent she was.

Williams finally got home few minutes after he was done attending to some office files. He was greeted by the butler (Mr Richard). Mr Richard has been the family butler since Williams was still trying to gain his first step till this moment, he was a very good friend of Williams father.

"Where is she" Williams wanted to be sure she got home safely. 

"She is upstairs sir. Shall I call her?"

"Has she eaten?"

"No....No sir" the butler said trying to recover from the shock, he felt like his ears were playing tricks on him, knowing how apathetic the young master is.

"She said she is waiting for your arrival before she eats" Mr Richard sounded carefully this time around, afraid he might offend him. 

"Then go get her" Williams sounded offended just like Mr Richard predicted while making his way to his room.

Alicia made her way to the dining room after she was done making a phonecall with scarlet, her nose was hit by the tantalising smell of food protracting in the air, making her stomach growl loudly.

"Are you waiting for me to spoon feed you?.... don't wait for me before you eat next time" Williams scolded her.

"Eat more. I don't like employees looking like a bag of bones". He said softly trying to correct the tone he used in speaking with her, even though his words still sounded little offensive. He carefully placed more foods on her plate. He didn't know why he was doing all of this but beneath his heart he felt warm. Alicia was taken aback by his movements, she didn't want to be so unreasonable by being egocentric as she ate her food in silent.

Mr Richard who was watching them in the corner of the room, knew something was strange about his young master. Williams doesn't know how to express how he feels. His face always remained unchanged and expressionless, making others have hard time reading him, and its has always been that way since the death of his parents.

He didn't shed a single tears after the death of his parents, his face was as pale as a ghost, he remained expressionless but hint of lifelessness could be read on his face as little as he was. He promised his father before he gave up, not to shed a single tears, since his father wanted him to stay strong while he left him in this cold world.

Ever since them, he became cold hearted, merciless, heartless, one who always wore an unfriendly tone and face that couldn't be read by anyone. He was aloof and it became a really heard thing expressing how he felt, but beneath those masks on his face, there was also an indistinct feeling of loneliness. Mr Richard felt sorry for him, knowing how hard it has been on him however, he decided to still stand by his side no matter what.

He remained motionless carefully observing how Williams face was relaxed.

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