
Chapter 26 Remembrance

So it's the next day and Amy's at a friends house and Jamie's at work. Avery finished the project early so she has the rest of the week off. Now it's just me and her.

"So what happened last night?"

"I had a bad dream.."

"What was it about?"

Theres no point in lying. "I found a razor and I heard a voice and you were trying to get it from me and a psychiatrist came and I blacked out and I woke up in a hospital tied up"

She just stared at me, I could tell she was thinking about what to say.

"I'm sorry, that must've been scary"

"Waking up was scarier" "I knew I shouldn't have snorted that ibuprofen" I mumbled to myself.

"Are you kidding me Scar?"

"I'm sorry"

"Why the heck did you do that?"

"My tooth was hurting and I had a headache, I wanted the pain to go away as quickly as possible. Amy was in the bathroom so I just did it" She thought for a minute and patted my head. "What am I gonna do with you?" She said sighing.

"Anything you wanna do today?" She asked me

"I guess I'd like to go for a walk"

"Ok, lead the way"

We walk out the door and outside to begin our walk. Taking walks help me clear my head. I love how the fresh air feels in my lungs and how the wind feels blowing through my hair. I like how quiet it is. No talking no yelling, just quiet. And Avery seems to be respecting the quiet well so that's nice.

My thoughts are disrupted by this girl that came from the opposite direction we were walking. She stopped right in front of us and we both looked up confused.

"Wait a second..aren't you that girl from the news who tried to kill herself?"

We both stared at her in shock from what she just blatantly said.

"It's to bad you didn't die though. Or maybe you were just doing it for attention"

She walked past us slowly and said-

"Attention whore"

Then she just kept walking. I was frozen in place on the verge of another panic attack.

Avery called out to her but she was already down the road. She looked at me and asked if I wanted to go home.

I quietly replied "yeah" and we started walking home.

When we got home Jamie and Amy were already there.

"Hey you two! What do you want for dinner? I was thinking pasta"

I just kept walking to my room and Avery sat down at the kitchen.


Avery's POV

Why the fuck would anyone say that? I don't understand how someone could be so cruel and find joy out of it. I sat on one of the bar stools in the kitchen and stared down at the corner trying to figure out why that girl felt the need to say that to my sister.

"Avery? What's wrong?" Amy asked

"Not right now Amy, I need to go lay down"

She looked at me confused and concerned but I couldn't tell her what had just happened. I went to my room and laid there feeling so bad for Scarlett. I sat there for about 5 minutes before getting up to check on Scarlett.

I opened the door to see her sitting on the floor facing away from me staring out at the night sky.


She didn't move. That's when I noticed she wasn't wearing a hoodie or jacket like usual but short sleeves. And then I saw the blood.

"Scarlett!" I ran up to her and grabbed a towel to stop the bleeding.

She had no expression on her face and kept blankly staring out the window.

"Jamie! Bring me the gauze!"

Jamie rushed in with the first aid kit and Amy was right behind him.

I cleaned and wrapped her arms all while she said nothing. She just stared outside.

Amy tried to talk to her but it was no use. I called her therapist and she arrived 10 minutes later.

"Scarlett? Can you talk to me?" She asked. Scarlett didn't say a word.

"Can you lift your hand?" She didn't move.

They stayed in there for about 20 minutes before her therapist came out and said she'd be ok but that we should keep a close eye on her. I looked in her room and she was in bed under the covers. I walked to the kitchen grabbed a glass of water as I thought to myself. Why is the world so cruel?

"Avery where did you guys go? What happened??" Amy asked me.

"Babe, what happened?" Jamie asked.

I looked at them both and they were so worried. I couldn't just leave them in the dark.

"So me and Scarlett went on a walk"

Thinking about it makes my blood boil and my heart break.

"And this girl approached us and recognized Scarlett from the news....you know, when she tried to off herself."

They both froze waiting for what I would say next.

"She um... she called her an...an attention whore and said it was too bad she didn't die"

"Oh my god" Jamie said

"What the fuck. Who does that"

"I don't know, I just wanna sleep" Then I got up and went to bed.


Amy's POV

I can't believe what I just heard. Why would anyone in there right mind say something like that? What the hell?

I went to our room and saw Scarlett laying in bed facing the wall. I wanted to say something but I didn't wanna bother her so I just went to bed.


Jamie's POV

Why the hell would anyone say something like that? And to someone as fragile as Scarlett? I don't understand. I wish there was something I could say or do for either of them to remove the memory from their heads.

I went into our bedroom and Avery was laying facing the wall. I climbed into bed and snuggled her. She started silently crying and I hugged her tighter.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered, and we laid there like that for the rest of the night.
