
A day in the life of HxH

Traka the Mc is chilling until his teleported into hxh with no knowledge of the world. I do not own anything from hxh only my oc’s

Jackson_Mitchell · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

[Chapter 1] Where in the world am I!? (Better writing next chapter)

[Traka/Mc] So I was chilling playing minecraft and now I'm in like a massive like tunnel place where some random jellybean kinda thing gave me a tag with the number 399 on it... WHATS HAPPENING?!?!?

[Tonpa] "Hello you must be new here, my names Tonpa I help people new around here, you must be thirsty here's a drink :)",

[Traka/Mc] "Uh no thank you Tonpa I don't drink soda, but thanks for the offer my names Traka by the way :)".

[Tompa] So many weird people here today, there's that white haired one who seems to not be affected by the poison, the green haired one who smelled it somehow and now this one who doesn't even drink sofa.

[Traka] I'm so confused right now just where and the hell am I?

[Satotz]"Congratulations on making your way to the first part of the hunter exam my name is satotz!

As for the first park of the exam just follow me until we hit the end of the tunnel, anyone who wishes to leave go through the exit behind you"

[Traka] what the…. How did this dude just start walking while like being that fast, OH Crap I'm falling behind better start running…. Ok well I'm keeping up kind of right now but this man is going faster and faster like when the hell is he going to slow down!?!!]

[Tonpa] " Your looking a little tired there Traka you still don't drink sofa?" [Tonpa] I will get this kid to drink the poison his the only one I've ever come across who annoyed me so much.

[Traka] " Haven't I already told you I DON'T drink soda…. Now I'm a little pissed off that I was randomly taken away from my game sk would you kindly piss off?" (A red aura comes off Traka without him knowing)

[Tonpa] WHAT w-was that he gave me a shiver down my spine I can't stop sweating, his dangerous I better stay away. (Tonpa hurriedly runs ahead)

[Traka] wow I normally don't get that mad I wonder why that was weird, well anyway I don't have the time to dwell on that matter because I think this clown is a pervert, his giving me a weird smile I don't like I better stay away from him, well I'm falling behind as I speak in my head man this dude walks so dam fast it feels impossible.

(3 hours later/ 30 km through)

[Traka] I'm starting to lose it I've been running for like 8 hours my legs hurt man I wish I could just ride a bike or anything with wheels right now, wait a dam minute that white haired kid has a skateboard well normally I wouldn't even think about taking something off a kid but… right now I need it.

(Traka runs up to the white haired kid)

[Killua] " huh what do you want?".

[Traka] "we'll do you mind if I use that skateboard your holding while I was running over you stopped using because of that old man?".

[Leorio] " IM NOT OLD IM A TEENAGER JUST LIKE YOU and my names leorio!".

(Everyone around yells "WHAT!?!?")

[Killua] "There's no way…".


[Gon] "FOR REAL!?!?".

[Traka] "yeah no".

[Leorio]" I really am I'm 19".

[Traka] man they need to test this dudes blood and DNA he looks old as hell for his age!.

[Gon] " Everyone should introduce themselves to everyone!, I'm Gon".

[Killua] "sure I guess, I'm Killua".

[Leorio] "I'm Leorio".

[Kurapika] " I'm Kurapika".

[Traka] "I'm Traka, and can I have that skateboard now?"

[Killua] " sure but only until we reach the end".

(4 hours later 2 boys yell "MADE IT!")

[Traka] thank god it's over that was painful I wouldn't have made it without the skateboard, but why's it so gloomy here?".

[Satotz] " Good work you have made it to part 2 of the first phase of the hunter exam, but be careful this forest has a bunch of dangerous creatures that will try and trick you".

[???] " EVERYONE HIS LIEING IM the real examiner His a fake faced monkey!"

(Most people start agreeing with the so called examiner because of how weird Satotz walks but then…)

(2 cards fly at the so called examiner and Satotz, the fake examiner dies and Satotz catch's the card)

[Histoka] " I guess we know who the real examiner is now heheh :)".

[Satotz] " I will allow you to stay but if you attack me again your disqualified"

[Histoka] " Hmm I understand"

[Traka] What the actual f*** was that dude just killed a man and no one cares and with a card at that! OK officially a red zone anywhere near that clown.

[Satotz] "Part 2 of the first phase will now begin!".


—————————To be continued—————————
