
A Date a Day for Love

Lee Jin Ho and Kim Na Eun had a whirlwind romance in their twenties, but life pulled them in different directions, causing them to drift apart. Years later, Lee Jin Ho realizes he still carries a torch for the one who got away. Determined to rekindle their lost love, he hatches a plan: 30 dates in 30 days. Kim Na Eun, a strong-willed and independent woman, is initially taken aback by Lee Jin Ho's proposal. She's moved on with her life, with a successful career and a thriving social circle. The idea of dating her ex-boyfriend for a month sounds like a recipe for disaster. Yet, there's a part of her that wonders if second chances can truly reignite the sparks of the past. As the days progress, Lee Jin Ho and Kim Na Eun embark on a series of quirky, heartfelt, and sometimes comically disastrous dates. From picnics in the park to daring adventures and romantic getaways, they explore their connection anew. Along the way, they rediscover the things that drew them together in the first place – their shared sense of humor, dreams, and a deep, undeniable chemistry. But as the countdown to their 30th date approaches, both face the inevitable question: Is this second chance at love meant to last, or are they fated to go their separate ways once again? "A Date a Day for Love" is a heartwarming and humorous romantic comedy that explores the complexities of love, the magic of rediscovery, and the power of second chances. Will Lee Jin Ho's audacious plan win back the heart of the one he loves, or is there more to this love story than meets the eye? Join them on a rollercoaster journey of laughter, tears, and romance as they navigate the highs and lows of their 30-day quest for love. [P.S: This is my first time trying to write this kind of genre. I think of it as trying to try a new genre and try to sometimes unwind from my other novel. I would be grateful if you could look at it kindly. It is said that positive reinforcement works better than the stick approach. So, I hope you readers would use more carrots to cheer me on instead of using the stick to beat me.....please.....

Keikokumars · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 01: Valentine Day

In love stories, there exists a timeless pattern, a rhythm of hearts that most often begins with a twist of fate.

Some start with a simple misunderstanding, a chance encounter, or perhaps just a fleeting glance across a crowded room.

Yet, as these tales of romance unfold, they tend to follow a well-trodden path towards their inevitable conclusion.

But every once in a while, amidst the countless love stories that grace this world, there emerges a narrative that defies the ordinary, a saga that dances to the beat of its own unique melody.

It is a story where two souls, seemingly separated by the vast expanse of time and space, find themselves inexplicably drawn together, again and again.

In those rare, enchanted moments, it becomes abundantly clear that distance is but a trivial obstacle.

These star-crossed lovers know, deep within their hearts, that destiny will conspire to reunite them, no matter the odds.

It's a tale as old as time itself, where two souls discover their other half, their missing piece – their soulmate.

And so, in the grand tapestry of love stories, this one stands out, not for its conformity to the norm, but for its defiance of it.

It possesses the whimsical charm, the heart-warming laughter, and the undeniable chemistry that could only belong to a love story, where love's magic transcends time and space, painting a picture that's uniquely its own.

It's a love story…magical and similar….yet still magical


14 February 2012

The night was draped in an icy shroud, as winter held its grip on the world outside.

Snowflakes danced delicately from the sky, only to meet the frozen ground with a hushed embrace.

It is a night for warmth and companionship, yet hearts tonight would be entangled in a storm of emotions.

The faint sound of knocking pierced the cold silence, echoing through Jin Ho home.

He approached the door cautiously, a sense of uncertainty clinging to his every step. As he swung the door open, there she stood, Na Eun, framed against the wintry backdrop.

'Na Eun' she looks at him and he looks at her. And then she barged into the house. Like always, she is like a storm.

He follows her from behind. And she stands there in the living room.

He sighed and approach her

'What are you doing, Na Eun?'

"Jin Ho. You've changed"

"After what you have done, how can you pretend nothing happened?' Jin Ho look at her and ask

'Do you want some water?'

He then walks to the kitchen and pour down water into the glass. He brought it to her, hoping that it would calm her down.

Despite the turmoil that had transpired between them, he had contemplated reaching out to her, longing to share his thoughts and feelings.

But deep down, he knew that she wouldn't understand, that the chasm between them had grown too wide.

He had been thinking of calling her. Of trying to express what he thinks. Of what he is feeling. But, he knows she would not understand.

Since that is the case…

As Jin Ho offered her a glass of water, a silent gesture of peace, Na Eun stormy emotions seemed to abate momentarily.

She accepted the glass, downing its contents in an attempt to quench her inner turmoil.

'You finished' he asks.

Jin Ho inquired as he took the glass from her trembling hand and placed it gently on the table.

He settled onto the sofa, the silence between them stretching like an uncharted expanse. The coldness of the night seemed to seep into their souls.

Then he looks at her.

Tonight, the night felt very cold.

'How are you acting like nothing happened?' there is silence between them

'Is there nothing you want to talk to me about? Did you really have nothing to say?' she asks and then she waited.

Na Eun's voice quivered, her eyes searching for answers in his.

"Should I...apologize?" Jin Ho's words hung in the air, a fragile bridge between their wounded hearts. He paused, then continued, "But I don't want to."

Confusion and frustration welled up within Na Eun.

"Then... then what do you want, Jin Ho?"

There is another silence between them. And then he said

"I don't think we should meet each other again. We try that before didn't we? We already hurt each other. A lot" She looks at him and she is trying hard to try to not cry.

"So…you don't want to apologize. And you don't want to see me again. You just want me...to get lost." She chuckles dryly

A dry, bitter chuckle escaped her lips. "You should have told me this sooner, instead of dragging this out."

'She is leaving' he thought to himself

Just like when he was in his twenties.

With those words, she turned her back on him, her determination to leave….is probably hurting her as much as it hurts him.

Jin Ho watched her retreating figure, a painful sense of déjà vu enveloping him.

He had despised this sight before, watching her walk away from him, the love of his life.

He knew he couldn't bear to feel that loss again.

Yet, seeing her again, tangled once more in the web of their fate, stirred something within him.

He realized that life without her was an unbearable prospect. And so, he reached a conclusion, one that had eluded him for so long.

He can't go on without her in his life.

So, the conclusion that he could draw...is only one

He blurted the words

'Should we be friends?'

Jin Ho blurted out, the words escaping his lips before he could second-guess himself.

Na Eun froze in her tracks, her gaze locking onto his.

That frigid winter night, the snow bearing witness to their turbulent emotions, hung heavy with uncertainty and longing.



Jin Ho got up from his bed and he almost smash his phone.

He looks at his phone and it is already nine in the morning.

Jin Ho penthouse apartment exuded an air of grandeur and luxury, a testament to his success

The vast living room lay shrouded in darkness, the thick curtains concealing the outside world. He moved with the lethargy of a man who had been jolted from sleep by an unwanted intrusion.

His spacious California King bed had offered comfort throughout the night, a sanctuary from the harsh realities of the world.

But now, morning's light beckoned, and he begrudgingly began the process of extricating himself from its embrace.

With a heavy sigh, Jin Ho pushed the thought of his missed morning jog aside.

"I guess no jogging today," he muttered to himself.

"Haish," he complained, looking around his bed. "These wrinkled pajamas."

He walked listlessly to the kitchen, passing through the dimly lit living room. He did not switch on the lights but instead searched for the remote control for his curtains.

"I think it's around the kitchen," Jin Ho mumbled, his voice a quiet echo in the cavernous apartment.

His habit of leaving belongings scattered throughout the penthouse made the search more challenging.

It was a sprawling, opulent space and clutter was often a consequence of such luxury.

Jin Ho penthouse perched at the pinnacle of the skyscraper, granting him unparalleled views of the city below.

The sprawling Han River stretched out in the distance, a glistening ribbon that wound through the heart of Seoul.

He had everything one could dream of — private elevators, rooftop gardens, and an exclusive pool.

To many, he was living the epitome of a luxurious life.

As he opened the refrigerator, his gaze landed on the remote control resting on the tabletop.

"Ah, here it is," he muttered, his fingers deftly working the remote to command the curtains surrounding the living room to draw back.

In an instant, the magnificent cityscape unfolded before him.

Most people would have envied such a breath-taking view, but Jin Ho had grown accustomed to it over the years.

He no longer felt the thrill others might experience when gazing upon this sprawling metropolis.

Still, he welcomed the extra sunlight that now bathed his living room.

"Trying to save on electricity this month," he mused to himself, a self-deprecating smile playing on his lips.

His friends had often found his frugal tendencies rather absurd, considering his substantial wealth.

But Jin Ho was nothing if not eccentric.

He surveyed the kitchen area and sighed, muttering his favorite word of lamentation.


Upon entering the kitchen, Jin Ho noticed that someone had already prepared a meal.

A bowl of rice sat waiting for him, but his sigh had little to do with the untouched breakfast.

His gaze fell upon the numerous bottles of soju cluttering the table, accompanied by a few packets of chicken. He frowned at the mess.

"She should at least clean up after herself," he muttered under his breath.

"I suppose I'll have to give the cleaner a generous tip this month to make up for it," he grumbled.

With a hint of annoyance, he decided to postpone breakfast until he was fully awake.

Jin Ho walked to the bathroom, peering at his reflection in the mirror. His mind wandered to thoughts of a skincare treatment center.

"I really should visit a skincare center," he contemplated as he splashed cool water on his face.

To anyone who knew him well, Jin Ho words might have sounded absurd.

After all, he was a handsome man by any standard.

His straight eyebrows framed his expressive eyes, and a slim, well-shaped nose sat above a small face.

He boasted full lips and a well-toned physique, a testament to his regular gym visits.

But his friends couldn't quite fathom why a writer like Jin Ho would fret over skincare treatments and gym sessions.

'I don't want to go to work today' Jin Ho found himself yearning for a day off work, and he nodded in agreement with his own thoughts.

Today, he decided, he wouldn't go to the office.
