
A Dash of Black: Harem of Symbiotes

After a multiverse collapse with the DC universe, Venom made Peter an offer he couldn't refuse. Merged together the duo has a goal, getting stronger and fucking gals. Warning: Harem, Mature, R-18, Corruption, Tentacles! and Breeding kink. Cover art made by: FrayDragon on furaffinity. You can read ahead here! : https://ko-fi.com/spiderling96954/tiers

Spiderling · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 18

Peter, Mary, and Gwen stood on the rooftop of a tall skyscraper, overlooking the bustling city below. The moon was casting a cold glow over the concrete jungle. The air was cool and a light breeze blew, causing Mary's hair to sway lightly.

"Keep an eye out, don't do any drastic movements, and let Gwen and me talk," Peter said as they stopped on the rooftop to talk like adults. He would disarm the situation before it got out of hand.

"Fine." Mary crossed her arms and removed the mouth on her face, giving the girl a sealed appearance like Peter.

Peter took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. This was a delicate situation and he needed to handle it carefully.

In the distance, he could see a woman flying in his direction, he had never seen that superhero before.

She had flowing gold hair that was styled dramatically, with intricate braids. The blond hair, contrasted with the green hue of her coat. The women's green coat was made of a silk-like material with hundreds of small engravings in silver over it. They looked like runes or something similar.

However, the most interesting detail was the silver metallic armor covering her whole body. It kinda reminded him of the feminine version of Doctor Doom's armor. The mask that concealed her face was made of the same metallic material, with glowing golden eyes that added to her intimidating appearance.

"Hey!" Peter shouted as he stepped forward with his hand held high, trying to signal that he meant no harm. "Can we talk about this? We don't want any trouble, we just need to explain ourselves."

The second that the woman landed on the rooftop, a sudden flash of light erupted, enveloping the entire area. The trio shielded their eyes, temporarily blinded by the intense light. When the light faded, they were stunned to see that four more girls had appeared on the rooftop with them.

"Fuck, I hate this!" One of them kneeled on the ground to puke.

Oh, that was Ms. Marvel! She had an athletic build and a short bob of brown hair. The girl had brown eyes and a bright, confident smile that radiated energy and optimism, or at least on the few videos that Peter had seen. She wore a red and blue suit that was form-fitting and practical, allowing her full range of motion as she fought crime. The suit was adorned with a lightning bolt emblem on her chest, and a long red scarf that added a touch of style to her superhero ensemble. Her boots were high-top and red, complementing the rest of her outfit.

A red android girl quickly went beside her, trying to see if she was okay. Peter, Mary, and Gwen looked on in confusion, not sure what was happening.

"What's wrong with her?" Gwen asked.

"Classified information." Another hero said with a dry and unfriendly tone.

She was wearing red, black, and golden power armor that made her glide in the air. The color scheme was striking and eye-catching, making her a standout presence on the battlefield. Its design of the armor was sleek and streamlined, with a minimalist aesthetic that emphasizes function over form.

"Sorry, sorry! It gets really messy when I teleport multiple people!" The girl on the silver armor said with a cute and girly tone as she rushed toward Ms. Marvel. Helping her companion to get up.

"Don't worry Val, you did your best," after a few seconds Peter recognized the girl. She was Viv Vision, one of the sentient machines that made it clear they deserved the same respect and right as the rest of humans.

This android girl superhero had a distinctive and striking appearance. Her skin was a rich shade of red, which stood out in contrast to her lush green hair and piercing golden eyes. Her hair was a striking shade of green, falling in a cascade of curls down her back.

Peter thought that she was younger than him but the android was molded with some nice adult proportions. Her superhero suit was a one-piece design, made from a mixture of black and white materials. The suit was form-fitting, emphasizing her athletic build and allowing her to move with ease and grace.

"It seemed that this was a waste of time, can we go? now? I have to study for college," White Tiger exclaimed with her typical non-fun tone.

Peter didn't like to work with that girl, the last time they teamed up they spent more time arguing than actually fighting crime. However, as far as cat-themed superhumans that used skin-tight suits, she was the second most hot of them.

White Tiger's distinctive appearance was a combination of her muscular body and the unique features of her superhero suit. With her black ponytail, piercing yellow eyes, and sleek white suit with gray tiger marks, she was a fierce and striking presence on the battlefield. The tiger emblem on her waist was depicted in a vivid green color.

Her suit was designed to accentuate her athletic figure, and the sleek lines of the white and gray fabric emphasized her powerful muscles. The tiger marks on her suit, inspired by the emblem on her waist, added to the overall impression of strength and agility.

In addition to her physical attributes, White Tiger was also equipped with retractable claws that added to her formidable appearance. Those weapons were made from a durable material and were capable of slicing through almost anything, making her a formidable opponent in hand-to-hand combat.

Her suit also featured pointed feline ears, which added to the overall impression of her as a powerful and agile tiger. These ears not only added to her intimidating appearance but also served a practical purpose, as they enhanced her already sharp senses.

"Oh my god! Is Spiderman!" Ms. Marvel screamed and rushed to get closer after recovering from her incident.

"Wait, what?!" Peter replied, surprised to be recognized.

"I am your number one fan!" the girl gushed.

"I have a fan?! Oh my god, I am so happy!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air.

"So, what is the problem?" Gwen stepped forward, looking serious.

"We have a report that Carnage was here so . . ." Viv she explained as she pointed to Mary who was doing her best good girl impression.

"Oh no, she is Massacre, totally a different person," Peter corrected.

"Yea, similar name, almost similar outfit, and the same power. That is suspicious right?" White Tiger asked.

"I will check," Viv replied.

"Don't worry, I don't bite . . . unless you want it," Mary winked at Viv and she just shook her head.

She began scanning the area with a blue light coming from her hands. "Voice records don't match, body physiology is different," she reported. "Genetic results of the mark she left are here. They are only partially similar, like a sister."

"See? Nothing to do here," Gwen said with a sigh of relief.

"Hey, are those two ok?"The girl with the Ironman rip-off suit asked, nodding towards Peter and his fan.

"Never have a fan before, let him enjoy it," Gwen replied with a smile.

"So . . . why are you my fan?" he asked, Peter hands on his hips.

"Are you kidding? You are the first teenager that went out to fight crime! You inspired me!" she exclaimed, her arms outstretched a lot . . . showing her shape-shifting powers.

"I did that?!" The boy said, surprised.

Ms. Marvel, not wanting to miss a moment of the excitement, pulled out her phone and excitedly exclaimed, "Yes, let's take a selfie!" She held the phone up, angling it towards the two of them, a broad grin on her face.

"Sure," Peter replied, putting his arm around her and smiling for the camera. They took the selfie and the boy couldn't help but feel grateful for having a fan who was inspired by his actions.

"So . . . you are Tony's daughter?" Gwen's eyes widened as she looked at the girl in the red, black, and golden armor standing in front of her.

"No, I am Ironheart, his apprentice." The girl said.

Val stepped forward, a bright smile on his face, "and I am Val! Leader of the New Champions! Nice to meet you guys in person!" Val exclaimed with cheerfulness.

"You don't look . . .like a hero," Peter mumbled, his thoughts racing as he tried to make sense of the situation.

Peter looked at Val skeptically, still trying to process what he was hearing. He couldn't believe that the young hero in front of him looked so much like a notorious villain.

White Tiger interrupted his thoughts, "We already told her that."

Val seemed apologetic for the villain, "Come on, just because I look a little like Uncle Victor doesn't mean I'm bad. Or even that he's bad."She let out an awkward laugh, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Well, he may have tried to conquer the world one time...or two...or," Val trailed off, still trying to lighten the mood.

"23 times," Viv corrected.

"Uncle Victor . . . wait a minute, you are related to Reed Richard?" Peter managed to tie the dots. In his world, Reed didn't have a daughter. A shame with such a beautiful wife.

"Yes . . . he is my dad from another universe . . . kinda got mixed," she answered, hesitating before continuing.

At the mention of Reed Richards, Venom inside Peter's brain screamed in outrage. "Reed Richard?! That worm that separated us in the first place?! The one that poisoned your mind?! Take her daughter! Take her from him as revenge!" Venom's anger was palpable, and Peter could feel it boiling inside of him.

In an effort to calm Venom down, Peter mentally soothed, "Chill honey, we will eat some chocolate later okay? Just calm down now."

"Fine!" Venom replied grudgingly. "But we are not done with this!" Peter could feel the venomous symbiote's anger dissipating, but he knew that the issue was far from resolved.

"So, any of you want to hang around someday and fight crime together?" Peter asked, hoping to form a new addition to his team and family.

Ms. Marvel's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh my god, yes!" she exclaimed. "I would love it!"

"Oh sure, also I could get a sample of your suit? It looks really interesting," Val asked.

However, Venom inside Peter's mind was not too thrilled with the idea of Val getting close to her. "No! She cannot touch me! Get that woman far from me!" Venom squirmed, fear evident in her voice.

After this small encounter and talking a little, each hero went on their way. Gwen went with Mary to the apartment since the redhead needed to . . . spit . . . the parts of Rhino suit she had eaten. Studying that suit would be fundamental for both. On the other hand, Peter decided to make one last round before heading home and having some fun.

As the boy swung through the city, he couldn't help but feel that something was off. Suddenly, he spotted a figure in the shadows. It was Felicia Hardy, better known as the Black Cat.

Felicia stood tall and confident in her all-black attire. Her sleek catsuit was made of a form-fitting material that accentuated her curves, and her cleavage provided a nice view of her big pale breasts. The white hair was styled in a glorious mane, hanging just above her shoulders and adding to her striking appearance. She wore a pair of fingerless gloves, allowing her to have full dexterity and allowing the suit to accentuate her arms. To complete the look, she wore a pair of knee-high boots made of glossy material. Her green eyes stood out against her white hair and skin, and her smile was playful and mischievous, hinting at the mischief she was capable of.

They were standing in a dimly lit alleyway surrounded by tall buildings on either side. The only source of light came from a flickering street lamp overhead. Garbage cans were scattered about and the smell of trash mixed with the scent of the city's pollution. The air was thick with tension as Peter and Felicia sized each other up.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Spider-Man," Felicia purred as she stepped into the light, her eyes glinting with mischief.

"Black Cat. You lost something?" Peter asked, wary of the notorious thief. He crossed his arms over his chest, his muscles were tense and ready for action.

"Wait, my love, something is wrong with her," Venom said inside his mind.

Peter agreed, his spider-sense was rumbling in the background. She had something in mind but he couldn't precisely find what.

"Oh, come on, Spidey. Can't a girl just want to see her favorite superhero?" she said, a sly grin on her face.

"I don't believe you," Peter replied. "You always have something up your sleeve."

"You wound me, Spider-Man," she said, placing a hand on her chest and feigning injury. Despite her playful demeanor, there was a hard edge to her voice.

"Well, there is something that I wanted to talk about with you," she continued, her expression becoming serious.

"Me too, actually," Peter said, his tone matching hers.

As the conversation between Black Cat and Spiderman came to a close, Felicia suddenly reached into her utility belt and pulled out a small, spherical device. With lightning-fast reflexes, she threw it at Peter.

The boy's spider sense tingled just in time for him to leap out of the way as the device exploded into a loud, disorienting blast of sound. It was horrible, his body shivering as even with his new armor, each part of him was screaming in pain. Even Venom was screeching as the sound waves completely immobilized the two. Without the suit? he would be out of commission.

"Need to wash your clothes, Spidey. Black doesn't suit you," she said with a smirk.

Great, now Peter didn't have any excuse to hold back.

There was only one way to get out of this situation. After all, they use a similar strategy to defeat Carnage. He faked fainting. Luring the cat with defenseless prey.

As the sound blast hit him, Peter allowed his body to go limp, pretending to be unconscious. He used all of his acting skills to make it seem convincing, even as Venom screeched in protest. He could feel Black Cat's smirk as she approached, thinking she had the upper hand.

But Peter was far from defenseless. He allowed his body to hang limply, letting his arms dangle at his sides, and slowing his breathing to a barely noticeable rate. Outwardly, he appeared completely defeated. But on the inside, he was coiled like a spring, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

His eyes were closed, but he could feel her presence getting closer. Peter could sense her excitement and satisfaction, thinking she had taken him down with ease. The boy waited, counting the seconds in his mind until he felt her hand reach out to touch him. Finally, Peter's upgraded senses were handy, he had all the information he needed for a surprise attack.