

"I want you, and I know that you want me too."She said leaning closer to him. "Woman, you are playing with fire."He said stopping her hand from going down any further. "Playing with fire is what I do best."She said, looking deep into his deep blue eyes that spelled nothing but danger, but she didn't care, she liked taking risks. That's what she had been doing ever since that one unfortunate night that ruined her life. ------------------------------------------------ Flora Brown was a 23 year old woman, a single mother who lived with her father and spoilt sister. She was raped when she was 20 by an anonymous person and since then both her father abd sister treated her like a nobody. One day she went out looking for a job and she met a rich, powerful and dangerous man. He hired her to be his brother's fiancé so that she could take everything from him and destroy him. But things don't go as planed when she finds herself falling in love with both brothers when she was not supposed to. She struggles to figure out who to choose or what to do, because she knew that she couldn't choose both men. Things become a lot harder when she learns the truth behind both brothers' hatred towards each other, and the identity of the man that tainted her.

Daoist3zARtt · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

chapter 4

"I still don't get why you are hiring me to do this job, what if I fail to even become his friend let alone his girlfriend or fiancé."She said.

"Don't worry I'll make sure that you become his fiancé in no time, just leave everything to me, you just have to do what I say, that's all and everything will.workout quite well."He said, resting his head over his hands.

"Look there's one thing that I don't understand, normal rich men would hire women to become their girlfriends or fiancé but you are hiring me to become your brother's fiancé and only for me to destroy him. Why?"She asked. Ludwick smiled, and he then rested his back on the leather chair. He looked up.at the ceiling for a few seconds and then he looked back at her still smiling.

"So what you are trying to say is that instead of me hiring you as my brother's fiancé I should hire you as mine instead? Is that what you are trying to say?"He asked.

"What no, that's not what I meant I-."She said but he cut her off before she could finish what she was about to say.

"Good, because even if I desperately needed a partner I wouldn't recommend you for myself, because well..."He looked at her up.and down. "...You are not my type."He said. His words stand like a bee in her heart.

She was not interested in him it's just his words, it hurts her everything someone says that to her because she would end up thinking that it was because she was raped by a man she didn't know and she fell pregnant with his child. She looked down grabbing on to her cloth hard. She could feel her eyes starting to water, she hated herself for not wearing jeans that night and wearing a loose and short skirt just to show off.

A part of her blamed her for it but another part of her told her that it was not her fault and that such things happen she just had to expect the unexpected.

Ludwick noticed that Flora's body was trembling, he couldn't see her face because she was looking down but he did notice that something was not right. "Flora, is everything okay?"He asked. He did not sound like he was worried at all.

"I am okay, it's just that I miss my mother a lot that's all."She said wiping her tears.

"OH, well please if you feel like crying next time you can just excuse yourself."He said.

"Sorry, I will make sure to do that next time, I don't know if it's too much for you but can you please drive me home?"She asked. She did not know how far she was from home or if she would find a taxi in the area that she was in because it was far from the city.

"I'll ask my driver to drive you home, I'll call you when your new home is ready."He said standing up from his chair. She stood up from the chair too, he extended his hand out for her to shake and she shook it, while trying her best to avoid eye contact with him.

"Okay I should go now I'll hear from you."She said getting into a blue car.

"Yes, have a nice day."He said waving his habd at her and then the driver drove off. Ludwick watched as the car moved away from him, he watched until he could no longer see it and he couldn't help but smile at himself. "I can't wait to destroy you brother."He said and he then walked back into the house.

"Mommy you're back!"Aurora jumped onto Flora's arms giggling. "Mommy, aunty was being mean to me today. She didn't want me to watch my favorite TV show."She said.

"Hey! Who are you calling mean!?"Emily shouted emerging out of nowhere. Flora put Aurora down abd she whispered for her to go to her room and she did so.

"Look Emily, I know that for some reason you don't like me and that's why you've been mean to me, but please leave my daughter out of this. She's still a child."Flora said trying to sound as calm as she possibly can. She was in no mood to argue with her sister all she wanted was to just go up to her room and sleep all her problems away.

"Of course I do gave a problem with you, and not just you, I also have a problem with that little brat of yours. You've ruined our family's name. You went around and slept with who knows who, you realised that that man wouldn't want to be with a useless woman like you so you lied to us all saying that you were raped. I am so sick of you, why won't you just disappear from our lives, you've already ruined the little reputation that we had abd now nobody takes us seriously, they look at us like we are nothing, this is all because of you, all because you couldn't keep your legs shut."She said.

"Emily!How can you say that to me, you know the truth, you've known me for so long, what would I gain from lying yo everyone?Is that why you hate me, is that why you always tried to ruin everything for me?"She asked. Flora was a strong woman but Emily's words hurt her, it felt like she had been stabbed in the heart a million times.

"Do you know why your little friend didn't hire you like she said she would, well it's because she can't risk her reputation just so you could have a job. Do you even know what it's for you own friends to laugh at you behind your back? All my friends turned their backs on me because of you, I have been quiet for years, but I can't anymore. Have you ever asked yourself why mother died all of the sudden." She asked. "She died all because of the shame that you brought onto this family. Mother drank poison because of you, and you still want me to love you, how can I love my own mother's murderer?"She said pushing Flora away from her.

Flora froze, she felt like the world had just stopped spinning and time had stopped for her. Was she really the cause of her mother's death? Her mother died two weeks after she was raped, which did make sense to her because people kept saying that she was lying and that she just wanted them to feel sorry for her.

Her mother's friends abd relatives stopped talking to her because of what had happened to Flora. The felt that Flora's bad luck would fall upon their daughters and nieces. So they stayed away from her. Everywhere Flora or her family went, people would say horrible things behind their backs or look at the bitterly. Their mother just died,Flora didn't know why, but her sister, father and other family members knew why she died and how, but Flora was kept in the dark.

"No, no... You are lying to me, you are saying all this just to hurt my feelings."She said falling down on the floor on her knees. She buried her head in her hands and she cried. She didn't want to hear it anymore, she didn't believe that she had caused her own mother's death. Her whole body was trembling and her palms were shaking in fear, the fear of knowing that she might have killed her own mother. A part of her believed Emily but another part of her didn't believe it.

"You can choose to believe what you want to believe, but the truth is the truth. Mother is dead today because of the Shane that you brought upon to thus family. I can't wait for you to die."She said and then she walked away.

"Emily... I loved you for all these years despite everything that you've done to me, but this has gone too far. How can you say that I caused my own mother's death? I might not know what actually led to her death, I know damn well that it had nothing to do with me...Hold on, could it be possible that it was you who caused it."Flora said standing up from the floor and walking towards Emily.

"W-What...Me?"She stuttered. Her palms were sweating and she tried to avoided direct eye contact with Flora.

"What's wrong? Cat caught your tongue? You were so confident a few seconds ago and calling me a murderer, where did all that confidence run off to? I get it you hate me, but I just want to let you know that I will be moving out in less than a week... I am going to find put the truth behind my mother's death, and if i find put that it had something to do with you, trust me hun I'm going to tear you into small microscopic pieces."She said.

"You know what, it's a good thing that you are leaving, I will finally get to have some peace... I have to go."She said looking at her after it vibrated. She then left the living room quickly. Flora had a new mission now and that was to find out what exactly it was that drove her mother to death.