
A Dance of Daggers and Desserts

In the mesmerizing realm of magic, mythical creatures and humans who are oblivious to them, the Emberleaf family's serene life in Wyldewood crumbles beneath the weight of war. Elysia and her younger brother, Sebastian, escape the ruins into an unknown kingdom, their resilience tested by hunger and loss. Amidst the shadows, Elysia's culinary prowess, especially in crafting delectable desserts, becomes a beacon of hope for survival. Word of Elysia's culinary magic reaches the palace, summoning her to serve the kingdom's royalty. As she rises to culinary prominence, the crown prince seeks more than her desserts—he envisions her as his queen. Yet, fate weaves a more intricate dance. Elysia's heart, a labyrinth of mystery and longing, is drawn not to the crown prince but to a formidable warrior, unaware that he is the lost older brother she mourned as dead. In her quest for revenge against the kingdom that tore her family apart, Elysia unravels secrets that intertwine with destiny. Little does she know that her true soulmate, the king of the once-hostile kingdom, awaits. Caught between love, vengeance, and the shadows of her past, Elysia must navigate the complexities of her heart and the realms of political intrigue. As the dance intensifies, loyalties are tested, and the echoes of war resurface. Will Elysia succumb to the allure of the crown prince, the pull of the mysterious warrior, or the undeniable connection with the king who holds the key to her heart? "A Dance of Daggers and Desserts" is a spellbinding tale that explores the intricate interplay of love, revenge, and destiny, promising readers an enchanting journey through a world where sweetness and sharpness collide, leaving hearts aching for more.

SassyQuinn_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Whispers of Loss

The once-happy echoes of laughter in Wyldewood were replaced with the chilling silence that follows tragedy. The intruder's arrow had silenced the village head's ominous revelation, but the damage had been done. Wyldewood, once a haven of joy, became a stage for a macabre play of war.

As a group of soldiers clad in obsidian armor matched in their home, a cruel darkness descended upon the Emberleaf family. Mrs Emberleaf's silver eyes still glowed, but the spark of life within them began to fade. Elysia, Sebby, and Tristan watched in horror as the warmth drained from their mother's eyes. The intruder's grip had left an indelible mark on Mr Emberleaf, who struggled to stand tall.

There was nowhere to run to they were surrounded.

Tristan, brave and defiant, attempted to rise. But the soldiers advanced and slashed his face with their sword provoking a painful mourn from him.

Back to reality, their father quickly ran to protect Elysia and Sebby while their mother used her powers to fight back at the merciless soldiers to protect her son.

After defeating them, she bent low to check on Tristan on the floor in pain.

"No, no, no... You're going to be alright, hmm" She sobbed. Unfortunately she was unaware of the soldiers lurking in the shadows who strucked her down with a sword. Her valiant efforts to protect her family were extinguished, and Wyldewood mourned the loss of a bright soul.

Mr Emberleaf, weakened and broken, fell to his knees beside his fallen son and wife. The life force within him waned, and he whispered words of love and farewell to his children. Elysia's heart shattered, Sebby's innocence was stolen, and Wyldewood wept for the family it had failed to shield.

The soldier advanced towards the two siblings, standing with tears falling from their eyes ready to end their life, but was obstructed as their father placed himself between the attacker and his children.

Whispering some unknown and foreign words, the door to an underground basement opened in the room.

"Run!!, Go!!" He urged them, with the last of his strength pushing them in before the door closed with a loud thud.

In the aftermath, with sorrow as their only companion, the surviving Emberleaf siblings embarked on a perilous journey. They slipped away from the ruins of their home, haunted by memories and shadows that clung to them like ghosts. The dark basement they entered offered no solace—only hunger, fear, and the stark reality of their newfound orphaned existence.

Days turned into nights, each one colder and more merciless than the last. Elysia, once the radiant baker of joy, struggled to find sustenance for herself and Sebby holding him close, crying till they were tired, hungry and scared. They stayed there hoping that it was a dream and that someone will come for them soon, but all they could here was the whistling sound of the breeze that came from the far end of the tunnel.

"Sis" Sebby's croaked voice woke up Elysia


"F-ather-r a-and mo-ther and brother T-ristan, are they- are they really gone?, we, we won't see them a-again?" His voice, evident of fear asked.

"I think so" she sniffed.

The siblings faces had turned pale red due to nights of endless cries, now they were both scared and lonely.

Elysia, being the older one knew that they couldn't stay here for long, their only family were gone, dead. Reality struck her hard remembering their father's last words.


That's true, they had to leave here. What if those evil men came for them!!.



"We have to leave"

"Why?, what if they are not dead, what if...

Cupping her brother's cheek, she said

"They can't come, remember what father told us, he said to run, what if those evil men come for us and kill us, we won't be able to see mama, papa and brother Tristan again. There's no food, water, or flour here. We'll die of hunger if we stay here, it's dark and dirty here, we might even die of disease. Father used to tell us to always listen to him, we should be obedient and run from here, hmm?"
