
A Cute Devil

Well this isn't a story about a damsel in distress Neither is it about a princess in a red ball gown Rather it is about one hard, nonchalant, and feisty lady determined to get what she wants. Of all the things in the world, the only thing she wanted was to get revenge; to kill the murderer. Turns out the murderer was a murderous beauty.... Just like an accident.... I shouldn't spoil your read, so read to know how the plot unfolds, meanwhile, I'll get typing... ***** The first step Mia took after the door was open made her bump into Mr Hugh. She wasn't really tall so her head collided with his hard chest making her almost fall backwards, but he caught her by the waist. A two seconds eye lock was shared before Mia stepped back. Within those two seconds, she had to fight the urge of punching his face. How dare he touch her? She looked at him and her mind screamed "murderer" She breathed in and got into character. She lowered her head in a bow inwardly promising to kill him for making her bow to him. "I'm sorry Mr Hugh" "Her voice is too innocent for her outlook" he thought. He wanted to smile and tell her 'its okay' but then he remembered that he was CEO Hugh. "Next time you might not be so lucky" he said and walked in "I don't need luck but you do" she said inwardly and smirked ******

GraceMorgan1124 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

A situation

Security guards on standby, started firing at the point where the bullet came from; it was from behind the trees opposite the mall.

Mia rolled off him and lay flat on the floor also telling him not to try getting up.

The guards kept firing and moving closer to where the gunshot was released but they was no response fire from the other side.

They stopped firing when they reached the spot; he was already dead with multiple gunshot holes in his chest.

They signalled Anton to come see for himself but Mia followed.

"It won't be advisable to see this miss" one of the security guards advised.

"Thanks for the concern but I can handle it"

He shrugged and urshered her forward.

This wasn't Mia's first time of seeing things like this so it didn't have any effect on her whatsoever. She might even have seen worse bloody scenes than this.

Mia picked up the dead man's phone which laid on the floor close to her feet. She looked through it but found nothing; no contacts, no call logs and no messages. Nothing.

"He looks like an assassin" a guard decised.

"Definitely one, I mean look at the tattoos. Or he might be in a gang, who knows?"

"Why would he try to kill us?" Anton questioned, mostly to himself.

"He tried to kill you Mr Hugh, I don't think I was part of it because his aim was solely fixated on you"

He ran his fingers through his hair with a deep sigh as he dialed the commissioner of police number and told him the situation.

The driver pulled up just immediately Anton finished his call and he was indeed startled by what he saw.

Anton couldn't help thinking who it was that sent this person to kill him, but it is no surprise that the name Palvis kept ringing in his head. He dearly hoped it wasn't him because if it was him, then he was done playing nice.

But he still had a thought that it wasn't Jones, because the Jones he knew was not brave enough to stage two attacks in a week.

So if it wasn't him, then who?

A police van pulled up and the Commissioner came out with three inspectors.

A brief greeting and he moved from Anton to the dead body.

They picked up everything with gloved hands including the corpse and left after promising to get back to him in the evening.

Miley stood close to Anton still in fear. When the bullet hit the door it was like a bomb exploded to her and it's safe to say that her heart skipped a bit. Then more gunshots sounds kept coming from outside which kept troubling her sanity.

She prayed. She prayed that Anton wasn't dead. She dearly prayed.

Because Anton seemed like the only logical reasoning for such.

When the gunshot stopped she went through the back door to check is everything was alright.

The kind of relief that hit her when she saw Anton was the feeling of seeing water in a desert.

She hugged him and cried. Anton patted her head and whispered slowly "I'm fine, no need to cry" but she just kept on sobbing.

Mia stood a distance from them trying to get her emotions in order. She didn't if her hormones were messed up or... but one thing she knew was that she felt something which she percieved as jealously. But why?

She thought maybe she was sick that's why she was having all this feelings but she wasn't one to get sick often and also out of the blue, so that thought was cancelled out.

So then why was she feeling this way?

Miley pulled off Anton and stared at him with her brown pupils filled with concern.

"You could have died just now, you know that right?"

"But I didn't"

"And that's all because of God"

"Miley please don't bring this up now" he groaned in a low tone.

"You also know it but you're just trying to decieve yourself. I'll let it pass for today though. Quick question Anton, where are you guards? I don't seem to catch sight of any of them around."

"Erm... for all you know and can see right now, there aren't here"

"I know that and my question is why? Like aren't there supposed to be following you around?"

"I cut them off for now. I was tired of feeling choked so I ordered them not to follow me around for now but just keep eyes on me when I'm out. Its been okay since then, I feel less

choked but I know that I'll have to reconsider now"

"Yes, you very much have to. Do you even know who you are right now? Your position in this country has made you the envy of most people. No one your age has ever attained such heights since the beginning of heights in this country but you have, didn't that alone spell to you that you won't be everybody's friend."

"I'm so sorry for being... inconsiderate"

"The word there is not inconsiderate but foolish"

"Are you really insulting me right now?"

"It's not an insult when you also know the truth"

Anton wanted to defend him self but instead found himself chuckling.

"Will you ever change Miley?"

"I don't think I will, so get yourself prepared"

They both laughed. Soft genuine laughter, the kind that made Mia want to reminisce what it was like to laugh as such.

"I think we should start going now"

"Yeah you should"

"Nat let's head on" Anton called to her from the distance in between them.

"Stay safe" Miley said as they were about entering the car which was held open by the driver.

"As long as Nat is with me, I can promise you that I'll be safe" he smiled proudly but she glared at him wildly.

He laughed at her expression as he entered the car. Mia made a polite bow to Miley before stepping in.

"Goodbye" he waved Miley and she waved back in response.

He sighed contently and rested his head on the headrest. No doubt the day didn't go as he'd planned but it turned out better... or maybe worse, he didn't know. But it has both a bad and good side.

He appeared neutral and okay but deep down he was in another world of his own. The scene of Mia saving him with a hug kept replaying in his head and his heart began beating a little faster than usual. He was glad that she had become flexible to an extent.

Anton turned his head to look at Mia. She had that look of when he saw her for the first time in his house; distant, unapologetic and nonchalant.

He didn't expect this but decided he was going to just walk around it. She might look scary and emotionless but he knew she still had emotions hidden somewhere in her and he was determined to bring them out.

Mia had two thoughts rolling in her head at the moment. One: "What is the relationship between Anton and Miley?'

Second: "Who is behind the attack?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

GraceMorgan1124creators' thoughts