
Queen's Prayers

"It's been nine years since, they got married....but she failed to bear a child and once she conceived, you took away the child from her" - Queen Amravati said.

Then she offered some water and flowers to the mother Earth [considered to be goddess of fertility] and prayed to her and chanting mantras.

Om Achmaniyam samarpyami...

Om Pushpani samarpyami..

Om Vasundharaya vidmahe Bhutadhartaya Dhimahi Tanno Bhumih prachodayat...

Then She started complaining about not having any grandchild and asked her to bless her daughter with a child .

Why my daughter is deprived of motherhood?

Why don't you give her the happiness she deserved?

How long she have to wait?

When she was doing all of this, a Sage was looking at her from the distant. Sage asked one of his follower, "Who is she? Why that royal lady weeping?"

The follower replied ," She is the queen of Anamgarh and she is praying for a child for her daughter who herself is a queen."

" It's been years since princess Chandra got married but still she doesn't bear any child."

After listening his follower words , the Sage starts walking towards the Queen and stands silently in front of her.

Queen looked at the Sage and took blessing from him.

The Sage said ," Don't you worry child , the gods will listen your and yours daughter's prayer soon ."

After listening those words from the Sage ,queen Amravati got excited and an inner shine came onto her face. She asked ," Are you telling the truth sir or you just want to solace me." She said," If you are consoling me, then just don't do it because now I am getting old and tired of this consolation but If you are telling the truth then I will give you whatever you want.

The Sage said ," Child, I am telling you the truth".

Queen said," Then, When it will gonna happen? When will my child enjoy the state of motherhood?"

The Sage said," There is a mountain Okashu near the country of sun rise . When the first sunray of a day fall , it fall on that mountain. Asked your daughter to visit that mountain and have that first ray on her body. As you and your blood are descendants of solar dynasty , The mighty God Sun and your ancestors will blessed your daughter with a child who is protected by God himself. Thus don't worry child yours good karma will be praised by the God and Goddesses.

Queen listen the Sage carefully and told him that she would do whatever he said and again took his blessing. Without wasting a minute she told her maid to begin the preparation for moving to Mehargarh.

The Sage also left quietly with his followers. One of his follower asked him about his conversation with Queen. The Sage replied," Human can't control their destiny , it's the God who control it, Without his consent no one can get a grain of a wheat."

Hari Om... 

Hari Om...

Now, Queen thinking about the words of the Sage again and again and start moving towards her daughter's palace. After the journey of few hours she reached the Mehargarh palace.