
A Crazy kind of Love; The End

*All Chapters Unlocked* (R18) Money was at the top of Paige Patterson's priority list and Love didn't even make it to the list. There were too many bills to offset and a childhood memory to secure. The Kentleys seemed to be her only hope to financial freedom but the price was way too much for her. With Simon, she would be able to sort all her needs but would she be able to sort his needs as well? #"Aside this Riley guy, are you sleeping with anyone?" He asked. The question was raw and asked so casually that it took Paige a moment or two to process and actually understand what he meant. She inhaled sharply and held his gaze for a brief moment. "And how is that any business of yours?" She asked. He looked at her and she suddenly felt weak. She saw that beautiful trait she had noticed the first time they met. Tremendous power and control, both of which had her stepping backwards but alas she was held firmly in the small of her back by him. "Because I really want to f*ck you Paige, I need to know the type of obstacle standing in my way, if there is any." #"How much loan do you need?" He asked, his gaze focused on his meal. Paige knew the question was directed to her. "32,000." She replied. "And how do you plan on paying back?" He asked again still staring at his plate. "I heard about the Cardiac center and I was hoping that I could work there during my free days until I'm able to pay back everything I owe." She replied. "I don't need more workers over there." "Then I could continue working as your mother's carer, or any other job that you might have for me, if there is anyone that might suit me." Paige added. "Oh, I have lots of openings that will suit you. He started. "You could be my fuck mate." She turned sharply at him. Searching his face desperately for a sign to prove that he was joking, but saw nothing. She opened her mouth but no word came out of it. "Do you still have a boyfriend?" He asked with a mocking tone. "I thought that ship sailed already. I do not bite Sunflower. The last time we spoke, you said you love what you see." Simon said standing up. He went over to her, shifted her food aside and sat on the same spot. "The only excuse you gave for not wanting to feel what I have to offer, was your boyfriend. Is the excuse still valid?" He asked with a sensual smile touching her cheeks gently with his thumb while the other hand found his newly discovered spot, the crease of her ears. "Imagine the level of pleasure I will give you. I am a very patient man when it comes to my sexual desires and I am not greedy as well. Your pleasure, will be my pleasure." He reassured her with a smile. Got down from the table and walked over, standing behind her. Slowly, he sucked on her neck. "mmm," came the suppressed moan from Paige with her eyes shut. "Shhh, you don't want to disturb the people behind those doors." He said. Order Books In Their Order Of Reading •The Woman for me •His Pretty Little Thing; The Personal Assistant •Miss Clara Instagram: christabel_radiance Mail: christydew25@gmail.com Telegram: christsbel_radiance

Christabelradiance · Urbano
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15 Chs

Settling Down

Emily gave her the 'watch yourself glare' while Anna tapped her softly on the thigh from under the table. Clearing her throat, she turned to Paige and started.

"That must have been one hell of an adventure. The type I would love to experience really." She added, a lace of thrill evident in her voice.

Anna flashed a warm smile. She didn't buy the lame excuse from Paige. Yet she didn't want to stress the topic, as it may in turn cause unnecessary tension in the room.

"Yeah, I think I'll love to experience such too." Said Anna. "Although I'll still suggest that you pay attention to the agreement you signed Paige." She added sweetly, with a smile.

"Enough of the talks please." Emily injected. "Now, I'm glad that you all are getting along. Paige, you must meet my son, he is the cutest human ever." Said Emily with pride.

"Indeed!" Anna chipped in, followed by a choking laughter from June.

"You should drink some water Sweetheart, we don't want you choking." Came the soft deep velvety-masculine voice from the dinning hall door.

"King Simon finally joins us for dinner. Oh! How lovely of you sir. Please step down your highness and take a seat at your high throne." Anna said sarcastically.

"Mhhm, such a kind gesture from his Royal highness. We feel honored my lord." June added and Paige almost choked on her food as she tried suppressing the raging laughter threatening to choke her.

Sarcasm never felt better and she had a feeling she was going to miss the Kentley sisters when they finally leave. Simon took his seat comfortably at the head of the table and one of the maids dished out his food.

"Why is she staying on my floor?" He asked no one in particular, but his eyes rested on Paige which made her feel uneasy.

"I felt she would get enough rest and quiet over there. You are rarely around and one of her hobbies include reading. So, we figured she might enjoy the calmness. And there is the garden right outside your corridor." Emily replied.

"How did you know that Mrs. Kentley." Paige asked surprised.

"Well that's on me." June said raising a finger. "We went through your social media accounts while trying to find out few things about you. Kindly note that the 'we' used in this context does not include my brother. He is hardly interested in his own life not to talk of someone else's." Said June.

"Wow," Paige mouthed. Thank you so much for going through that much stress to make me feel comfortable." She said looking at everybody at once. she wanted them to know that she was grateful to all of them.

"At least I know that her favorite colors are yellow and orange." Simon said lazily.

"I have a feeling you said that because she is wearing both colors. You know nothing." June cut him short.

Paige flashed her best smile as she remembered the scene that played out upstairs where Simon played a lead role.

"Do you always dress like that?" He asked cutting through her wild thoughts. "I mean do you always dress in very bright colors, even at night, You could pass out for a sunflower." He said with a straight face.

Once again, Paige faked a sweet smile. She decided to see his question as a rhetorical one, and as such requires no answer as she had no plan whatsoever to offer any. Besides, it's her right to wear anything she feels comfortable in.

Desperate to maintain a sweet and nice gesture, she widened her smile.

The conversations at the table kicked off with everyone talking about something while Paige's attention was captured by the handsome man with the perfect body who was seated not too far away from her.

She couldn't stop staring at the movement of his lips, his bulging biceps, the movement of his throat when he swallowed.

"Paige!" Anna called touching Paige slightly.

"Yes, what?" She replied trying to catch up with the conversation on the table.

"We were asking if you don't like the steak. You haven't eaten much of it." Said Anna. "We can have the chef prepare something else for you if you don't like it."

"Oh no, I love it, it's nice." Paige replied taking a large bite of her steak.

The devil was right there, staring and smiling. And when she met his gaze, he didn't look away.

On one occasion, he bit his lower lip seductively, sending cold shivers down her spine.

When she finally retired to bed that night, she dreamt that she was with him in his bed and he took her in every way she could imagine.


"Nonsense! Just call me Emily. I feel so old when you refer to me as Mrs. Kentley. And it sounds to formal too." Emily complained as she exercised the next morning alongside Paige.

Emily was one great woman full of life and vibe. They ran the treadmill as they talked about everything and nothing. The Kentley's mansion houses a gym, a music studio, a mini cinema that could contain at least twenty people, a swimming pool, a Garden, a tennis court, a football pitch and a mini playground. It was indeed an all in one kind of home. Once again, Paige reminded herself that money was good.

"I'd love to call you mother if you don't mind." She told Emily. Since she would feel so odd calling the woman Emily.

"That sounds far better." Emily agreed. In no time, they finished at the gym and went to their various rooms for a quick shower.

Paige spent the previous night unpacking and getting used to her space, and she planned on spending the whole day with Emily. She made a draft of the best type of food for her, paying attention to her favorite meals and trying her best to incorporate them even in bits to her daily meal plan.

Her plan was to gradually wean Emily off the antihypertensive and replace it with healthy lifestyle starting from the things she eat, to her fitness journey. And she knew that achieving it will be a gradual process

She quickly made a mental note of her activity for the following day and concluded that she would spend some of her day doing grocery shopping for Emily's meal plan. Satisfied with her plan, she shared it with her hostess over dinner and was reassured that a car and chauffeur would be available to take her to the grocery store and anywhere she wanted to go within Yardstin and it's environ.