
A confused Love

Tiffany and Becky find themselves entangled in a love affair that tests their own desires and those around them in this gripping tale. As their passionate, connection grows, they soon realize that their relationship has its own consequences. When friends and family members learn about their secret romance, they must confront their own prejudices and biases. There are those who are supportive, while others are driven to do the unthinkable in an effort to tear the two women apart. Tiffany and Becky must consider whether their love is worth sacrificing their identities and losing sight of their true selves amidst the chaos and turmoil. They have to deal with the blurred lines between love and lust, and the potential consequences of their actions as they make their way through the complicated aspects of their relationship. Tiffany and Becky's emotional journey will be explored by readers through each page as they face the challenges of love, societal expectations, and the pursuit of personal fulfillment. This novel's themes of identity, self-discovery, and the strength of love in the face of adversity are explored in an intriguing way. Be prepared to be drawn into this captivating story that will challenge your own beliefs and make you question the lengths you would go to for love.

jb1writes · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Faith or coincidence

Weeks have passed since the confrontation between Becky, and Tiffany. Tiffany was consumed by her thoughts. The memories from that day remained vivid in her mind. The hurtful words, bitter tears, and broken trust were weighing heavily on her mind. Gia, in a firm voice. "Babe, can you hurry up? I'm going to miss my flight." Gia entered the room, breaking her out of her reverie.

Tiffany blinked, realizing she had lost track of time. Looking at Gia, her eyes showed her inner turmoil. "I'm sorry, Gia.

"I'm almost done," she replied, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and doubt.

As Tiffany and Gia walked out of the room together, the weight on Tiffany's shoulders began to lift, ever so slightly. Although she couldn't predict the twists and turns that were ahead, she was ready to tackle them head on.

Little did she know that a chance encounter was waiting for her right around the corner. A meeting that could alter everything.


Tiffany is on her way back home from the airport. Her mind began to race with mixed thoughts. She realized that she was within walking distance of the shopping center. It seemed like the best thing to do was to go for a walk. While walking through the crowd, she came across a small restaurant located between two tall buildings. Tiffany spoke to herself. "I'm hungry." A sense of curiosity bubbled within her, urging her to explore this uncharted territory. She was intrigued by the path that led to the inviting aroma of fresh spices and fresh bread.

Pushing open the door, Tiffany was greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The soft melody playing in the background and the gentle hum of conversation embraced her like an old friend. Upon finding an empty table near the window, she sat down and let her gaze wander around the room.

And there she was.

While sitting at the counter, Becky held a cup of coffee in her hand and her blue eyes were brighter than ever, with a mysterious twinkle. Tiffany was drawn to her magnetic presence, almost as if she were a moth drawn to a flame. The enigma that seemed to surround her was so captivating that she couldn't help but steal glances.

Tiffany sat at her table, contemplating whether she should approach her, her heart raced with anticipation. Her thoughts swirled, unsure of her response, but she knew she couldn't miss this opportunity. It's been weeks since they last spoke after the confrontation between them. As she gathered her courage, she took a deep breath and decided to make her move. What could possibly go wrong, she thought to herself.

Tiffany's hands were slightly sweaty as she stood up, determined to break the ice. Despite her hesitation, she walked to her table with unwavering determination. As she got to her table, she cleared her throat to hide her nerves.

"Hi, um, how are you doing," Tiffany stammered, her voice shaky, "I couldn't help but notice you from across. Do you mind if I join you?"

Becky smiles. "you're the last person I expected to see today. isn't this a coincidence?" Are you stalking me now? giggling and blushing at the same time.

Becky was unable to resist the rush of excitement as Tiffany stood right next to her. Her voice quivered slightly as she spoke.

Tiffany's face lit up with a smile that mirrored Becky's excitement. 'I know, right?' Tiffany replied, her voice filled with genuine surprise. "What are the chances of us running into each other like this?" She chuckled softly, her cheeks flushing a delicate shade of pink.

Tiffany's blush intensified, causing Becky to feel a sense of warmth. Tiffany's beauty captured her attention, but there was another element that caught her attention—Tiffany's spirit, kindness, and how she made Becky feel every time they were together.

Becky leaped closer with a playful glint in her eye, their breaths mingling.

"Are you stalking me now? she asked again. teased, laughing and giggling at the same time.

Tiffany's laughter was so enchanting that it filled the air and enchanted Becky even more. "Oh, please! You caught me red-handed," Tiffany said, playfully nudging Becky's arm. "But I promise, it's purely coincidental. I couldn't pass up the chance to see you again."

Becky sensed a connection, a spark that was too strong to ignore, despite the city noise and the sun's brightness. She knew that this unforeseen encounter was a sign that their paths were meant to cross, intertwine, and embark on a wonderful journey together.

As the world moved around them, Becky couldn't help but think about what lay ahead for them. Would they take a chance on love? Is it possible for their hearts to find solace in each other's arms? Becky was prepared to take the leap of faith despite the uncertainty of time.

Tiffany asks, 'It's getting late. Can I take you home?' Becky paused for a minute, nervously. "I... um, sure."

Becky's thoughts were filled with a sea of questions and possibilities. What did this offer mean? The fluttering of butterflies in her stomach was in sync with her heartbeat.

Is Tiffany feeling the same way as she did? A delicate tension was created between them as these thoughts circled in her mind.

A secret longing was apparent in each passing moment, and every snatched glance was an unspoken confession.

Becky couldn't help but glance at Tiffany while they were walking. Her face was effortlessly allured with her dark, tousled hair billowing in the wind. Tiffany's eyes sparkled, reflecting the city lights like tiny galaxies swirling in the night sky, which made Becky feel drawn to her.

Tiffany's soothing voice broke the silence. Becky, I have something to tell you. A combination of vulnerability and determination is reflected in her tone, which is enticing. Her words lingered in the air, glowing with anticipation.

Becky's heart jumped and her pulse sped up as she turned to face Tiffany.

Tiffany's words were revealing and she couldn't help but feel a surge of hope. Her voice was filled with longing as she asked, "What is it?"

Tiffany gazed back, revealing a soft smile on her lips. This is the first time I have ever felt like this, Becky. "You've awakened something inside of me, something beautiful," she admitted, her eyes shimmering with unspoken truth."

"I want to explore this connection with you if you'll let me."

Becky's heart filled with both joy and relief. The tension that had been hanging in the air was quickly dissipated, replaced by a wave of understanding and possibility. Tiffany's smile mirrored hers as her lips curled into a smile.

During that moment, their paths collided, intertwining like two vines in a vast garden of love. Their journey was only just beginning as the night held them close. The streets of the city spoke their secrets, promising an adventure of endless possibilities. Becky and Tiffany moved closer to a love that would shape their lives forever with each step they took.

They finally arrived at Becky's house. Tiffany,

OK got you home safe and sound. with an anxious tone in her voice. I'll see you Monday in class. Becky, "Wait, don't you want to stay for a little bit longer?"

Tiffany's words lingered in the air. She had hoped to spend more time together to continue exploring the new connection they have. It seemed like their moment was disappearing fast.

Tiffany's eyes flickered with uncertainty as she paused. "I.. I don't want to overstep," she murmured. "I thought it would be wise to take you home safely. I don't want to push myself too hard, you know?"

Becky's heart was racing with conflicting emotions. Tiffany's concerns were understood, but she couldn't deny the longing in her own heart. She took a long breath and found the strength to speak up.

"But Tiffany, I am looking forward to spending more time with you. I want to get to know you better, and I want you to know me too."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Tiffany's lips as her gaze softened. "You do?" She asked, her voice filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty.

Tiffany's eyes sparkled with a newfound determination. She reached out and gently took Becky's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Okay," she said, her voice filled with a sense of certainty.

An electric shock of joy washed over Becky, and she couldn't help but grin. Leaning closer, their foreheads came close to touching. "Then stay," she whispered. "Stay just a little longer."

They walked hand in hand to Becky's front door. As they entered, the world outside seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them. Sitting on the couch, they talked and laughed, their hearts intertwining with each shared moment.

They lost themselves in each other's stories, dreams, and aspirations as time seemed to stretch out. The intensity of the connection they shared, a love that was slowly blooming, was more important than their fleeting time together.

Tiffany leaped closer to Becky, and her lips almost touched her ear. Although she had wanted to whisper something sweet and tender, she ended up feeling Becky's warm breath against her skin, causing a shiver to run down her spine instead. Tiffany's heart raced with anticipation due to the palpable electricity between them.

Becky's shock was evident when she realized the closeness between them, the air thick with a mix of nervousness and desire. Under the moonlit sky, they stood and locked their eyes, as time seemed to stand still.

Tiffany's heart thumping against her chest made her feel the intensity of the moment. It seemed like the universe was urging them to take a leap of faith, to embrace the love that was growing between them.

Without a word, Becky reached out and gently cupped Tiffany's lips, her touch sending a jolt of warmth through both of them. Tiffany was attempting to resist the magnetic pull toward Becky. But Becky seems to be in a daze with her eyes closed, with no resistance whatsoever. Tiffany felt lost in Becky's worm skin and scent. The intensity was obvious. Tiffany with great force pulled away from Becky "No! Not like this. Am still with Gia. "It's better if I leave now."

They both jumped up from the sofa. Becky was both surprised and glad at the same time. Becky, "I understand, and you're right. I'll walk you out.

They both start walking towards the door. The door opens. Becky stepped closer towards Tiffany, putting her fingers to caress her skin, Tiffany leaned even closer, her lips brushing softly against Becky's. The kiss was tender, filled with a mix of curiosity and longing. It was a delicate moment, a shared secret between two souls on the precipice of something extraordinary.