
Chapter 36: Cassandra

"Come in," I said and walked away from the door. I thought all four would show up but was happy only Braeden did. "You're persistent if nothing else." I took a seat on the bed and sat with my legs crossed. We had to talk at some point, and then was as good a time as any. Deep down, I was happy he came after me and wanted to talk without me prodding him or pouting about it.

"It's because I care," he said, and sat on the bed next to me. He studied the room, looking at the posters on the wall, his eyes catching a view of the panties on my dresser I'd yet to put away. He cleared his throat and looked away.

"Just panties," I said. "And no, it's because you're crazy." I laughed, and Braeden finally smiled. "Remember when we were little, not even teenagers yet, and we visited the temple in the next town over? I can't remember what it was called, but we visited a few times before the last time."

"The one hidden in the hills? Yeah." Braeden shook his head. He'd tried to forget that day.