
Chapter 22: Cassandra

I followed Dash into the woods, walking next to him but neither of us saying a word. Barbarus kept a pretty good pace for an older man. He never looked back, but seemed to be listening to our footsteps. Upon seeing Barbarus, I remembered viewing his picture on the wall in the Magic Museum. We were being trained by one of the best in the world, though his age seemed to be wearing on him. The campus definitely needed an influx of new blood.

Barbarus didn't really take my side back in the house, but I believed he understood the problem between Dash and me. His one question to Dash and his lack of a response to Dash's response said as much. I wished Dash could understand things could be better between us if he would knock down whatever wall he'd erected. I sensed maybe he'd been emotionally hurt by someone in his past, though I couldn't be sure and really didn't think it was my place to pry. Part of me believed maybe a woman had broken his heart.