
Chapter 17: Cassandra

"The archmage is nearby. Possibly inside the academy." Aurelius eyed each of the boys. "This is going to come down to the five of you saving the academy. The instructors and admin have done all they can."

I stole a glance at Dash and then back at the others. Sitting there, a warm, delicious shiver raced down my spine. I had no idea if they were feeling the same sensations, but based on the stares I often caught from them, I guessed they felt something similar. I couldn't say I was in love with any of them because I wasn't really sure I knew the meaning of love. I was close to Braeden because he was really all I ever knew.

"Once Edius' collection is complete, he will have an ungodly amount of power, so much power that not even all the wizards in the world will be able to stop him." He turned the book around.

"So we just find him and kick his ass," Dash said and chuckled. The others laughed along with him. Except Braeden. He thought differently.