
A Choice in Spring

I can't upload my cover cuz it's “inappropriate”. The story focuses on Mia, a young girl living happily with her family and dedicated to find the person who ruined that life some time ago. Let me tell you what happened…

CatgirlsArSuperior · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Anyone… Please?

"Hey, is anyone home? We've heard loud noises last night and wanted to check

if everything is alright. We're the Peterson's, your neighbors! Hello?!"

I went to the door and opened it a tiny bit to look through. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson were standing in front of the entry.

"H-hello... I'm Mia, thank you for coming over. Everything is fine."

I forgot that my whole face was still covered in blood. Sadly, my neighbors didn't overlook it and started screaming.

"L-little girl why are you all bloody, what happened here? Where are your parents? Why do you have a gun in your hand?!"

They pushed the door open and rushed into the house. My parents' blood already soaked into the floor. They saw my dad and the lady started screaming crazily. The man turned around, after he saw the dead body and looked at me. He seemed shocked and pointed his finger to my gun.

"W-what have you done to your parents?! Why did you kill them?!"

The woman was calling the police and Mr. Peterson came closer to me.

"That wasn't me... we were robbed and the person who did it ran away shortly after!"

I screamed at him with tears in my eyes, but he didn't believe me...

"The police was here in the night, they would've caught him if it was true!"

He came closer and tried to grab me but in the same moment, I stepped back and pointed the gun at him.

"I said... it wasn't me"

I was crying and in a loss of words. My hands were shaking, my finger on the trigger.

"Why won't you believe me..."

He tried again to grab me and I shot at him. I didn't hit but he fell back and that gave me enough time to run away. I was running long enough to escape, tears were trailing down my face until I reached my school in the neighbor village.

It was still freezing cold outside but the snow storm calmed down over the night.

I went through a hole in the fence to the school yard and sat down in a small wooden cabin, with two entries to run through, on the playground of my school. I was crying and shaking. Sitting there in the hut without anyone. Next to me was the gun and my teddy.

At least I still wore normal clothes... I usually put on my pajama after my parents were done with their movies. And since we've just moved in, we kept the shoes on, because the floor heating hasn't been working yet. The workers had to stop their duties due to the blizzard as they couldn't reach their company anymore.

My thoughts were interrupted by the rattling of a key, followed by heavy steps through the snow. I didn't peek out but the steps became closer, moving towards the school and then... someone opened the mailbox, closed it again and stood there as I heard a voice.

"Hello? Is anyone there? If you need help, come out. I've heard you crying."

No way he could mean another person than me. No one was on the playground nor was anyone else around crying. I got startled and almost squeaked a little but then kept my mouth shut. I didn't want to get in trouble so I stayed silent and waited.

Then the steps continued and the movement became louder. It was as if this person walked towards my hut. I tried to stay silent and held my breath. I looked down and saw the gun still laying there. The footsteps were getting closer. I quickly grabbed the gun and hid it in my pants at my back.

Then out of nowhere... the sound was gone. I took a deep breath but got interrupted as a hand rushed in at the entry of the cabin and I started screaming for my life.