
A Child With a Child

"What a time to live" Yes, we all are entitled to our deferent opinions. But however, the value of this book is based on bringing out the truth and reality of some of the basic things that would've help our homes and society grow. But we have failed in doing this simple things. But in this book (A Child With a Child), brings the lesson to each and every one of us. "A young girl," full of brightness was deemed by her own parents. Alright, after the cover page. Read till the end.

FredEdowas · Realista
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2 Chs


My name is Favor Obi. A young girl, age 11 years. Born into a family of Mr and Mrs Obi. The only girl and child of my parents. My parents were very poor, it was like we were the only poor family in my village. We lived in a one-bedroom apartment. Our Kitchen was outside the house, built with woods by my father and it is almost collapsing. My parents don't have money to offer a stronger wood. Whenever we are pressed we look for a nearby bush because we had no toilet at home.

My dad was a carpenter and my mother a food vendor. And most times, due to poor sales my mother will hug round the village so as to make sales. During Sun set or when it rains, she's always making sure she sells for we to survive. None of my parents went to school. Lucky for them God gave them only me, my mother could not give birth to any child after me. God knew they will not be able to take care of them. I was the only unfortunate child.

I started my menstruation at an early age. My mom told me I have become a woman, warning me to stay away from boys to avoid getting pregnant. I did not mention the fact that I wasn't in school. I only did nursery one and two. My dad could not pay for my primary school. They are both doing something and I know they should try. Although, the only person that cares about me is my mother. Mrs Obi, that is my mom. She was the one that paid my school fees for my nursery school.

She wanted me to be educated but my dad was the mountain that stood in my way. I remember the first day, I saw my menstruation. My dad was shocked that I started seeing my period at that age. When my mom told him, he was shouting and complaining. I could not bear it. I ran outside. The reason why my dad was complaining was because of the money he had to start spending to get me a pad. He said it was too early and that my family is already facing a lot of financial problems. I cried when I went out. I did not join my friends to play because I was devastated. "What kind of father is this?" I know you think that it is only in the north that they believe girls are not supposed to go to school, let me surprise you. My dad is an ogoja man from Cross River State but still, believes I should not go to school, but prepare for marriage. My dad stopped my mother from paying my school fee because he believes it was a waste of money. I wasn't a boy and he will never have one(that was what break my dad) He started drinking and spending all his money on whatever only he knew and he never allowed my mom to save, he carried everything.

My cloth was soaked with blood already and I don't have anything to stop it. I was so ashamed. I saw my mum from a distance, holding a black leather walking in my direction. I ran to hug her and she did also. We went home and I changed. Rejoicing my mum bought me a pad. And that was the first and last. I am now married and it is my husband's responsibility to provide.

"What a time to live"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I tagged this book, "A Child With a Child," is not just a life story. It is also a deep sense of revelational knowledge.

What do think will happen to this young girl so far

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