After witnessing her mother's hell of a marriage, Cherry vows to be independent and never be a fool in love. Her luck changed when an event made her meet Andrei Laurel, the handsome and domineering CEO of global tech who fell in love with her feistiness and vows to make her his. Things get more complicated when Andrei realizes he was her boss and uses a wrong approach on her. Would Cherry forgive his mistake? Would he be able to make her change her view of love? And what if both their pasts comes to hunt
Andrei's POV
"I want everything to be perfect, we must prove to the investors that this new software they've invested in would yield due interest and take global tech forward," I told my team that morning.
After dismissing them, I went through the files on my desk.
"The chairman is here to see you," Jenny told me and before I could answer, grandpa was already in.
Jenny excused herself leaving grandpa and I. I looked at grandpa, trying to read his expression but as always, I couldn't. Grandpa was seventy but he still looked sixty. Mum, his daughter, took after him when it came to delayed ageing, only that she was not as energetic as he was because she was in a wheelchair. And to add to that, she was very emotional.
"I came to remind you that this project you achieved is the least of your tasks, so don't even think of taking a rest. Remember, we still have to strike a deal with those internet service providers concerning our new software application," he said calmly.
Of course, he was always calm, his calmness was what I feared the most.
"Yes chairman, I know,"
"Don't even think of screwing up this time. If you do, be prepared to go back to the level you belong," he warned.
Does he always have to remind me of the fact that I would have been nowhere if it wasn't for him? does he constantly have to remind me of the devil of a father I had?
He stood up to leave but turned back.
"One more thing, I want global tech back on the lead by weekend."
"Yes sir."
I heaved a long sigh when he left. Then, I looked towards the newest thing at my desk, a laptop. I have been trying not to touch it since morning but now I couldn't wait anymore. I brought it closer and looked at the screen.
The truth was that I kept on thinking about Cherry last night and the first thing I did after arriving work was installing an almost invisible camera on her desk to get a clear view of he anytime. Yes, it was wrong but I couldn't help, I just wanted to see her always, her face, her expressions, all of it.
I looked at the screen, she was so keen on her typing. Later, the girl next to her said something I couldn't hear and she smiled. Then she yawned, leaned her head on the desk and few seconds later, she was back to typing.
After several minutes, she checked her watch, frowned, placed her hand on her belly and started talking to herself. She checked her time again and smiled, she counted with her fingers, five, four, three, two, one and then she jumped up. She looked around and maybe she got stares from her colleagues so she closed he eyes for a few seconds, then she opened it and walked out along with her friend.
I checked my time, it was noon. She was happy because it was lunch break, I smiled remembering her actions. I stood up and left my office heading to the canteen, a place I have never been to since I came back three years ago. I got stares from employees as I walked in as well as accompanied greetings. They were obviously surprised to see me here, even I was surprised I would come here because of someone.
I waved slowly to them indicating they should keep quiet. I was certain Cherry didn't know I was her boss, she would certainly not have reacted that way if she had known and I didn't want to reveal my identity either.
I browsed my eyes around for Cherry and because it was a very large canteen, it took a while. I spotted her at the extreme of the canteen. I took the seat closest to hers, listened to their conversation which was about work for a while and then I walked towards her.
Cherry's POV
I noticed Everly stopped talking and then looked towards me, no, not towards me but behind me.
"Good afternoon, sir," she greeted and then she nodded. I turned back to see the same guy I met yesterday.
"Hi, girls," he greeted.
"Hello Sir," Everly replied. She was acting really weird.
"Can I join you guys?," he asked.
"No," I said.
"Yes sir," Everly said and I gave a frown.
"Are you stalking me? I can get you arrested, you know?" I said angrily.
It was annoying, I thought we met coincidentally yesterday but now, I felt he was actually stalking me.
"Don't be too full of yourself, I'm not stalking you. My friend works here and I came visiting but then I met you guys," he said calmly and it annoyed me more.
"Then, I'ld leave you two," I told them and stood up.
"Cherry, aren't you going to take the lunch you ordered?," Everly asked and I quickly sat down. I couldn't afford to miss that lunch.
"Girls, I'ld treat you today, order what you want," he offered.
"Oh... thank you, sir, "Everly cried.
"No, thank you I have already ordered. We get free lunch as staffs," I told him.
"But there's a limit to it, that's why I'm offering to treat you, order anything you want," he tried to convince.
I just kept quiet, the waitress brought my packed lunch along with Everly's. Everly still chose to order again.
"Aren't you going to eat?, I mean since you refused to accept my treat then why is your lunch packed, are you too shy to eat here?" he asked. Now, he was really getting on my nerve. How was it his concern, to think that I didn't even know him.
"Sir, first of all it's none of your business, secondly, I am an independent woman I can take care of myself, thirdly, I am not hungry, I'm as full as full can be," I brazenly told him, the last part of the sentence was a lie, I was freaking hungry. And with that, I took my leave.
I couldn't afford to embarrass my self there by eating half of the meal and keeping the rest for dinner. I went straight to my desk and ate half of the hamburger before Everly arrived. The last thing I wanted was sympathy from others or questions on why this, why that.
"Cherry, at least you should have acted nicer," Everly said when she returned but I didn't answer. I could understand her but after all the cruelties I watched my mother suffered from men she trusted, my reaction was worth it. No man was worth trusting and this stalker or guy was certainly no exception.
"So the secret of your perfect figure is skipping meals?" Everly teased and I just smiled.
"if only I could stay without food, maybe I would have a perfect figure like yours," she added and I smiled again, if only she knew why I skipped meals.
"Thanks Everly, for trying to cheer me up. And who says your figure is not perfect? it is. You are beautiful just the way you are."
"Oh... I'm blushing..."
Andrei's POV
I went straight to my office as soon as Cherry left the canteen. I looked at the screen, she was eating the hamburger she ordered and only ate half of it. What exactly was wrong with this woman? so she lied about not being hungry. I never imagined I would stoop this low to get a woman to notice me. I mean girls begged o get my attention back then in the states and still do now but this one, I even spoke nicely to her but she still ignored me. I wondered if her reaction would change if she knew I was her boss. No, Cherry seems different from the rest women I've met, she didn't seem to care about material things, I mean which girl would turn down a treat except her. She might avoid me more if she knew my status and that was why I told her friend not to tell her about me.
But how else can I get her attention? This was the question I couldn't answer at the moment but I knew there would certainly be a way, if not by hook, then by crook.
Cherry must be mine and I would not give up. Yes, I find her challenging but I liked her. She was the first woman I had ever liked and all the coincidences of yesterday must mean something. I would certainly get her.
My thoughts drifted the matter at hand, grandpa's threat. How was I going to convince those ISPs that our new software application was worth negotiating. And grandpa wants us on the lead by weekend.
"I need the statistics of the two leading companies," I told Jenny.
"Yes sir."
"Their stock prices had an increase of 1.5% as at this morning, ours increased only by 1.2%," she announced when she got the report.
"I need the head of accounts at my office now,"
"Yes sir,"
"Steve, schedule a meeting with those ISPs," I told Steve when he came in.
I had to meet up to grandpa's expectations.