
A Chance For Happiness

"Death" Death is something that accompanies Alora ... The adopted daughter of duke Nyx... she tried to escape from it and change her fate...she tried who knows many times...a way after a way...still no result... especially when there is a demon who is making sure she dies painfully every time...she was stuck on an endless cycle of time...each time she dies she goes back in time she tried saving the people from the demon and its danger but what she got was just hate and despise... After so many tries trying to survive the danger but failing every time... Alora made a decision she will end everything...so she gathered all she got from magic and exploded herself along with the Demon....this was her last death...or that was what she thought....her long awaits happiness is waiting for her in this life...

DepressedOnLife · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

How Did It All Start 2

Meanwhile with Alora

<Haaah!! I'm Beat ...I can't believe I did that... That was really dangerous...but it was probably worth it...even if he betrayed me I will still have a way out...>

<Alora sighed once more and went to her bed to lie down but before she can rest she heard her stomach grumbling...'I forgot that I have to eat...I should go to the town to buy something...' Alora patted her stomach in pain...' I should sell some Jewelry...but I'd probably be recognized... Doesn't matter tomorrow I will be gone...okay it's decided...' Alora got up once more and put the clock on her head...she checked how many rings she currently has...' Alright I will sell those...and keep the others for Estran...' Alora then opened the portal to town and went in...>

<Alora's portal opened once more in a black ally like the last time...she slowly walked out of it...with every step, she could hear some loud lively noises...she finally left the ally and arrived at the main street...shops were everywhere as well the people from young to old it was full...Alora felt uncomfortable with this...she preferred somewhere where she would be all alone with no one to interfere with her...hopefully, she will get that in Estran...>

<Alora lowered her head and walked away...after a while, she arrived at her distinction...>

<Alora glanced at the sign name..." Sebas Jewelry "...was the owner this lazy to come up with a name...?>

Alora didn't give the sign any more attention...she <opened the door and walked inside...she looked around and saw a figure sitting behind a glass cabinet which was full of jewellery...he looked in his latest forties...the white hair could be seen in his hair... >

"Welcome dear customer, how may I help you ?" <the man said in a polite tone...

Alora walked closer to him and pulled out some rings and said " I want to sell those are you interested or not?">

<The man looked at Alora and said with a smile on his face and said:" of course, please let me examine it before I give you the price, is that okay?">

<Alora nodded her head, the man picked up his glasses and started examining the rings on the table....some time flew by and the man looked at Alora and said " those rings are truly beautiful...each ring has its unique gem...I don't know where did you get them and I don't care...I will buy them from you...I will give you 400 golden coins...how about that? " the man said excitedly he didn't see those qualities for a very long time. >

<Alora:" Deal" the man smiled and went to his office to get the money...Alora looked around the store it had a simple decoration but clearly, it wasn't cheap at all...the man came back with a money purse and hand it to Alora.>

<Alora took the money and left the store, she walked through the street searching for a good restaurant to eat at...after walking around she smelled a delicious aroma following the scent she arrived at a small restaurant there weren't a lot of people there so Alora decided to eat there...she ordered a lot of food of all kinds...>

<The waiter was shocked by the Quantity she ordered but he still took her order and went to the kitchen...the waiter came back and said It was going to take a while...Alora then asked for a private room...the waiter asked her to follow him...he took her to the second floor...there were multiple rooms...the waiter opened one and led her inside...>

<she sat down and waited for her food patiently...the room was kind of big...there was also a large table...>

<The food arrived and multiple waiters were pushing big carts full of food...they put a plate by a plate on the big table after they finished they left the room...Alora took off her clock and stared at the food...the smell was delicious...she felt her stomach growling again...Alora gulped and held her spoon to taste some of the soup in front of her...one sip was enough for her to cry...she didn't taste something delicious like this in a very long time...>

<Alora ate everything she can...but in the end, her stomach was filled and there was no more space for anything else...>

<Alora sighed with satisfaction...she looked at the remaining food, she doesn't want to leave it here it will be a waste...Alora then remembered a spell she invented but did not use • inventory • a spell that allows you to put your things somewhere unknown (more of a black void)and if you put food in it it will never spoil!!! Alora chanted this spell and some kind of glowing circles appeared there was some unknown word craved on it...those circles sucked the food in...>

<After the whole process finished Alora got up and put on the clock and left the room...she arrived at the recipient and paid for everything and left...>

<She decided to take a last stroll in this town before she leaves... while walking she saw a young child with tattered dirty clothes searching the garbage can...Alora halted her steps and stared at the child...he...reminded her of herself...she was once just like him...searching for food in the trash...Alora turned her face away and ran away...>

<After a while, she came back holding big bags..."Hey, kid" The child turned his face to Alora and looked at her confused...>

<"Here take this " Alora handed the child the bags...the child hesitated at first but slowly took them...he looked at Alora then lowered his head and opened the bag slightly...he saw food inside ...the child's eyes shined and his face beamed with a big smile...he grabbed a bread and are it..the child was eating the breed while crying...he lifted his face wanting to thank Alora but she was nowhere in his sights...>

<Alora finally got back to her room...she took off her clock completely and then drooped her body on the bed and went to sleep...>

<~....." why are you alive?" a voice called...Alora opens her eyes...she was surrounded by darkness...her body wasn't responding...she couldn't move a finger...." why aren't you dead yet?" the voice asked again... Alora sighed inwardly...she experienced this nightmare at least 20 times... she simply closed her eyes again and ignored the voice and started counting... '10'.~>

<~" isn't tiring...to be alive? '9' to be a burden, '8' a waste, and a worthless creature?" the voice mocked Alora with no shame...Alora's eyes were still shut '7' ~ >

<"why don't you make us all a favour and die? '6' It will solve all problems...just DIE!!" '5' a pair of black-like monster hands appeared behind Alora...the hands grabbed Alora's Body...The hands started squeezing Alora tightly...she felt her breathe started fading away with every squeeze but still resumed counting '4.' ..the voice was still going, telling her just to die '3'...still Alora didn't react nor answer him again '2'...her eyes were still shut but there was a smile on her face...'1'...>

<Alora opened her eyes slowly...the darkness disappeared from her view...she was in her bed, lying on her back...she stared at the roof for a while...*sigh* Alora stood up from her bed and walked to her window...The sun was not up yet...the sky was still dark... no Knight was patrolling her yard... Which is perfect...>

<Alora put her clock on...she looked at her reflection in the window....she opened the window and climbed on its edge... the edge was wide so Alora didn't have a hard time...she caught the window handle and closed the window from the outside...>

<Alora took a deep breath clutched her grip and muttered •Strength Enchanted• she felt her grip becoming stronger...she aimed at the glass Center and then hit it hard...the window glass shuttered to the ground ... >

<Alora looked at the crack she made...she tried putting her hand through it to see if she can reach the handle safely with no injuries...and she did...she opened the window once more and went inside...she looked at her room...it had a lot of valuable and expensive things...she smiled to herself then began smashing and breaking everything in her room while screaming and shouting for help...her voice became higher with every scream...but still no one came to 'help' her...>

<Alora wasn't disappointed nor sad...she expected this...after all, this kind of 'scene' happened frequently... She always did this to protect herself from the servants...

knowing that no one cared about her in this shitty place...after a while, Alora looked at her unrecognizable room...everything was a big mess...it looked like a thief had gone in and made all of it... >

<she nodded in satisfaction..." okay one last touch..." Alora opened her jewellery box and started tossing the jewellery inside at random...she stepped at some of them...>

<Alora took one last glance at her room...and smiled as she opened a portal to the seaport...the sun was about to rise...there weren't a lot of people... It was quiet which was a bit unusual for Alora, she was used to seeing it full of people and ships... But now it looks like it was abandoned... >

<she walked to the 'warfare'...some sunlight hit her eyes...she stopped walking and stared at the beautiful view in front of her... The sun was rising behind the sea... colouring the sea with its unique colour...It was breathtaking...>

< Alora took back her gaze and continued walking, she doesn't want to be late for her first trip, does she?>

<she finally arrived at the 'Warfare' she looked at jack who was standing against a wall while smoking tobacco...>

<she slowly walked to him... Jack looked at her and smiled " hoho~ you broke my expedition young lady..." his smile was hanging widely on his lips...Alora looked at him without talking... Jack continued his talking " I thought you will back out from your decision or you will feel scared... >

< Alora rolled her eyes at him...She handed him a small Purse bag and said" Here...this is my payment, now can I go to the ship already? "

Jack took the purse and opened it and like what Alora promised him before 10 rings were inside... He smiled at her and said"Of course, my lady~ please go inside and make sure you are comfortable" She turned her head away and walked to the ship as she ignored Jack's sarcastic voice >

<Jack did not mind her rude attitude and continued smoking his tobacco with a smile hanging on the corner of his lips>

<Alora got on board and sat down on the ground...her heart was beating irregularly it was faster than it normally is" This...this is the moment of truth...no going back now..No Demon...No Nyx's...and No Damien...No more abuse...No more eating rotten food...oh how wonderful" Alora grinned While thinking of this...it was a dream she yearned for>

<she closed her eyes...and started imagining how her life will turn after she arrive in Estran...she was excited... >

<Alora waited for a while waiting for the ship to sail yet it didn't...she stood up and went to Jake then said in an annoyed voice:" hey, mind telling me when will we sail exactly? " >

<Jake looked at her and smiled trying to calm her down and said:" we will move soon but we are waiting for two other people who also want to go to Estran like you, so we will just wait for them">

< Alora glared at him for 2 seconds before turning her back to him and then walking away returning to where she sat before...she closed her eyes once more trying to take a nap before sailing and also because she was bored...she couldn't do anything with her magic right now because there are a lot of people around her...>

<she sighed in annoyance...as she tried to sleep...but her luck was out it seemed... Because the crew started shouting all of the sudden...Some were shouting at others to make them check that there was no problem with the ship and others were holding big boxes and putting them on the surface of the ship... >

<Alora wanted to scream so badly but she couldn't...she barely held herself...she took multiple deep breaths in hope of calming her rising anger... And it somehow worked... She calmed down and tried to ignore all of the noise that was happening around her... >

<after a while Jack came and ordered the crew to prepare to sail immediately... They were already late enough... Behind Jack there were two there people..they both wore a black clock just like her... their faces were not shown in the slightest...one of them was quite tall while the other was shorter...they both sat down away from each other... 'they probably don't know each other huh' thought Alora >

<Alora didn't give them any more attention...she yawned and closed her eyes again desperately trying to take a godamn nap before arriving at Estran...>

<and before she can even sleep, she heard footsteps coming her way... Alora was boiling with anger at this point, she regretted her choice of choosing this ship... She sighed in anger... Finally, the sound of the footsteps stopped... A figure stopped in front of Alora, Alora open her eyes to look at whoever came to her>

Hello everyone.!!

Sorry for not uploading for a very long time!!

You see my exams have started and I was busy studying...

And I'm not even finished... Another exam will start in about 2 weeks and I will. Not even have the time to hold my phone (T^T)

So I think the story will go on hiatus for a very long time...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

DepressedOnLifecreators' thoughts