
A Challenged Man's Ascension

What if one day, you wake up and find yourself with a power that defies common sense, a power only seen in fictional stories and wielded by stupidly powerful individuals? Would you decide to uphold justice? To bring chaos and destruction? Or something else entirely? For Blake, well, he wants to do many things, but certainly not these two boring tasks. Hey, I'm a new writer. English is not my native language, so feel free to give me your opinion about the story so that I may hopefully improve my writing.

SleepyChaos · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

I swear this is magic

[Demons killed: 29]

[Demons killed: 32]

[Demons killed: 36]


As the fight or rather the massacre took place, The werewolf looked at the fight with a neutral expression, but inside, he was as startled as the nearby demons.

'He is at most at the intermediate level of a demon chief if not nearing the advanced level.'

'He is unlikely a disguised demon chief, and even if he was one, those guys are not stupid enough to infiltrate our base just to fight an army.. most of them at least.'

'I have numerical advantage over this place, let's exhaust him first, and if he is somehow still alive, I will finish him off.' Quickly arriving to a decision, the wolf viciously looked at the old monster and patiently waited for its prey to weaken itself.

In the nightmarish battlefield, a man bathed in blood could be seen moving at breakneck speeds while occasionally crushing heads and ripping limbs. Enjoying the bloodcurdling screams of the dying devils, he asked the system.

"System, profile please."

[Host is currently busy with his current task]

[It is unwise for the Host to make the normal profile panel appears during combat]

[Mini profile panel created]

A familiar mechanical voice proclaimed.

And below the killstreak count panel at the top right corner of Blake's vision, a miniaturized version of Blake's stats and skills appeared.


<Blake Bourne>

<Title> Origin

<Age> 121

<Strength> 100

<Agility> 100

<Dexterity> 100

<Intelligence> 100


- Observe: the more you look at something or someone, the easier it gets to find details (10/10)

- Acting: You face is a mask to protect yourself, deceive others and adapt to any situation (10/10

- Intermediate hands-to hands combat (10/10)

- Surpass: You are tired but you keep going, greater rewards await you (10/10)

<Passive Skills>

- Chaotic Serenity: Your existence is attuned to chaos, you embraced it and receive some of its blessings.

(Active: Blessed pandemonium: Your mind is protected by chaos, the prying fools shall look upon madness.)

Evaluation: A fairly strong human, now exhibitioning the rewards of a century of hardships, by using them... to bully innocent devils.


'What else can I do with all these stats? I have no doubt my skin can pretty much stop a bullet. But what does the intelligence can do? I do feel like usual when my stats become more significant, faster thought process, reflexion and awareness and so on, but nothing else really.' thought Blake as he dismembered a demon who managed to wrap his hands around his waist.

[Intelligence is also related to magic]

[Therefore, when Host will unlock magic]

[New possibilities will be opened]

'I'm looking forward for this,' happily thought old Blake as he suddenly yelled.

"Magic fist!!" And a skull broke.

"Magic fist! Magic fist! Magic fist!!"

A flurry of attacks engulfed the terrorized devils, unavoidable doom awaiting most of them.

Then... Skulls exploded, blackish blood splattered, entrails and guts littered the battleground. And under screams of agony, a laughing, terrifying Blake kept shouting fancy attack names.

"Magic fist!!" A taekwondo high kick followed his battle cry, making the dead victim's body fly away.

"That wasn't even a fist!" Complained a lucky fiend who survived Blake's frenzied punches.

"Don- don't attract this crazy devil." Whispered a scared imp lying on the floor, faking his death.

"Damn it, I thought it would be an easy kill, but nooo, the old fart had to turn into a f.u.c.k.i.n.g psychopath, and I can't even live the arena anymore because of that stupid rule. You know what, fu*k it."

And with his remaining arm, the frustrated devil plunged it's sharp claws into its jugular, dropping dead to the floor, drowned in his own blood...

"Tch, Smart choice but I'm not like you, I can't afford to wait for my strength to recover." The lying imp looked enviously at the dead corpse as he tried to make himself as unnoticeable as possible among the surrounding dead bodies.

"Hahahaha! I knew it, the chief would never give such easy opportunities. Just what kind of monster is that."

A three meter tall mass of muscle was leisurely sitting in a room as he looked at the bloody fight through a glass like material. His blazing eyes looked at the crazed Blake with interest and curiosity. He had two sets of reddish horns on his head, one curving upward and the other backward

"I want to fight him, but I'm not strong enough." The muscular demon squinted his eyes, his hooves noisily expressing his dissatisfaction. As if to answer his emotions, his body began emitting a suffocating pressure of an intermediary chief level.

"Lyn! Prepare my training room, and warn the chief of my absence!"

A figure manifested a few meters from the imposing devil, she was wearing a professional attire, dark hair tied into a ponytail and small horns coming out from her head. Yet her clothing could not fully hide her curvaceous forms and attractive apparence .

"Sure, Boss Aur. How long are you going into seclusion." Lyn asked, a smile adorning her face.

"Until I can reach that human's level," the giant proclaimed as he pointed towards the screen.

"Boss, 'Judgment' is coming soon, Chief Syg will be very upset if you do not attend it. You know how important it is." The professionally dressed demon rebutted while she curiously glanced at the screen.

"Hmm you're right, this guy can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Then let's just watch the show, I want to see how far he can last. It's just a pity, he could be a good sparring partner." Aur looked at the smiling lunatic bathing himself with the blood of his fellow demons, a regretful expression written all over his face.

"As Chief Syg stated, he is an intruder. Even with Boss' authority, saving him would be near impossible."

*Sigh* "Right, oh and Lyn?"


"Stop calling me Boss, I am now a commandant."

"Boss will always be Boss for me." The female demon said, a small smile on his face.

