
A Challenged Man's Ascension

What if one day, you wake up and find yourself with a power that defies common sense, a power only seen in fictional stories and wielded by stupidly powerful individuals? Would you decide to uphold justice? To bring chaos and destruction? Or something else entirely? For Blake, well, he wants to do many things, but certainly not these two boring tasks. Hey, I'm a new writer. English is not my native language, so feel free to give me your opinion about the story so that I may hopefully improve my writing.

SleepyChaos · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Blake the Transcendant

Aelith silently observed the strange individual before her. If one day someone had told her that his successor would be someone with the hobby of getting chased by angry jorturs, she would have probably chopped off the individual's head and then refocuse on her ascension. But here she is, transferring her cosmic essence to one of the most bizarre humans she has ever met.

Sighing to herself, she kept her hand on Blake's head. Moments later, she abruptly removed her palm and slowly backed away from the sitting man.


Iridescent colors rose from Blake's body, while patches of skin began detaching themselves from his body. As the more colors appeared around him, the more parts flew away. Deep grey predominated the man's surrounding, while a few black and white colors came to life around him. The storm of colors slowly revolved, while the sandy floor below the man began to follow the forming storm.

"I was right."

Aelith observed the man's metamorphosis with a smile on her face. Crossing her arms around her baggy shirt, her curious eyes were locked on Blake. Most of her senses were however busy observing her surroundings, on the lookout for anything that might disturb her disciple's ascension.

Skin, hair, eyebrows, vanished, and with the last bits leaving, only a being of pure light remained. Shrouded by a tempetuous storm, the being of life started 'shedding'. Fractures and crackling noises ensued as the revolving colors grew more violent.

And finally, as the man's body was filled with fractures, a loud crack echoed and the storm of colors abruptly scattered. The deflagration made the scarlet sand rose, provoking a cloud of crimson dust.

As the iridescent chrysalis finally broke apart, a man seated in a cross legged position was revealead. Scars and other imperfections left alongside his mortality. The suns' brightness emphasized his untarnished skin, while his long raven black hair descended until it reached the crimson sand. His previous buffed body became slender and more defined, while an ubiquitous mixture of serenity and chaos was constantly radiating from the newborn transcendant. Instead of the two concepts clashing each other, they embraced each other.

The man finally opened his eyes. And then, mystical pupils of infinite darkness peered at the world for the first time. They saw energy flowing in multiple directions. Seamlessly crossing like a river, or violently clashing like a tidal wave. No matter where he looked, the energy was carelessly roaming. Breathing in, he pondered. Breathing out, he understood.


The man muttered as enlightenment ensued. Knowledge that he knew beforehand became even more comprehensive, and as he let his vision wander, so did his mind.

"How interesting."

Aelith slowly approached the man, while a slightly inquisitive tone left the woman's mouth.

"Newly born transcendants would have a predominant emotion dominating the others once they 'come out', but you."

Looking at Blake, the platine black haired woman stated. Her face finally confronting his, she continued.

"I feel both calmness and anarchy from you. There is no clashing, and they are not even trying to overtake each other. This is truly a..."

Smiling, she glanced at the new transcendant before her.

"Perfect balance."

Blake's mind stopped wandering as she looked at Aelith. The boundless energy was also imbuing the woman, but some of it was being absorbed inside of her body. However, the process was slow, excruciatingly slow.

Losing his focus he internally asked.

'System, status.'



<Blake Bourne>

<Human> <Transcendant>

<Title> Origin - Unholy Berserker - The Transcended One

<Age> 121 (3 minutes)

<Strength> 247

<Agility> 247

<Dexterity> 256

<Intelligence> 247


- Gaze: Gaze at the truth of the world


(The more difference in power, the less information Host receives)

- Shape-shifting: past beyond pretense, you become (2/10

- Advanced hand-to-hands combat (3/10)

- Persistant: For the price of your other stats, temporarily gain a significant boost in one other (2/10)

(Host can choose which stats will receive the conversion and by how much)

<Passive Skills>

- Chaotic Serenity: Your existence is attuned to chaos, you embraced it and receive some of its blessings.

(Active: Blessed pandemonium: Your mind is protected by chaos, the prying fools shall look upon madness

- Anarchic existence: Now a living aberration, your being is capable of harmonizing the most conflicting of concepts)

- Lightning god: He who once owned this power was feared by the sky. Throughout his life, he was known as an heretic. Deriving the divine and making it his own, he became the heavens' nemesis. He was the lunatic, the apostate, the sinner. He was the Lightning God. (4/10)

Evaluation: A man who transcended far beyond mortal pretense. He should be careful however as transcended goblins also exist.


"I see."

As a peaceful atmosphere surrounded Blake, he muttered.

"How was the little trip?"

Aelith glanced at the lost look in Blake's eyes and asked, which Blake abruptly answered.

"It was... incredible. Was it the same for you when you experienced it?"

"Yes." A simple reply, and the woman calmly observed Blake. But Blake noticed her eyes slightly wavering.

"It is something that all transcendants experience and never forget. You might be able to see 'her' again if you become strong enough."

'She believes in 'her' existence. They are the big majority to believe in 'her' after all.' Blake pondered and kept his 'gaze' on Aelith.

Unbothered by the newborn's transcendant, she said.

"Now, let's get you accustomed to your new power. You were already strong for a human, therefore, a little spar should be enough for me to gauge your capabilities."

As soon as the word spar left Aelith's mouth, the peaceful looking Blake fully opened his eyes. He got up from the sandy floor and began warming up. Crackling noises echoed as the stretched out his new body. Seeing her disciple's enthusiasm the smiling woman distanced herself from Blake.

Minutes later at the faraway distance, the woman muttered, the distant murmur however reverberated until it reached Blake's ears.


At this moment, Blake the transcendant chuckled, and bolts of lightning began to dance around his body. His previous nirvanic state turned chaotic and he looked at the faraway distance in amusement. Putting his two hands on the floor, he took a running pose. More and more purple lightning engulfed his entire being as his signature smile resurfaced once more.

"This will be fun."


In the blink of an eye, a man disappeared from his previous position, while the resulted aftershock signaled the beginning of a legendary battle between two transcendants.