
A Challenged Man's Ascension

What if one day, you wake up and find yourself with a power that defies common sense, a power only seen in fictional stories and wielded by stupidly powerful individuals? Would you decide to uphold justice? To bring chaos and destruction? Or something else entirely? For Blake, well, he wants to do many things, but certainly not these two boring tasks. Hey, I'm a new writer. English is not my native language, so feel free to give me your opinion about the story so that I may hopefully improve my writing.

SleepyChaos · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

A Magic Gun?

In the enclosed three story building, depraved hunger followed a monster's every steps. As he leisurely walked towards a frozen prey, the predator's tongue turned even more vivacious. A pungent smell encircled a woman and with her fear overcoming her body, she dropped on her knees, while splashing sounds resounded. Tears of terrors slowly flowed from her despaired eyes, and before the approaching monster, she silently weeped.

"No, please...someone...save-"

But before she could finish her despaired call, a terrifying, bloody tongue was shot from the monster's mouth. And under the unwilling woman's eyes violently punctured her skull before quickly coming out from the other side. A crunching sound echoed, and life slowly slipped out from her sobbing, lifeless pupils.

Using his extended appendage like a fishing rod, it slowly brought it's catched prey towards its slender body.

The inanimate corpse hovered, his feet dripping with various body fluids remained above the tainted ground. And as the beast placed the female's head in his razor filled mouth, he brutally closed it, and another sickening crush resounded. Fresh blood erupted, and crimson fluid splattered.

Engrossed by the tantalizing scarlet liquid, the traverser firmly embraced the corpse. Unable to contain itself, it suddenly lifted its head upwards and with another chomp, completely ripped out the lifeless carcass' head.

Blood overflowed once again from the once human being, and with a last munching, a body dropped on the cold, humid floor. Vomiting sounds were heard as the monster was enjoying the freshly harvested human skull. The paralyzed humans woken up by their survival instinct madly dashed away from the traverser.

As he gulped down the last remains of the woman's head, and licked the gory mixture of brain juices from its mouth, the humanoid's gaze fell upon another unfortunate human. Running for his life, the man felt a chill running down his spine, and as he was about to climb the stairs, an elongated tongue swiftly perforated his back.


A roar of agony echoed in the ground floor, and the struggling man was brought before the insatiable monster.

As the macabre scene took place, some residents took opportunity of the chaos and left the apartment, and amongst the opportunists, were Noah's families and friends. Looking at the scared faces of her children as they fled, Evelyne anxiously muttered.

"Don't look behind you. We'll go towards the subway to hide and wait for the awakened."

Slowly nodding their heads, the trio began to head towards the nearest subway, however...


The 15 year old Grey timely pushed Clara away, making her avoid a pointy, bloodied tongue aimed at her head.

The group of 5 turned around, and in the limited surroundings veiled by the torrential rain, they perceived in the far distance a slim, pallid figure observing the group with a disturbing smile. And as ne noticed his missed attack, his mouth curled up even further. The giant then slowly approached, each steps filling their hearts with greater fear.

"Guys, go ahead, I'll slow it down as long as I can."

Eva abruptly said, her pupils glowing with amber light. Her hands began emitting unusual levels of heat as they brightly shone. Surrounded by the potent precipitation, sizzling sounds could be heard as steam profusely emerged from the girl's hands.

"Have you lost your mind? I'm not going anywhere without you Eva!"

A mother screamed and a teenager gravely looked at his sister.

"Mom, your powers can't help us in this situation. And Noah..." Eva gloomily looked at her brother.

"And I don't have any powers, I know. So what, you want me and mom to let you fight that thing while we run away?"

The blond Noah deeply looked at her sister and with a word, he proclaimed.


Noah moved and stayed alongside her dazed sister, his gaze determined as he looked at the incoming enemy.

"Eva, Noah..." The mother helplessly looked at her children about to face a literal monster. She closed his eyes, and as she opened them once again, a resolute expression appeared. Quickly opening her own backpack, she took out two metal objects and gave one to each of her children.

"A magic... gun?" Slightly confused and stunned, Eva looked at the ebony weapon with strange designs engraved on the weapons's side. Red Sheen was reflected on the pistol as an eastern blue dragon covered the top of the handgun. Noah curiously looked at his own firearm, similar in design but instead of the red, an eastern blue dragon was displayed on the weapon instead.

"I will explain everything later, just know that I have some connections."

The mother spoke, a mysterious smile on her face. Approaching her children, she pulled out another black handgun, a golden draconic figure proudly embodied on the weapon.

"Clara, take Grey and leave. Your powers can be useful but your son won't be able to use his own forever, protect him. Swiftly moving his right hand, the woman spoke, no... ordered.

As she saw her friend's expression and movements, she reminisced about a past she thought was long buried and forgotten. However, she looked back at the woman and skillfully formed her own signs. Stunned, the blond strangely looked at the Black haired woman and sighed.

Making another sets of movements meant for Gray, he looked at him, a sad smile on her face.

"No, no, NO! I won't let you fight without me!" Grey shouted in indignation, firmly gripping her mother's arm.

"I-I can help-"

But before he could keep on complaining, a precise yet gentle blow hit a part of his neck, turning a noisy Grey into a fainted one. Then before everyone's eyes, slowly rotating like a whirlwind, pebbles began sticking to other small pebbles. Pebbles then grew larger and became rocks, then turned into boulders. And lastly, took rudimentary shaped humanoid appearances.

Five figures appeared before the silent woman. Blue light radiated from their 'eyes' as they respectfully greeted their summoner. And as if knowing her thoughts, the smallest and less bulky of the bunch gently took the fainted Grey in a princess carry, and with surprising speed began running away. Reverting her gaze towards the monster, she walked forward. Feeling the woman's mental state, the summoned creatures walked behind her, cerulean vision glowing even more fiercely.

Eight figures stood side by side and against a common enemy, a battle of life and death has begun.

*Crunch* *Crunch* "hmm Delicious."

On a building rooftop opposing the battle, a grey tent was neatly placed on the edge of the infrastructure. And laying inside, a man casually looked at the struggling characters below him as they were ferociously fighting for their survival. Popcorn between his arms and bottles of milk beside him, the observer was carrying a pair of binoculars as he plunged his hands into the popcorn container and took a fistful of the delicious snack.

"Butter, I forgot to buy the butter."

[Host has bought butter alongside the grains of corn]

A voice reassured a complaining Blake and swiftly, the man checked his inventory.

"Ah here you go. Watching the first battle of our protagonist wouldn't be the same without good butter, wouldn't it?"

The fight below ensued, and the man above silently observed the confrontation, while occasionally chugging down more milk and corn as the fight intensified.
