
Chapter 26:Rewards and Gift

A/N:Extra chapter due to finally having first patron!

Dunkmasterjohn! Thank you! I will work harder!



"Now, can you answer my question?"

"Alright...First of, I didn't beat that thing up without any help, I have this" Zeke showed him the Full Bottle he is carrying, which made sento alert.

"Where did you get that full bottle?!" Sento warily questions, as he hurriedly got a hold of his Rabbit FullBottle just in case.

"Whoa! Chill...I don't mean to cause any trouble, as for this bottle, I don't know what it is, its a momento given by a friend of mine.. and secondly, dont you have one yourself?"  Zeke hurriedly explained his voice anxious as even with the full bottle of his, he would not even make a dent to sento.

"Also— here, you can even examine it" Zeke handed out his fullbottle, confident that Sento would not be able to use it.

"Hooh?... Fascinating...the nebula gas has turned into liquid? making this stronger and more powerful than a normal fullbottle... wait...perhaps its even more condensed.."

Sento, after receiving the fullbottle in hand started to examine it, fully focused as he thought of endless possibilities that the bottle might bring.

Fully focused, In fact as he did not notice a certain "person" observing them.

"Hooh? that bottle is that unique? then its better to be in my hands then.." Suddenly the two heard a voice, a very familiar voice which made Sento's eyes widen as he tried to reach out to his bottle but alas, it was too late as Blood stalk already passed the two and when the two saw him, the FullBottle was already in his hand.

"Hmm? You are most certainly right about the uniqueness of this bottle sento, so as a thanks for the person that brought this..."Blood stalk mutters as he looked at the stunned Zeke before suddenly, a speeding tendril suddenly shot out of his wrist.

"Oh no! Hensh-"Sento, realizing what he's planning tried to stop it by transforming but alas, he was too late as a piercing sound is suddenly heard and when he looked back beside him, he see Zeke looking at his stomach thats slowly but steadily disintegrating.

Zeke who did not feel pain looked up towards Blood Stalk, or rather Evolto as he mouthed "F*ck you! evol!" before his consciousness faded.


⟨Trial has Ended⟩

⟨First and Second trial has been completed⟩

⟨You have received the trait;

[Loved By Nebula], [Nebulous Body] from the first trial⟩

⟨Choose one of the following for your second trial's reward:

•Transteam Gun

•Trait:Poison Immunity


•Rabbit Fullbottle

•Tank FullBottle

•Hazard level:3

•Cobra Fullbottle

•Phoenix Fullbottle

•Build Driver⟩

When Zeke regained his consciousness, the first thing he see is a few system window, but one thing that caught his attention is the one that showed the list that he can get as his second reward.

And when he saw what these items were, he got stunned as each are amazing in their  own right.

Still, his eyes is mostly glued to two Items, which are the Transteam Gun and the Build driver, which are the transformation items that appeared right at the start of the show.

But seeing this, Zeke got reminded of something, the reason that caused his death at the trials so he hurriedly opened up his inventory to check wether that item is still there.

To his relief the FullBottle was still there, so he sighed in relief. "Whew...for a second I thought I lost you forever"

Confirming that the bottle is there and safe, Zeke turned back his focus on the list, pondering what he should choose, weighting the pro's and con's of each choices.

After mulling things over for a while, his choices got down into two, the transteam gun or the build driver.

Ultimately, Zeke chose the transteam gun, the reason being that— 1.he cannot even use the build driver as his hazard level is merely at 1 2.He only have a singular fullbottle currently and hes planning on keeping it that way for a while, and lastly he needs the power he can use instantly to have the chance of even surviving the later battles.

Done deciding what he's choosing, Zeke tapped on the first option.

⟨You have Received the [Transteam gun]⟩

⟨Checkpoint has been made at the second trial⟩

⟨Trial Cooldown: 23:52⟩


The sound of the capsule opening is heard followed by Zeke getting out of it, yawning and stretching.

Checking the time, It seems like only 15 minutes has passed by.

"4:16pm... I guess I should get ready to make dinner, but before that lets meet the kids" Zeke muttered as he walked out of his room and then down the stairs, not forgetting to say hello to the world tree sapling before finally going out of the building and into the backyard.

But, Zeke didn't find any of the young ones there, he looked left and right, wondering where they might be, when suddenly he thought of a place where they might be so he walked into the forest and into the pond where he saw Yamper, and the two rattata's being chased by Ditto who transformed into a zorua.

Meanwhile the two catterpies and charjabug are in slowpoke's belly as it float around the pond.

the three bug's cheering after their friends.

Lastly, the rottom phone who is faithfully taking videos and pictures of what's happening.

seeing them playing happily made Zeke smile, forgetting about what happened in his last moments in the trial of build.

Zeke, reluctant to disturb their fun quietly left the bunch as he went back inside his shop.

Greeting the sapling once more, before he teleported out of the Farm Space.

He appeared back to the kitchen of his Condo, which is perfect timing since he wanted to cook for dinner.

Opening the fridge, Zeke took out the main ingredient for tonight's dinner, which is chicken!

Putting it at the counter, Zeke thought about what he should make.

"Hmmm...Should I make adobo or curry...I really want to eat adobo but I want some veggies...But...I really miss Adobo...But...UGHH!  You know what? I'll make both"

Nodding at his decision, Zeke fetched the spices and condiments that he needed from the cabinet but as he put them down the counter, he remembered there wasn't any carrots and potatoes in the fridge.

Thankfully, he has some chopped onions and peeled garlic left, along with ginger in the fridge so, Zeke took them out the fridge and took them at the counter.

"Hmm...Since I need to buy Carrots and potatoes in the grocery, I guess I'll leave these here for now." Zeke muttered before he got out of the kitchen after washing and drying his hands.

Then, he got out of his house and went down the stairs and into the 30th floor.

Passing by the two doors and reaching the elevator just in time as it opened before a person got out.

A girl with waist length reddish pink hair, she also has a square bangs hanging over her eyebrows—wearing a long-sleeved purple sweater that covers a white and pink striped shirt.

She also wore a black skirt that reaches her knees, white socks and black shoes.

She also wore twin butterfly shaped ribbons  on both side of her head.

When Zeke saw here, he was instantly remindef of Ichika and the two sisters that he met so he greeted her with a nod and a smile as he proceeded to enter the elevator and closing it, not seeing the girl's reaction.



Meanwhile, Nakano Nino who just got out of the elevator is currently stunned just outside the elevator as she processed what just happened.

Her faced flushed as she replayed what just happened inside her head, the captivating gold eyes that the man has and his enchanting smile as he nodded at her.

mixing it up with his medium length hair which falls down into a wolf cut, made the combo too strong for her to handle.

'W-who was he?' Nino questions herself inside her head, her face still flushed as she imagined meeting him once more.

Suddenly, she remembered a hazy memory she once had when she and her sisters were just little, a boy with a similar eye color as the person she met just now, but her hazy memory could not confirm if the color does match.

"oi..ino..Nino!!" Suddenly she was woken up from her daze by a familiar voice of one of her sister, so she looked up and saw her sister Itsuki.

"Ah? Yes Itsuki?" Nino answered.

"What "Ah?" You've been staring at the air for a while now probably, what happened?"Itsuki, hand in her waist, questions her, wondering what caused her sister into that state.

Hearing her question, Nino remembered what just happened, The captivating eyes and once again fell into a daze— well almost as Itsuki prevented it by exclaiming.

"Ninoo, you're in a daze again"Nino heard Itsuki's voice waking her up once more as she subconsciously answers "I met a guy"

before she closed her mouth again.

"Haah? A guy caused you to become like this?" Itsuki voiced in curiosity before following with.

"Anyways... I'm going to the convenience store to buy something, go inside the now and stop daydreaming here"

After leaving those words, Itsuki walked passed Nino, Entering the free elevator as she murmured "A guy huh.....speaking of which I wonder who that rude fella that I met before, stealing that Yakisoba for himself..hmp!"

Meanwhile, Nino hearing her sister's words, cleared up her mind as she walked inside their apartment her face still somewhat flushed.



Meanwhile.... The boy in question has already arrived in the Grocery Store, Basket in hand containing a few Potatoes, some more chicken and Carrots.

"Hmm...Ichika and her sisters are most likely new tenants, so as the landlord's nephew as well as a neighbor, I'll give them some of my curry and adobo!" Zeke mutters as he walked towards the Tupperware Aisle, picking up two medium sized glass ones before putting it in the basket.

Zeke nods and muttered "These should be big enough"

Afterwards, he went into the drink section, picking up multiple bottles of Cola before moving on towards the cashier.

And after paying, Zeke left the Grocery happily humming as he carries the plastic.

"Really thankful that the Grocery store is close by the building, well... Aunt Yuuko did build the supermarket and convenience store near on purpose to make the value of the apartments higher" Zeke laughed awkwardly as he entered the building, greeting the guard with a nod before going straight through the elevators where some people are riding already.


Reaching back in his house, Zeke checked the time using his old phone, and seeing that its only 4:39 which is plenty of time to make the two dishes, so without diy dallying anymore, Zeke hurriedly walked towards the kitchen and started to cook.

"First up, Chop up the chicken into different parts, then separate half for the curry..

Afterwards clean and peel the veggies...



(1 Hour later)

"Alright with this..Its done!" Zeke mutters as he turned off the fire of the stove, afterwards he fetched the glass Tupperwares before scooping in the Adobo first, and afterwards the Curry.

Then, Zeke stacked the two Tupperwares before carrying them while he walked out his house.

He then went down towards the 30th floor using the elevator this time, and rang the doorbell on the door he saw chika came out a few days ago.


Not long after ringin the bell, the door opened, and he was greeted by a new girl

this time, with orange, neck length hair a green ribbon that shaped like bunny ears, wearing a green hoodie and red shorts.

"Yes?" Yotsuba asked, but got stunned for a sec when she saw Zeke.

"Good evening, You guys are new tenants right?"Zeke greeted her with a smile.

"Yea! me and my sisters moved here just a few days ago actually...why do you ask?" Yotsuba asked, a bit wary as she doesn't know Zeke.

"Well...Im actually your neighbor! and seeing that you guys just moved in, I have decided to give you guys a small gift!" Zeke then lifted the tupperwares which got Yotsuba's attention.

"Ah!? You shouldn't have! " Yotsuba replied, waving her hand left and right in a panic, not knowing what to do.

"Yotsuba who is that?" Suddenly a voice pretty familiar to Zeke was heard by the two before Ichika wearing a casual white T-shirt and black shorts walked into the scene and when she saw that Zeke is the one outside she showed a surprise expression before voicing.

"Oh! you're that guy a few days ago! Zeke right?" Ichika said enthusiastically.

"Yo! how are you neighbor! Its a bit late, but heres a gift from me"Zeke greeted before handing out the glass tupperware.

Ichika recieved it much to Yotsuba's confusion as she just tood there quiet and surprised at what's happening in front of her.

"Smells good!, whats inside?" Ichika asked after getting a whiff of the Tupperware's contents.

"Well, I cooked two dishes for dinner one of them is a dish from my hometown, while the other is Chicken curry!" Zeke replied proudly as he knows she and her sister will like them.

"Ooohhh? You look pretty confident of these dishes of yours?"Ichika asked with a teasing voice while snickering.

"Yeap! Im pretty confident when it comes to my culinary skills! Its Raiha approved afterall!"

"Raiha approved? Is she some kind of critique?" Ichika asked, confused about the inside joke that Zeke just said.

"haha, its nothing that big she's the sister of my friend who I sometimes invite to taste my cooking!" Zeke replies, remembering the different times where he invited the siblings or the whole family to eat his cooking or cooking at their house personally as "training" whenever they dont have a lot to eat.

"Anyways, thats all I am here for and I also need to do something ASAP, so enjoy! and dont worry about the tupperware, I just bought it tonight and you guys can keep it as your housewarming gift.

Also! you guys are welcome at my graden above, so if you sister's have time, you all can hang out there whenever you like!" Zeke said with a smile before he hurriedly walked back towards the stairs, waving as he did so.

The reason being that Siesta notified him of Ditto and the rest of the mon's hunger.

so not wanting the Pokemon's to develop a bad Habbit of stealing his crops, Zeke hurriedly went up, leaving the two Sisters, bewildered as to what he needed to do to walk away that fast.

"I wonder what is the thing so urgent that he willingly left us two beautiful young maidens in the middle of a conversation" Ichika asked teasingly, meanwhile— Yotsuba still has her blank expression as she pondered why.

"Anyways, since he has generously gifted us these, It would be rude to not eat it..so lets go and inform others Yotsuba" Ichika voiced before beckoning Yotsuba to go back inside with her.

hearing her,Yotsuba followed along, pushing the encounter on the back of her head.


A/N:Enjoying the story so far?

If so,a review would greatly help the book.

Comment and power stones too!

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