
A Certain Pokemon Shop(Re-Write)

What would you do if you ever woke up in a familiar yet unfamiliar world, without any of your past life memories except for the anime,Manga,Novels,Movies,And Games you have watched, read, or played before? Follow Zeke! In his adventure in a not so normal earth, that he woke up into! Oh! and he has a system too! ______________________________ Warning! Letting u guys know that i took inspiration on some of the fan-fic i have read before. so don't be surprised if there some familiar things. _____________________________ Disclaimer: [The Image the cover used isn't owned by me] [Ctto for the one who made the cover] [The rights to the characters shown belong to their respective owner and only my Oc's belong to me!] _____________________________ Permanent Discord Code: yPePuE3PVu

LazyWriterZ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 15:Family Dinner

A/N:Yo! author here! Sorry I haven't been updating the story, but I will try to update it now! Just a lot has happened recently with me moving out and entering college followed by the prelims exam and all that.

anyways, here's chapter 15! Enjoy!

Don't forget to stone the Story if u find it likable! and also comment about what u think about the story! Constructive Criticism is always welcome!


//A few hours Later after Anchoring the Shop Outside//

Its already 5pm now and currently i just got back at the Penthouse I am living in, Right now Ditto is in my Head, currently as a normal Hedgehog, because why not?.

Anyways, the Cats lazy behavior and its liking for fish has already disappeared from Ditto and got replaced by a Hedgehog's Nocturnality, and the other one is still unknown..

How did i found out the trait? Well... Basically Ditto finished removing the trait an hour before, so it was still early, the sun is still there, so he's ready to transform into another animal once more... Though he could relatively speaking be able to transform into anything anytime, but the laziness he got from transforming into a cat stopped him so.

So! after Ditto transformed, i asked him to transform into something else, an animal that doesn't have a problematic behavior, that it wont really interfere much when Ditto gets 2 of them randomly.

So, i just thought, why not a hedgehog? they dont really have any problematic behaviors.

Plus! Its Cute, and can be easily carried.

Plus! Its One of my favorite animals! So yeah! It was already decided.

I asked Ditto to transform into a hedgehog afterwards, Ditto not really minding it because its training for him as well, plus it was fun for him.

so after a few trial and errors, he has finally managed to turn into a hedgehog!

the Errors being that he turned into basically a cat sized Hedgehog, and others being that he turned into a Quill-less hedgehog and Ditto Faced Hedgehog.

Anywho, I just asked him to stay that way, before putting him in my head, afterwards we left for Tokai, towards my Grandpa's house.

Why there you ask? well, well be preparing for aunt Kyouko's Birthday! Despite our richness we actually cook the food served in Birthday ourselves! Though thats only for the Birthday party where our family, close relatives, and close friends attend.

Theres another party, the day after the first one where we Order food to be made and delivered.

that's the party where employees and acquaintances would attend into!

How did that happen you ask? well, it was caused by my father... Basically he just wanted for the special day to be attended only by family and close friends, and away from work and other things..

so he had the idea to just, have another party the day after the real birthday party happened.. Just to entertain others outside family and close friends.

And well, afterwards my two aunt's actually liked the idea so they too made their birthdays like that, and well it became a tradition of some sorts? probably, but i sure am going to do that as well.

*cough* continuing, the building my Penthouse is located isnt really that far away from Grandfathers house.. Its only located farther from the city where only the Richie's reside, so i just took a taxi towards there and Walla! Im now in front of grandads house!

I mean, I could have walked and all, but I think I've had enough walking for today.

I walked towards the gate, and greeted the two familiar people guarding it before entering.

"Im home!"I shouted hoping to get someone's attention, and worked as always!

"Welcome back, Child"My Grandmother's kind voice entered my ears.

"Mhm, Its good to be back- is what I would've liked to say if I dont frequently visit here"I replied.

My Grandmother, Toki, laughed after hearing my response before saying "Still humorous as always! Come now child, Your Aunt Kyouko and Cousin Ryuuko just arrived not too long agao, they are resting at the moment."

"Mhm, How about Grandpa? Is his back feeling better now?"I asked as we walked towards the living room.

"HoHo~ Your grandpa is much better now, still grumpy as always, but nonetheless fine"Grandma Toki replied, with an amused tone.

"Thats good! although i wish he'd stop being that grumpy already, is he still mad about mom and dad?"I said, my voice becoming sad towards the end.

*sigh*"Yes..."She replied with a sad tone.

"..."Hearing her reply, I just stayed quiet as we walked.

and a minute later we reached the living room.



*Munch* I took a bite on the Leppa berry I had on me, which I took a minute ago from the Poke-farm, fresh from the tree!

I took a bunch of them, because why not?

I decided to give them to share them with my family, considering that they are more nutritious than a normal apple and all, and i want them to be healthier than they ever was!

Anyways, right now I am inside my room in my Grandparents house re-watching a Kamen rider series.And Ditto, Still in his hedgehog form is munching on an Oran berry right now, on the bed behind me.

The kamen rider series that i am watching currently is Kamen Rider Amazon's, a Reboot of the original showa era Kamen Rider Amazon.

and not gonna lie this one enters my top 5 favourite kamen rider series of all time.

The story of this Series is basically about a city that has Man made Monsters residing In it that is particularly in need of protein, and their all time favorite is the protein that's inside humans!

The main characters are 2 of such beings.

One of them,Jin Takayama is one the scientist responsible of the creation of Amazon Cells,Cells which causes the transformation of humans into the said creatures called Amazon's; and after a lab accidents which caused 4000 amazons to escape, he vowed to destroy each and every one of them in the face of the Earth. And in order to do that he injected himself with the Amazon cells, becoming an Amazon Himself!

And somewhere down the line after injecting himself with the Amazon cells he was also involved with the creation of the Amazon's driver; A device which, if used by an Amazon would let them transform into Kamen Rider Amazon's which would basically make their Amazon Form become more Precise and Powerful too! Making him Amazon Alpha!

Although we are getting sidetracked from the story so lets continue this for another time..

Anyways, I was watching an episode of the Kamen Rider Amazon's, while munching on the Berry when the door to my room was opened and someone  entered.

and that someone is Ryuuko, my older cousin.

"Yo!"I greeted her, after asking the Rotom-phone to pause the show.

"Hello Zeke! How have you been?"She asks me as she walked towards me, sitting on the floor on the opposite side of the Kotatsu.

*munch* *munch* *gulp*"Im fine, I've been working out lately, how about you?"I said, after chewing and gulping down the Leppa berry I was eating.

"Im good as well! A bit busy at the University but still good!"She said while smiling.

"that's good! how about aunt Kyouko?"I asked before taking another bite of the Leppa berry.

*munch* *munch*

"Oh! Shes fine! She and aunt Yuuko are in the living room, talking with grandma"She replied.

"Ooh..Want an apple?"I asked her, offering her one of the Leppa berries on the bowl.

I called it an apple for obvious reasons.

Hearing my offer Ryuuko replied with "Sure!" before taking one and eating it.

and when she bit it, I saw her eyes rounding before she made a face full of absolute Joy.

"Great right?"I asked her before taking in a bite myself.

"Mhm!"She replied with a flurry of nods, as she savoured the flavor of the Leppa berry.

Seeing her reaction, I could not help but chuckle.

"If you like that, then you're gonna love this one"I said before handing Ryuuko the berry counterpart of her favorite fruit, Oran berry.

"Eh? Blue Orange???"She asked, looking a bit confused, as she stared at the Oran berry.

"Mhm! thats a very rare type of orange that has been grown by a friend of mine, who i will not mention."I told her.

"Pshhh! Its just a different colored orange, but I would still eat it since orange is orange!"She shaid before peeling off the Oran berry and eating one.

And as she chewed on the oran berry, her face underwent a multitude of changes, from shock, to happiness and lastly content.

"I can die peacefully now..."She muttered, smiling as she said so.

"Oi!"I called out, which got her out of the trance she was in.

"Anyways, whats up? you need me for something?"I asked her

And after hearing my question It seemed like she remembered what she was here for.

"Ah! I almost forgot, Grandma said its time for Dinner!"She replied, before standing up, beckoning me to follow her as she got out of the room, carrying the Oran berry she has not eaten.

I paused the Show before placing it besides  Ditto and said "Stay here for a bit, and you can use the phone, just dont let anyone see you for now"

"Ditto~" Ditto nodded and replied before continuing to devour another Leppa berry.

I looked at him for a few seconds, before shaking my head and muttered "Glutton, Indeed".

Afterwards I got out of the room and walked towards the kitchen where, upon arriving I was greeted by the sight of my family members, Sitting around a long rectangular table sharing food with each other as they ate.

Ryuuko, Is somehow upset, as seen with her face but after seeing Arisu munching on the Oran berry I understood, So I took out another oran berry from my Inventory Discreetly and put it besides her in the table as I passed by and sat down Between two empty seats, which was where both my parents used to seat.

Right as I entered the Kitchen I was already noticed by my two aunts and uncles, as well as my grandparents and cousins.

I just smiled after greeting them, before I sat down and, took my bowl and put some Rice.

"Itadakimasu~"I said before taking some of the Grilled eel that Grandmother Toki cooked.

"Yum!" I exclaimed, because why not? Its delicious!

Afterwards, I partook In some miso soup which is once again good as heck.

Hearing my Sounds of delight, It seemd that Grandma became happy as seen in her smile.

Meanwhile Grandpa was still eating so I did not disturb him.


"Thank you for the food grandma! It was good!"I thanked Grandma Toki for the sumptuous meal that she prepared.

"No problem, as long as all of you enjoyed it"She replied before smiling kindly.

"Mhm! I enjoyed it!"I confirmed before looking at Gramps and said" Granpa How are you? Does your back still hurt?"I asked

"Its nothing,you brat! These old bones are still sturdy!"Gramps replied boisterously, before asking me something.

"How about you? How is school? You wouldn't have bought girls in your apartment have you?"He asked a bit teasingly before laughing.

"Guhahaha! I wouldn't mind having Great Grand Children!"He continued before getting hit by Granma.

"You old bones! Zeke is still young, he should focus on his studies for now"She scolded.

"Haha! My bad"My Grandpa apologized.

Meanwhile, My Uncles and Aunts just stared at our Interactions with a smile, happy that I have somehow Improved from my parents death.

Still hearing Grandpas question, I could not help but be taken aback, since when I asked granma earlier she seemed to say that grandpa is not that happy but seeing him now.

Still I played along and said "Well~ I did meet some Interesting girls on the way, But Why are you asking me? about this when you can Ask Ryuuko-nee here if she has a Boyfriend now, Aint that right?" After saying those I looked toward Ryuuko who was munching on the Oran berry That I have given her before happily.

But after hearing what I said, she froze of shock before she looked at me with the face of someone who just got betrayed.

"I dont plan on finding someone for now" She said calmy surprisingly despite her red face.

This earned her a chuckle from all of us, which made her fluster more.

I would have mentioned fuutarou but I aint that bad, so I just smiled at her.

"Zeke How is the Apartment? Just tell this aunt of yours if you have anything you need okay?" Aunt Kyouko, the mother of Ryuuko Said which was followed by Uncle Hirohito's nod as he said "Yeah! You can count on your family!"

I think calling a condo an apartment a bit much but nonetheless I thanked the two of them, for their kindess and said that I dont have any problems as of yet.

I then looked at Arisu, who is Now finished with the Oran berry she Took from Ryuuko and asked "How about you? Arisu? How is school at tokyo?"

Aunt Yuuko smiled after hearing my question, before saying "Yeah, Arisu why dont you tell your Big Brother about your friends?"

It seemed like Arisu remembered something from her mother's reminder, as her eyes widen a little before she enthusiastically nodded and started to tell us about her friends" Nn! Nii-chan! Arisu, made new friends in school!,Chi-chan, Yuu-kun, and Rii-chan! We played lots!...and..."

After listening to her story, with smile in all of our faces, even Ryuuko, who was a bit upset of Arisu before was looking at her fondly.

"Mm! Good job Arisu-chan~" I praised her, seeing as she's behaving rather well, making friends and all that, and decided to give her a Pokemon companion after I see one that fits her.

For now, I just pat her head, before taking another Berry from my pocket, a Leppa berry this time.

Everyone was of course curious where I got it, but I just said that I carried two or three of them.

After this heartfelt scene of the dinner with family as always, we all got back to the living room to rest, before getting ready to preparing Aunt Yuuko's Birthday celebration.

Each had things they had to do, My aunt's Preparing the decorations, like baloons and such, while my Uncle are Preparing Ingredients and spices for the food, supervised by Grandpa.

Ryuuko helped with the decorations, Along with grandma, while I was tasked of watching Over Arisu.

So now, Here I am, In the bedroom with Arisu, Cuddling with Ditto who turned into the pup Entei, after deciding to let Arisu play with Ditto.

Nobody would believe Arisu anyways, If she said that I had a magical Dog.

The two of them, laid In the bed, as I told a story about the Three little piglets, Pokemon Ver. that I converted and turned into "The three little Tepig's".

After seeing that Arisu, has fallen asleep, while Ditto was also Drowsing already, So I retrieved Ditto into the mimicball before replacing him with a Pokemon Plushie of Entei that I bought at the mall for only 5 system points.