
Chapter 141 - Sentry Robot

In a dimly lit, secretive chamber, various blurry figures were engaged in a covert video meeting, reflecting on the just-concluded live broadcast.

"How dare these criminals claim that mutants are humans? It's absurd," one figure seethed with bitterness.

"We must act swiftly. We cannot allow them to undermine our established system," another, an elderly man with a weary voice, insisted.

A faint voice then interjected, "I have a proposal from Bolivar Trask that you should consider."

At this moment, a short middle-aged man appeared on the screen. Bolivar Trask greeted the prominent figures with a cautious nod and then promptly addressed the matter at hand.

"Sk Industries has developed a robot capable of subduing mutants," Bolivar announced. The news startled the assembled figures, causing their expressions to become serious.

Bolivar continued explaining that this robot could detect any type of mutant and had the ability to instantly transform itself to capture and defeat mutants. It was designed to counteract powerful mutants, even those from the X-Men.

"Oh? How does such a powerful robot possess the ability to transform?" one of the figures asked, intrigued.

A faint voice from earlier added, "Let me introduce Bolivar Trask. He is the son of the founder of Laque Industries."

The mention of Bolivar's lineage triggered memories among the attendees. In 1973, during the assassination attempt on the President by Magneto, a scientist had developed the Sentry robot to deal with mutants. However, Magneto's intervention had nearly resulted in disaster, which was only averted by the intervention of a magic girl.

That scientist was Bolivar Trask, who was later scapegoated by the President to appease the mutants. Trask had spent the rest of his life imprisoned until his death.

"Though my father's endeavors failed, I am determined to complete his legacy. Bolivar Trask is my name, and I will see this through," the younger Bolivar declared firmly.

"Even though the Devil's Girl took the data on mutant genes, my father had foreseen the need for this technology and kept part of it hidden," he continued. "After years of development, the Second Generation Sentry robot is ready. I seek your support."

The figures exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting a mix of interest and caution. The faint voice spoke again.

"I propose that the Sentry robots be deployed with the Sentry Secret Service to assist in all covert operations."

"I second that."

"I have no objections."

"I agree."

With the proposal swiftly passing, Bolivar was thrilled. His father's vision was finally coming to fruition.

"Bolivar, even though the bill has passed, it's unlikely that we can make a grand show of arresting mutants given the current climate," a figure cautioned.

"Yes, I understand."

"And we need to ensure the robots' effectiveness. We don't want to repeat your father's failure," the same figure said, scrutinizing Bolivar closely.

The pressure was palpable, and Bolivar felt a shiver run down his spine. The implication was clear: failure would mean facing the same fate as his father.

"So the immediate task for the Sentry robots is to capture mutants outside the United States or beyond the Hero Academy's jurisdiction."

"We need to see concrete results, not just scrap metal, before we proceed further."

"I understand."

As the video projection ended, Bolivar slumped into a chair, frustration evident on his face. He muttered under his breath, "These damn politicians."

Feeling insecure, Bolivar connected to another encrypted channel.

"A cut head grows two more," a low, ominous voice said from the video feed.

Bolivar, inspecting his surroundings nervously, whispered, "Hail Hydra."

The screen then displayed a calm, white-haired man.

"Bolivar, what can I do for you?" Baron Strucker, a Hydra leader, inquired.

"Baron Strucker, I need your assistance," Bolivar said timidly.

Baron Strucker, also known as Wolfgang von Strucker, was a significant Hydra figure.

"Assistance? I thought you were working with them," Strucker remarked disdainfully.

"They're too afraid to confront the mutants. They don't want to provoke anyone," Bolivar explained with frustration.

He paused and continued, "I need to use the Sentry robots to show some results, but they won't let me operate within the United States."

"Huh? What do you need then?" Strucker asked, seemingly indifferent.

"I need you to help me locate a few powerful mutants outside the U.S. I want to demonstrate that the Sentry robots can defeat them," Bolivar explained.

"In return, I can provide you with a Sentry robot, but it must remain outside the U.S. to avoid suspicion."

Strucker pondered for a moment, his eyes flickering with thought. Bolivar, anxious for results, understood that only by proving the robot's effectiveness would he secure its future use.

The high-ranking figures wanted substantial evidence of the robots' capabilities, not just minor victories. They wanted the Sentry robots to face formidable opponents rather than mere novices.

Baron Strucker finally agreed, saying, "I recently discovered that Sokovia has a pair of mutant siblings seeking revenge against Tony Stark. Their adoptive parents were killed by a missile from Stark Industries."

"Oh, how unfortunate," Bolivar said, barely concealing his satisfaction.

"Then select those two," Strucker concluded.

Bolivar's plan was set into motion, with the Sentry robots poised to tackle powerful mutants far from the prying eyes of the United States.