

Aleysa. A simple girl who just wants a happy and peaceful life with her Father and only Sister, Catline. Because their Mother both died when they were little. But unfortunately Aleysa's simple ideals had to run aground when she met a man who was very cold and arrogant. Moreover, their meeting was based on coercion from one of the parties. Where Aleysa could not refuse this one request. One day Aleysa's Father had a car crash. And what hit him was that cold and arrogant man named Hans Kendric. Or commonly called as Hans. Although the man has a cold and arrogant nature, but he can still be responsible for what he has done. Some time later, after Aleysa's Father regained consciousness, Hans begged him not to be put in prison. Even Hans had offered a very large amount of money to Aleysa's Father so that this case would not be extended again. Because all of that can damage the good name of themselves and their families which they have worked so hard to protect until now. Until finally Aleysa's Father granted his request on one condition. The condition is that Hans must marry his eldest child. That is Aleysa in front of him directly. There was no other choice, Hans agreed even though he didn't really love Aleysa at all. Vice versa. After a few minutes when Hans married Alyesa, Aleysa's Father breathed his last. He had said to Hans, "Take care of my eldest daughter as best you can. Don't ever hurt her." But in reality Hans could not keep the last mandate from Aleysa's Father. Hans continues to hurt Aleysa by playing with fire with other women in front of Aleysa's eyes openly. The woman was Hans lover who had been in a long-standing relationship with Hans. And that woman was none other than his own personal secretary in the office. But now Hans is already married to Aleysa. Even so, Hans continues to play with fire with his girlfriend, Emily. Because Hans really loved Emily. So far, no other woman can win a Hans heart except Emily. Emily would never leave Hans either. Apart from Hans being her lover first than Aleysa, Emily will also not bewilling to leave a CEO of a large, well-known company who is richand handsome. Emily continues to hurt Aleysa in various ways to make Aleysa give up on being Hans wife.But unfortunately everything that Emily did was always a failure. Because Aleysa keeps trying to keep her marriage with Hans even though she is always hurt by Emily even by Hans though.

Arummsukma · Fantasia
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153 Chs

Come to Hans Office

"It turns out that Hans has fallen asleep. Hans looks really tired. It must be because Hans has been working hard at the office all day," said Aleysa. Then Aleysa wrapped Hans very carefully. Because Aleysa was afraid that Hans would wake up and was angry with her.

After blanketing Hans, Aleysa went to the table beside her bed and sat there. Again Aleysa wrote something on top of her book. What she called her diary all along.

'My sky. Why is my sky getting darker day by day and filled with lightning? How long can I face this sky of mine without any protection? Oh God, if my sky can't change, then strengthen me to face it. But don't give me protection from my own sky.'

After finishing writing in her diary, Aleysa immediately fell asleep on the sofa in the room. Because until now Aleysa and Hans have not slep together in the same bed.


The day has changed. The sound of birds chirping. The sky this morning is also very clear. But not for the sky Aleysa ia Hans. He still felt very cold. At 7 in the morning Hans just came out of his room.

"Hans. Let's have breakfast here, honey," said his Mother.

"Yes, Mom."

Hans sat beside Aleysa. Hans joined breakfast this morning. While having breakfast together, Aleysa suddenly spoke up to ask about Ershad who would work for her.

"Hans, Grandma, Mommy, first I want to apologize. Can I ask permission for something?" Aleysa asked.

"What do you want my permission to do, honey?" asked Hans's Grandmother.

"I want to ask permission to hire someone to take care of me Grandma, Mom, Hans? Because lately I also feel insecure."


Hans immediately answered Aleysa's question very quickly without thinking anymore.

"I don't agree. What are you doing. Who do you want to hire to take care of you? After all, who wants to harm you? Just like an important person," Hans continued. Meanwhile, Aleysa was silent hearing Hans very harsh opinion on her.

"Hans. What are you doing. Why is Aleysa being taken care of by someone else? It's also for Aleysa's sake. Or are you jealous if Aleysa is taking care of other than you?"

"No Grandma. Grandma is nothing."

"Well then, you just let your wife be guarded by someone. So that she's safe when she goes out."

"It's okay Grandma, it's okay, it's okay. If Hans doesn't allow me, I won't do it all," continued Aleysa.

"That's good then."

Finally Aleysa relented not to appoint Ershad as her personal guard. After the small debate was over, now they all continued their breakfast. After that, everyone in the house did their own thing.


This morning Hans arrived at the office. So does Emily. Emily went straight to Hans study to discuss the matter between the two of them.

"Hans," said Emily.


Unlike usual Hans this time looked more nervous than usual.

"Why are you such a surprised person like that? Are you surprised that I came here? You don't like it when I come here?" Emily asked.

"No. That's not what I meant. You don't usually come to my room this early. What's wrong?"

"Honestly, I'm really disappointed in you. After what we did yesterday, you actually avoided me like this. What's wrong with you? I've given everything to you. Including my own pride."

"Emily I'm sorry. Not that I'm avoiding you, but I just need some time to accept all this."

"So you don't accept all this? You don't accept what happened to us? You are bad Hans. Evil."

Then after that Emily immediately left from inside Hans study. Hans didn't go after her. It's not like Hans always chased Emily when Emily was angry with him. This time he just let it go.

"I'm sorry Emily. I do love you. But somehow I still can't believe that we've done it all," said Hans in his heart.

Hans and Emily continued to do their jobs well. Until it was time for office break but Emily didn't come to Hans study to bring Hans lunch. Even though it was usually Emily who brought Hans lunch into his office all this time.

Tok... Tok... Tok...

It wasn't long before someone knocked on Hans study door. Hans already thought that it was Emily

"Finally you came too Em—" Hans words stopped when he saw that it was Aleysa who came. Not Emily.

"Aleysa. Why did you come here?" asked Hans coldly.

"I just came here to take you to lunch."

"It's better not to. How many times have I told you that I don't want to bring you food."

"I... Yes Hans, sorry. Then I will say goodbye, Hans."


When Aleysa wanted to leave Hans study, suddenly Hans's Grandmother called Aleysa.

"Grandma called Hans."

"Why is Grandma using Aleysa's phone all the time. Surely she wants to ask how I feel about Aleysa now," Hans thought in his heart.

Aleysa immediately picked up the phone from her Grandmother.

"Yes, hello Grandma. What's wrong Grandma?"

"Are you at the office, honey?"

"It's okay, Grandma. It's just that Aleysa arrived at the office."

"Well then, try to prepare Hans using the food you brought now. Grandma really wants to see you two romantically."

Hans immediately put his cheeky face on Aleysa. Make Aleysa afraid of him.

"But Grandma. Hans is still busy with work. Later, Hans will eat alone with him. I want to go straight home Grandma. Because I want to do monthly shopping for the house."

"Never mind you, don't make too many excuses. It must be Hans who told you to get out of there quickly. Where are you giving the cellphone to Hans."

"I... Yes, Grandma."

Aleysa immediately gave her cellphone to Hans. Hans couldn't help but accept it. This time there was no longer any reason for Hans to avoid his Grandmother.

"Hello Grandma. I... Yes Grandma. What's wrong Grandma?"

"Why are you busy? You don't pretend to be busy. You eat the food that Aleysa brought right now. And Aleysa has to feed you. Grandma wants to see it right now. Don't make too many excuses for you and Grandma."

-To be Continued-