
Not following the rules

Chen Xiaoxue also looked at Hou Jun.

The two of them stared at each other for quite a while.

Suddenly, Hou Jun said to me, "I bet my girlfriend on this! If you win, Xiaoxue will go with you today. You can do whatever you want with her. How about that?"

Hou Jun's words shocked everyone present.

No one expected that Hou Jun would actually bet his girlfriend.

That's what a gambler does.

When they're desperate, they don't care about anyone.

Even more surprising, Chen Xiaoxue didn't object.

She sneered with a hint of provocation and said to me, "If you win, I'll go with you today. You can do whatever you want with me, I'll obey you! Are you up for it?"

Chen Xiaoxue knew Hou Jun's cards.

That's why she dared to use herself as a bargaining chip.

I gave Chen Xiaoxue a cold look.

In my eyes, she wasn't worth even ten, let alone a hundred.

But because she had just insulted my parents.

Today, I had to make her understand the price of being foul-mouthed.

"Fine, I agree. Let's reveal the cards!"

The whole place fell silent.

Everyone stared at the three cards in Hou Jun's hand.

At this moment, Hou Jun's face turned red with excitement.

But in order to pretend that he didn't know his cards, he continued the act.

He picked up the poker cards, raised them in the air, and shouted, "God bless me, give me a great hand!"


The three cards were fiercely slammed on the table.


As the cards were revealed, the crowd couldn't help but gasp!

Three of a kind!

Three Aces!

Hou Jun actually had three Aces.

The biggest hand in "Fight the Landlord" game.

Hou Jun had known his cards from the beginning.

But he continued the act, looking at his cards and laughing loudly.

"I won't keep losing forever," he exclaimed, grabbing the money on the table with excitement.

Chen Xiaoxue joined in the celebration, dancing with joy.

They had won.

They won over ten thousand yuan.

Just as Hou Jun was about to collect the money, I suddenly said coldly, "Wait a moment!"

Hou Jun looked up at me.

Everyone present turned their gaze towards me.

"Does having three A's guarantee a win? What if I have 2, 3, 5?" I said.

In the game of Golden Flower, 2, 3, 5 are the lowest cards.

But according to our rules in Ha Bei, 2, 3, 5 can beat three A's.

And only three A's can be beaten by 2, 3, 5.

"Keep dreaming. Even if you have 2, 3, 5, do you think you're a gambling god?" Chen Xiaoxue mocked me.

Hou Jun didn't believe it either. He shouted, "Quit the nonsense and reveal your cards!"

I moved aside the cigarette box.

Slowly, I flipped over the first card.

Black spade 2.

Hou Jun's eyebrows involuntarily furrowed.

Then, slowly, I revealed the second card.

Diamond 5.

The atmosphere in the room immediately became tense.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on my hand, waiting for the final card.

Meanwhile, Hou Jun's hands on the table began to tremble uncontrollably.

Suddenly, I shouted, "Give me a 3..."

With the shout, I forcefully threw open the third card.

A red heart 3 appeared on the table.

The room fell into absolute silence.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

It seemed like they couldn't believe what they were witnessing.

A three A's encounter with 2, 3, 5.

This kind of hand, rarely seen in decades.

And now, it has appeared.

After a while, Hou Jun slumped onto the chair with a thud, in a state of shock.

He had already assumed that the over ten thousand belonged to him a long time ago.

In the blink of an eye, it became mine instead.

And he even lost his girlfriend to me.

Although it was only for a day.

"How is this possible, such a coincidence?"

Hou Jun remained stunned for just a few seconds before looking up at me.

"Chu Liu, you must have cheated. Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental?"

Hou Jun wasn't entirely foolish; he could guess that I might have cheated.

And indeed, I did cheat.

But could his dog-like eyes see through my cheating techniques?

I still had a look of disdain on my face and leisurely said,

"Hou Jun, you chose the place, you invited the people, and you bought the playing cards. Yet, you accuse me of cheating. Do you think that's fair? Moreover, do you have any evidence?"

Catch the adulterer and seize the loot.

The same goes for cheating in gambling.

Even if you are a hundred percent certain that the other person cheated.

Without evidence, it's all just empty talk.

That's why Lao Liu taught me when he taught me how to cheat.

Whether it's a small gambling game or a large casino.

When cheating, there must be no evidence left on you.

As long as the other party has no evidence, even if the King of Heaven himself comes, it's useless.

I collected all the money on the table.

This round yielded quite a harvest.

Apart from my capital, I won over five thousand.

After collecting the money, I directly asked Hou Jun,

"Hou Jun, you lost. Shouldn't your girlfriend come with me?"

Hou Jun's face turned extremely ugly. Before Chen Xiaoxue could speak, he immediately said,


I coldly snorted.

"Fine, she doesn't have to come with me. But let her kneel down and apologize to me, call me 'Sir,' Chu Liu Sir! Then, this matter will be considered settled!"

I never intended to take Chen Xiaoxue with me in the first place.

I had no interest in such a woman who was almost like a prostitute.

I just wanted to teach her a lesson about her filthy mouth.

"I won't kneel, and I won't beg!"

Chen Xiaoxue stared at me, her eyes fierce.

"Then you have to leave with me!"

I stood my ground.

And so, we remained at an impasse.

Beside me, Lao Hei suddenly patted my arm and said,

"Brother, that's enough. You've already won the money. You don't really intend to take someone's girlfriend home, do you? Give your brother some face, let's call it quits!"

Lao Hei exuded the aura of someone from the underworld.

But he and I were not from the same world.

Looking at Lao Hei, I coldly asked in response,

"If he had won this round, would he have let it go so easily?"

"What do you mean?"

Lao Hei's tone carried some discontent.

"Chess emphasizes making moves without regrets, gambling emphasizes being willing to accept loss. They both agreed to the stakes, so they must abide by them!"

Clearly, Lao Hei hadn't anticipated that I would refuse so resolutely.

He glared at me with his bell-like eyes and angrily said,

"You're saying you won't give me face and insist on taking her with you?"

I nodded.

Lao Hei stood up abruptly.

"If you don't want to give me face, don't blame me. Come on, come with me. Let's see how you're going to take her away today!"

I couldn't help but furrow my brows.

Just as I entered this underworld, I encountered Lao Hei, a reckless and rule-breaking person.

But I still stood up and followed him out of the supermarket.

Liu Ye once said,

A swindler relies on technique and skill.

If you win, you take it all.

Otherwise, what's the point of practicing any tricks?

Outside the supermarket, Lao Hei, a towering figure, stood by the roadside with his arms crossed, seething with anger.

The people who were inside just a moment ago followed us outside.

They stood on the sidelines, watching the commotion.

"If you leave now, this matter will be settled. If you still want to take Chen Xiaoxue away, don't blame me for being impolite to you!"

Lao Hei issued his final ultimatum.

And with a stern expression on my face, I calmly replied,

"Then you can continue being impolite to me..."

As soon as the words fell, I saw Lao Hei's eyes widen.

Taking a big step forward, he swung his fist, the size of a bowl, directly at my face.

It was evident that Lao Hei was furious.

His iron fist whistled through the air as he swung it.

I quickly raised my hand to block.

Although I managed to block the punch,

I stumbled and fell to the ground.

Lao Hei's punch was powerful.

Just one punch and I felt a piercing pain in my arm.

"Do you fucking surrender? Will you still take her away?"

Lao Hei stood in front of me, looking down from above.

And I remained silent.

Slowly, I got back on my feet.

Looking at Lao Hei, I said coldly,

"Come again!"

This was a showdown where death was the only outcome, no winners.

Lao Hei was a professional fighter, while I had never learned any martial arts.

But I should thank my repulsive uncle and my cousin, Li Dabiao, who disowned me.

Their countless beatings and physical confrontations

taught me one skill: endurance.

(End of chapter)