
Chapter 16:

"Hurry in," Symin said with a slightly worried expression on his face, "Did you get everything on the list?" He asked once we were both inside, not waiting for an answer he embraced me in a hug.

"Yes, I have found everything on the list." I said with a look of confusion on my face, "Why'd you hug me?"

"I just haven't seen you in weeks, so it was the obvious thing to do, to me at least." Symin said looking slightly embarrassed, "How was your sword, and the inventory?"

"They both work effectively, the sword's almost broken, though awfully chipped." I said as I pulled out my sword, pointing out several of the major chips and scratches, "It's on its last legs, it will probably break in the next few fights." I sighed in disappointment, "Honestly I thought it would last longer, thank god I avoided those Bokoblins on the way back to town."

"How was your journey?" Symin asked in curiosity.

"It was pretty good, I made a detour before I left to bring a small flame with me, to keep myself calm in every situation." I said reminiscing about the calming feeling of the flames calm embrace.

"Why'd you need to be calm?" Symin asked in curiosity.

"I've been having problems when I'm not near people, and being panicked by monster ambushes is a thing that can lead to death." I said, covering up the fact that I made a deal with an ancient demon. "Basically, it's just all-round calming, it helps me sleep." I said with a smile on my face.

"Well then, do you feel like telling me all about your journey?" he said with a smile on his face.

"Well first, I had to pilfer a forest for…" then I told him all about my journey, avoiding the essence and anything pertaining to the demon.

"Well then, that sounds pretty fun, I use to go out and collect materials pertaining to our research, but it would always cost us a lot, because of how I can't defend myself very well. I am, after all, only a researcher, with little to no training in fighting." He said with a smile on his face, "While you are a race that hasn't been seen in these lands at least since the fall of the kingdom of Hyrule, and you're also a hybrid of technology and flesh. Which shouldn't be possible with the current technology that we have at our disposal. You also have an unexplainable friendship with what was considered a non-sentient flame. Now tell me, how could you not be useful in combat?"

"I… I have nothing to say to that." I said before sighing. "By the way where is Purah?"

"Oh she's currently sleeping, we usually stay awake all night to defend our crops and our lab, but since you're here, this will be way easier." He said with happiness apparent in his voice. "We'll take the collected items tomorrow, just take a nice nap, we're going to need you to watch the hill." After he said that I walked to my room, after taking a large sigh, I took off my bag, placed my inventory on my bedside table, and removed my adventure wear. I laid on my bed, relaxing, and then I fell asleep.

*3 hours later*

"Wake up, it's almost time," I felt the touch of someone on my shoulder, I opened my eyes and then rolled onto my back to get a better look, it was Purah, "Come on, don't sit there with that dumb look on your face, come on, we need to prepare for any potential attacks on our land." I nodded and rose from my bed, and put on my gear, picked up my lantern, and tied my inventory side and prepared a different sword from my usual one, it's a Knight's broadsword. It was awfully expensive, but I can't care about my wallet and neglect my safety, I bought it on my way into town. It is even better than my Eightfold blade, even though the broadsword is used differently because of how it's double edged, but oh well, it's still a better sword.

I walked down the stairs, and spoke to Purah, "I found out how to use my Cryonis rune, while on my journey." She nodded in elation, more power equals more materials, and a safer environment until Link awakens. I jumped off the stairs near the bottom, and started to position myself based on the path towards the tech lab. I proceeded to delve into my mind and look at the surrounding areas with my map like knowledge of the surrounding area, I planned out the monsters most likely path of attack.

I thought to myself, 'This is going to take so long, *sigh*'.

Sorry I took so long to publish a chapter. I felt tired, so yeah, I hope you enjoy.

Air_Agatecreators' thoughts