
You Will Be Working For My Father

Brianna goes home excitedly. She runs and hugs her mother.

She shouts: mum I got the job

Mrs Bennett: this is such a good news

They hug happily. Mrs Bennett breaks the hug and says: Anna you never told me you were getting a job. I thought you wanted to further your education.

Brianna cups her mum's face and says: you know we can't afford it now so I thought that it will be better for me to get a job to help you run the house.

Mrs Bennett: my dear I told you not to bother about that. I told you that I will find a way.

Brianna: Mum don't worry I will save some money for my education I promise.

Mrs Bennett: alright dear.

After having lunch with her mum, Brianna went to her room and called her best friend Antonella. After a while, the call connected

Antonella: hello Anna. How are you?

Brianna shouts excitedly: Ella I got the job.

Antonella screams happily and says: this is nice let's meet later and celebrate

Brianna: of course. We will meet at our favourite club.

Antonella: alright girlfriend.

In the evening, the ladies met at the agreed club. They sit at their favorite place and ordered.

Antonella: hey girlfriend, you never told me where you applied for the job

Brianna: I applied for the job in numerous companies but fortunately Empire Groups picked me.

Antonella: oh my goodness Empire Groups is the most biggest group in the country. It has hotels, restaurants, constructions and it even has real estate company and the owner is the richest man in the country

Brianna: wow, really?

Antonella: he has charity foundation for kids, widows and even helps the less privileged. Sometimes if you read about him, it's like he spends his entire wealth on people. I also heard he has been considered as the most handsome and sexiest man in the country.

Brianna: wow, well I hope I can meet him one day

Antonella: I hope to meet him too someday because I have a huge crush on him.

The girls changed the topic and chatted about random things. Brianna went home very late.

The next morning, Mrs Bennett entered her daughter's room to find her still sleeping.

Mrs. Bennett: Anna get up else you will be late for work. Anna lazily opens her eyes. She checks the time and shouts: oh my gosh I am going to be late on my first day. She rushes to the bathroom.

Almost an hour later she was ready for work. She rushes to work without breakfast.

Andrew POV

Andrew goes to the dinning room and sees his father having breakfast.

Andrew: good morning Dad. How was your night?

Michael: my night was good. How are you son?

Andrew: I'm good. Dad I have employed someone to be your secretary. She will be starting today

Michael: son are you sure she is good and will be able to handle my schedules?

Andrew: yes Dad

Michael nods and gets up.

He says: if you say so. I will see you at the office.

Andrew: alright Dad. I am right behind you because I think she will be early since it's her first day.

Michael leaves the house and soon Andrew followed.

Brianna arrived at the company at 9 o'clock am. She greets the receptionist and she looks at her strangely.

Brianna: excuse me why are looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?

The receptionist: you are the new secretary right?

Brianna nods

The receptionist: oh my goodness. Good luck because you will need it hurry up you are late. Please take your badge and go to the eighth floor.

Brianna takes the badge and rushes to the elevator. She soon arrives on the eighth floor.

The receptionist there directs her to Andrew's office. Brianna knocks and Andrew asks her to enter

Brianna: good morning sir. I'm sorry for arriving late

Andrew says calmly: yesterday you promised not to be late. Brianna stands quietly staring at the ground

Andrew continues: are you sure you can do this job Miss Bennett?

Brianna: I promise sir I will be able to work

Andrew stares at her for a while and says: come with me. I will let your direct boss decide.

Brianna stares at him confusedly.

Andrew: why are staring at me like that?

Brianna: sorry sir. I thought you are my boss

Andrew smiles and says: no Miss you will be working with my father.

Brianna: ooooh

She gets a little tensed

Andrew: are you okay?

Brianna: yes sir

Andrew: alright then come with me.

They both enter the elevator to go up.