
A billion people forced to tame monsters in another world

SCWolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


After carefully considering Eric's words Nate decided to tag along.

"Alright, but how are we gonna bring the fire with us? There's no way these sticks will last-" He began as he picked up one of the branches that'd tipped out of the fire.

All of a sudden the branch was enveloped in a similar light to the one that brought everyone here and Eric couldn't help but say. "Ha! How do I know YOU didn't bring us here?"

"C'mon Eric, stop messin around!"

Just as Nate finished speaking, a small information panel popped up in front of him and the light receded.


{Name: Torch

{Description: This is a simple tool made from wood and tree sap. It is primarily used to start fires or brighten ones surroundings.

{Duration Time: 30 Minutes

"Woah!" Nate said in surprise.

"What happened?"

"Can't you tell? It looks way different than a second ago!"

He was right, the branch from before had become straight and it even seemed to have some sort of residue on the end of it.

After examining the torch in his own hand an informational panel showed up for Eric as well.

"That's pretty fortunate don't you think? Even though it only lasts for half an hour."

Nate put his free hand on his chin before looking back at the torch and saying. "Inventory."


"Yup." Then all of a sudden the torch in Nate's hand disappeared, leaving Eric stunned.

After the torch was gone several notifications appeared before him.

{Torch added, Inventory 1/50.

{Bonus Mission complete, Craft a tool before your first week is over.

{Bonus reward granted, Whetstone.


{Name: Whetstone

{Description: A stone used to sharpen a variety of bladed equipment.

{Durability: 100%

While Nate was going through the notifications, Eric was repeating the same process his friend had just went through.

{Torch added, inventory 1/50

{Bonus Mission complete, Craft a tool.


After reading his notifications and picking up a few more of the longer branches Eric looked at his inventory happily and said "Haha, not to mention the number of inventory slots, the torches stack! Now we don't have to worry about our light burning out."

"Whaddya say Nate? Are you ready?"

Nate couldn't help but sigh, especially since he was the one who gave his friend more confidence to go. "Shouldn't we come up with a plan first?"

"I've got it covered!"

"Really? What is it?"

"Well.. we'll follow the noise and if we come across a dangerous animal we'll pull out another torch to keep them at a distance and retreat. If that doesn't work then we'll just throw one on the ground and run like hell!"

"That's your whole plan? You wanna start a forest fire!?"

"Oh c'mon, that's just the worst case scenario!"

"You're crazy!"

"I'm still going~" Eric said as he started walking away.

When he got closer to where the barrier should be however..

"Where the hell is it?" He said as he continued stepping forward. Then all of a sudden the flame on the torch Infront of him flickered and a blue light rippled across the dome that protected them.


"Ahh! What the hell Nate! Why didn't you say anything?"

"Cause you started leaving!"

"Jesus.." Eric said as he turned back around.

After standing at the edge of the border for a few seconds Nate couldn't help but ask. "What are we waiting for?"

"We're waiting for the monkey to scream again."


"So we know where to go." Eric said as he put his hand on his face and continued to wait.


Before long their heads started nodding in an attempt to stay awake, but they sprung back to life when they heard that terrifying sound once more.

"Uwah! Ahh Ah!"


"Come on Nate! Before he gets quiet again!" Eric yelled as he started to run as fast as he could out of the barrier and towards the commotion.

While they were running through the forest the monkey was busy fighting for his life..

"Uwah wuah!"

'Spit it out! He owes me!'



Whoosh, Whoosh-

'We can-"



'We can be reasonable about this!' The monkey yelled as he bobbed and weaved between the incoming attacks.

'I can get some other schmuck to be your breakfast!'

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh-


"Uwaah!" The last thing the monkey remembered was getting sent flying through the air before hitting something and getting knocked unconscious.


After running for about three whole minutes, the boys were finally getting close to the source of those haunting screams.

"Hurry up Nate! It came from this way!"

"Pant.. I'm.. Huff.. Trying!"

Just a few moments later they came across a small clearing in the forest where a giant bulb like creature was reaching for a primate laid out on the ground.

Once Eric saw the plant his skill kicked in automatically.

[Ding. Your strong belief in understanding nature as well as your ability to learn about the environment have resulted in a unique passive skill.]

{Bestiary: Information about every living thing you come across will be given to you in the form of a virtual book. You can aquire more information by leveling up this skill or doing research of your own on the environment.


{Name: Carnivorous plant bulb

{Quality: Bronze

{Potential: Gold

{Level: 10

{Abilities: Vine Slash, Consume, Uproot, Incense

{Attributes: Wood

{Likes: Easy going prey, Basking in the sun

{Dislikes: Sharp objects

{Weakness: Fire

{Status: Stressed

{Description: A carnivorous plant that absorbed the energy of many small animals and grew its own consciousness. It likes to attract prey with a sweet scent before eating them whole with it's acidic petal fluids or absorbing their energy and discarding them.

"Holy crap."

"What's wrong Eric?"

"You remember my skill right?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I just used it on the plant."


"I need you to do me a favor."

"!?" The shock on Nate's face was obvious.

"It's not that dangerous, I promise. I just need you to burn it and run like hell after I take the monkey."

After explaining his quickly thought out plan, Eric darted towards the primate being dragged away and burned the vines wrapped around it.


"Damn it!!" Nate yelled as he dashed towards the plants main body and jabbed his torch into it.

Once the plant felt pain it had no choice but to open its petals and spit something out while releasing a deafening screech.

"RUN!!" Eric screamed as he put the monkey over his shoulders and took off.

It was a good thing the Carnivorous plant bulb was in so much pain or the boys wouldn't have gotten such a big head start.