
A billion people forced to tame monsters in another world

SCWolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Food or food

"What the hell!?"

"I'm up, I'm up!" Nate yelled as he sprung from his sleep. "What happened?"

When he heard this question Eric looked at his friend and pointed toward the monkey that was still rubbing it's head as well.

"He was touching my face and I smacked my head on his when I woke up."

"Touching.. Your face? You don't think he-"


"Cough, cough, ooh." Nate groaned in pain as he held his stomach.

"I didn't wanna do it Nate, but it had to be done. Don't you EVER let words like that come out of your mouth." Eric said before he looked back at the Debt monkey.

"And you. What the F**K are you touching my face for!?"

"Uw uw!" The monkey replied as he put his hands in the air to surrender.

"Fine. You get a pass this time because I can't understand you, but you better realize I don't like being touched!" Eric shouted as he stood up off the ground.

"Uggh.. Well Eric.. We're still alive." Nate groaned before he stood up as well.

Just then he could see the boar grazing on some grass from over the bushes.


Of course now that the sun was up he could see it clearly. It was a little more than a meter and half tall with two magnificent looking tusks and a beautiful swirly pattern across it's lean body.

While Nate was admiring the Buffalo boar, Eric was examining the Soldier monkey.

He was approximately a meter tall and his body was almost entirely jet black except for his silver stomach and face, as well as some golden rings around his limbs.

"Looks like your injuries are almost gone already."

"Uwah." The monkey sounded as he jumped on his knuckles.


Just then the fairly peaceful scene was interrupted by a loud noise that seemed to come from Nate.

"Heheh, Sorry. We didn't eat dinner." He said with an embarrassed look on his face.

"It's alright man, we'll find something soon." Eric said as he looked around.

"Hey pig! Come here a minute."

To Eric's surprise the boar came trotting over without so much as a snort.

"I guess you're pretty smart too, huh?"

This time the boar snorted and raised his head proudly.

"Since you're so smart you should understand what I'm saying right?"

The boar nodded.

"Well, my friend and I are hungry, and since he likes you so much you can't be our breakfast."

The boars mouth fell open and the monkey seemed to chuckle a little.

"I don't know what you're laughing about short stuff, you're in the same boat."

Eric continued. "Anyway, since we can't eat you, I was hoping you guys could lead us to something we CAN eat."

The two animals thought for a moment before the boar nodded his head in agreeance. Although the two humans couldn't do anything to him, he was still happy to be alive, so he decided to help them.

The monkey however thought for a moment and started jumping up and down in the air before pointing back at himself.

"Uw, wuah?"

"What? You want food too?"

The Debt monkey shook his head.


"Oh ho, I get it. You're asking what's in it for you."

The monkey nodded and Nate was shocked. Naturally he was listening in, especially since the conversation included his stomach.

"Why you!" He started.

"Hold on Nate." Eric spoke again.

He pulled Nate to the side and whispered something to him before sending him out of the bushes.

"Ahem, hem, Now that it's just the three of us."

"Mr. Monkey, you know what happened last night right?"

The Soldier monkey looked at the Buffalo boar before turning back and nodding his head.

"Good, then you should understand."

"NOW!" Eric shouted as his friend jumped out the bushes and onto the monkey.

"Sorry buddy!" Nate yelled as they started struggling on the ground.

"Hold him still!"

As the monkey was being restrained by the boys the boar watched and lowered his head to start eating some more grass. After all he didn't need anything too special to fill his belly.

Some time later, the boys finally managed to get Eric's belt tied around the monkey's arms and waist.

"Ha! Frickin bastard!"

"C'mon man he's just a monkey."

"One that's playing dumb!" Eric yelled as he looked down at the primate.

"Are you sure you won't help us?"

The monkey was shocked at the situation he was in. He couldn't move his arms because they were strapped to his waist and he couldn't run because he was surrounded.

With nothing else left to do, he started rolling on the ground and screaming.

"Uwah, wah!"

"You put yourself in this situation! All you had to do was be grateful like the big guy here but nooo."

"You wanna be difficult." Eric started ranting as he dragged the monkey closer to the barrier.

"Listen here! We saved your life, Got it? Unless you wanna be free food, you're gonna help us find some!"

After hearing it put so bluntly, the monkey stopped squirming and decided to sit up before looking at Eric.


The monkey finally nodded his head and tried to stand up, but when he did he slipped and started falling back to the ground.


"Hup." Just before he hit the ground Eric caught him by his belt.

"I gotcha."

The Soldier monkey couldn't help but sigh helplessly as he got his feet under himself.

"Now that you're cooperating with us we'll let you have an arm back so something like that doesn't happen again."


"If you try anything funny, I'll club you!"

The Debt monkey nodded as they redid the belt around him.

Once the boys prepared a little, the group set off.

Each of them had a hefty looking branch in one hand while they touched one of the animals with the other.

At first the monkey shook free of Eric's grasp and tried to walk through the barrier alone, but when he ran into it and everyone looked at him he had no choice but to hold Eric's hand on the way out.