
A Belial's Adventure in DXD (Hiatus)

Umm,.. Yeah I suppose we have to write this too huh? So let's start: I tried writing it with that way, but couldn't figure out how to proceed with the story I had in mind, so we are going to change the setting of the story and start with something that is a bit easier to write. Those looking for regular updates, should not read this fanfic, I am writing this fanfic just for fun and to improve my story writing skills, and this is also a my wish fulfillment story... Finally, there is no guarantee whether this story will be completed or not as there are chances that I will drop it or go on hiatus if I get boreed, So Be Warned. ................................................................................................................... Disclaimer: Any of the original Characters of DXD are not mine and belong to the true owners The OC's appearing in the story who do not belong to anyone might belong to me, at least to a certain. Also the cover is not mine, I took it from Google.

Alexian_Belial · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter – 1 Is he worth it? (Rewrite)

Narrator: The scene starts from the point when the perverted trio was peeping on the Girls Kendo Club's changing room.

NOTE: Hyoudou Issei is not MC so be sure to keep that in mind. MC is also not of the mentality that he would hate Issei, so no unnecessary Hyoudou Bashing.


Also there might be a few grammatical errors... I try to clear all grammatical errors, but it is possible that I might have missed a few... please be kind enough to neglect them.


"Morayama's jugs… they are firkin huge…" – Matsuda.

"36-22-34…" – Motohama.

"And Katase's legs are crazy sexy…" – Matsuda.

"34-22-36…" – Motohama.

"I found this place yesterday, I call it the tit hole…" – Matsuda.

"Good Job Matsuda I have to admit…" – Motohama commended Matsuda.

"Both Murayama and Katase are hot but none of them holds a candle when it comes to the sexiness of Scarlet-Taichou… those perfect boobs… that waist… I want to see her take off those bandages she wraps around her boobs…" – Matsuda said as saliva started to drip from the corner of his mouth.

"38-24-35… What kind of nipples do you think she has…flat, protruding or inverted?" – Motohama nodded and was more focused on ogling so he could see her nipples.

"I don't know which one… but whichever one she has… I am all in to suck on them…" – Matsuda said and imagined sucking on the nipple of Scarlet-Taichou.

"Me too… Matsuda…" – Motohama nodded as he began to fantasize.

"Guys… my turn… come on… no fair…" – Issei said while trying to pull Matsuda backward so that he can also peep on the changing girls from the hole.

The three were so indulged in their indecent act did not notice the shadow of a person standing behind them, until they heard a cold tone that scared the hell out of the three, "What… do you three brats think you are doing…?"

As soon as the three heard this cold voice, their goosebumps were standing… reason? Fear… fear of the person standing behind them. this is not the first time they have been caught doing lecherous things, and most of the time the person who catches them happens to be the same.

Issei turned around with a panicked expression and hurriedly said, "N… Natsuki-chan… I swear… I did nothing, I have yet to see anything… it was these two jerks!"

"Hey… don't sell us out so easily you bastard!" – Motohama and Matsuda cursed Issei at the same time.

"Don't call your teacher with '-chan'!" – said Minamiya Natsuki as she beat their foreheads with a black paper fan.

"Ouch!" "AH… that hurts!" "I don't really understand how your paper fan hurt can so much, MInamiya-sensei!"

Minamiya Natsuki, age-26, long black hair, wearing a black gothic lolita outfit and carrying a black parasol to match. The most iconic thing about her is her young appearance. Despite claiming to be 26 years old, she has the appearance of a child who has just entered in teenage... in other words… she is a legal loli… and a cute one at that…

But don't let her cute loli appearance fool you… this seemingly harmless adorable loli holds the most authority in this School… Why? Because she is the Principal of Kuoh Academy, and she is also called Witch.

Word is… even the Prime Minister of Japan is scared of Kuoh Academy's Witch… and follows all her instructions…

The voices of these four attracted the attention of all the girls inside the changing room and realizing what was going on… they all rushed outside with Bamboo Shenai in order to deal with the perverts peeping at them.

The three perverts tried to back off from the person standing in front of them only to collide with the group of girls from Kendo Club staring at them in a despicable tone as if they are nothing more than trash.

Katase said, "Well-well… if it isn't the perverted trio… caught red-handed in their act of peeping… We should thank Natsuki-chan for catching these three… so what should we do with them Taichou?"

Following Katase's question, everyone's gaze shifted towards the only person they would all respect as their mentor, the girls paved way for the captain of the girl's Kendo Club to be the center of all attention.

Erza Scarlet, Class 3 – D… Captain of the Girls Kendo Club, and the strongest one this school has ever seen. Word is… she has never been defeated in a Kendo fight.

Wearing Red Hakama pants with a flaming pattern at the lower end, white bandages wrapped over her boobs that highlighted her ample breast size, scarlet hair tied in a long ponytail, and bangs covering her left eye… her hair drifting in the wind slightly she was a real sight to behold.

MInamiya Natsuki was irked at being called '-chan' again, she sighed and said, "Erza-chan… I have some matters I must attend to, so… I will be leaving these three in your hands…"

"No problem Minamiya-Sensei… I will be sure to teach them a few lessons this time…" - Erza nodded respectfully.

With Erza's nod, Minamiya Natsuki turned around and left.

Now Erza focused her attention on Hyoudou Issei.

Issei, Matsuda, and Motohama gulped looking at her because their fate seems to be in her hands, and she is scary…

The perverted trio felt as if they have become prey to some kind of monster, and they can't help but panic… But they can't run away as they are surrounded from all sides.

When faced with such a situation… the three could only hold each other tightly and shiver under the cold gaze of Titania and other Girls of Kendo Club…

"My friend Issei, if we ever live to see the next day… know that my recent collection of Doujin will be loaned to you…"

"Mine too…"

"Mine three…"

"Well then… I remember the last time I told you three to behave… do you remember my words?" – Erza questioned the three.

The three nodded their head mechanically… as sweat started to flow out their skin like Waterfall…

"And yet… here you three are… repeating the same acts again… I think there is a need to refresh your memories…" – Erza said and lifted her Shinai.

"Goodbye Matsuda… Motohama… it was nice knowing you two…"

Sometimes later at Kuoh Academy Student Council Room.

"Rias… I heard that Hyoudou Issei has been invited to a date by a girl named Ameno Yuma, so what is your opinion on this, and are you going to make your move on him?" – a serious-looking young bespectacled girl with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut, and violet eyes questioned the girl sitting opposite to her, after moving her blue knight chess piece on the chessboard.

From the appearance, it may not look, but she is a devil… a pureblood… high-class one at that…

Her name is Sona Sitri, age-18, heiress to the House of Sitri, the Noble pureblood Devil House of the Prince Rank from the 72 Pillars.

Aside from being the princess of the House of Sitri, she is also the King of her Devil Peerage.

At Kuoh Academy, she is a student in her third year, the current President of the Kuoh Academy Student Council, and therefore, is called Kaicho.

The girl named Rias sitting opposite the Sitri Princess nodded while sipping tea, "Perhaps, if things go as I expect them to…" – After saying so, she moved the crimson Pawn piece a step further, then questioned, "But why the sudden curiosity on Hyodou Issei? Is there anything special about him that interests you, and I am not aware?"

Rias Gremory a beautiful young woman with a buxom figure and blue-green eyes. Her most distinctive feature is her long crimson hair that reaches down to her thighs with a single strand sticking out from the top.

Similar to Sona, Rias too is a high-ranking pureblood devil. She is also the Heiress of the House of Gremory, another one of the Noble pureblood Devil House of Duke Rank from the 72 Pillars.

And aside from being the princess of the House of Gremory, she is also the King of her Devil Peerage.

At Kuoh Academy, she is a third-year student similar to Sona, and also the president of the Occult Research Club… the members of her club call her Banchou.

Sona pushed her teacup forward to be refilled by her Queen, then said to Rias while shaking her head, "To be honest, I have no interest in him, despite his behavior and habits, the only reason he has not been expelled from Kuoh Academy for the past 2 years is because of Lord Belial's special instructions to Minamiya-sensei. If not for that, he along with his two friends might have already…"

Rias had a slight frown on her face, and she questioned from the girl standing behind her, "Akeno… what kind of sacred gear do you think Hyoudou Issei might be in possession of?"

"Hmm… It is hard to judge with how many types of Sacred Gear there have been recorded up to date… but considering that Lord Belial also cares about it… I would say that his Sacred Gear might be of the same rank as Ingvild-chan's Sacred Gear." – said the girl named Akeno after putting up a little bit of thought into it.

Himejima Akeno, a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair, and violet eyes. Her hair is usually tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place.

Different from Sona Sitri and Rias Gremory, Himejima Akeno is not a pureblood devil, rather she is a reincarnated devil. Akeno holds the position of Queen in the Rias Gremory Peerage…

Prior to her reincarnation into a devil, she was a fallen angel/human hybrid. She is still a high-ranking fallen angel with six wings.

At Kuoh Academy, she is also a third-year student alongside Rias and Son, and also the vice-president of the Occult Research Club.

After pouring the tea in Sona's cup the girl named Ingvild questioned, "Hmm… my Sacred Gear Akeno-san? You mean Nereid Kyrie? Is it really possible… specifically with how rare they are?"

Ingvild Leviathan, a young girl in her late teens. She has long purple hair and orange eyes.

Ingvild Leviathan is a devil/human hybrid and one of the last few surviving members of the nearly extinct House of Leviathan, one of the four Great Satan Houses. Ingvild is a high-class devil and holds the position of Queen in the Sona Sitri Peerage.

At Kuoh Academy, Ingvild is a first-year student and is also the vice president of the Student Council.

Sona lifted refilled cup and while taking a sip of it, she nodded to Ingvild's Question, "That seems reasonable, it is hard to believe… but perhaps this might really be the case, Hyoudou Issei might really be in possession of a Longinus similar to you Ingvild, even I can't think of any other reason why Lord Belial would take an interest in Hyoudou Issei…

Everyone, Lord Belial has taken an interest in has turned out to be quite valuable… whether it was you Ingvild, or Erza Scarlet, or Kodou Asuka… even the members of his own peerage… all of them are exceptional… So it is only natural that something within Hyoudou Issei is worth attention, and Lord Belial does not want it to fall in the hands of other factions…"

All the other three had thoughtful looks on their faces upon listening to Sona's reasoning. And they can't help but agree with Sona as they remembered the members of Alexian Belial Peerage… Minamiya Natsuki is one of the members of his peerage… she holds the position of Bishop in his peerage.

Akeno asked with a bit of worry, "But will it be alright? If Hyoudou Issei holds such a worth, will Lord Belial agree If he is reincarnated into a devil in your peerage Banchou?"

Rias nodded and said, "He did promise that I can reincarnate anyone from Kuoh Town into my peerage if I find them good enough… so it should be alright… besides, I want to break free of my engagement with Riser Phenex as soon as possible… and if Hyoudou Issei really holds a Longinus Class Sacred Gear then he will be of great use for me in doing just that…"

At this point, a fifth voice sounded in the room, "Well I am surprised that you children managed to figure out that Hyoudou Issei is in possession of a Longinus Class Sacred Gear so easily… but I suppose it is not so surprising if I consider your identities…"

The four were not so surprised by the sudden voice… Rias was the first to look at this fifth and sixth person, and ask, "He shouldn't have any problem with it, right Minamiya-Sensei?"

The two people who suddenly appeared in the Student Council Room are none other than Minamiya Natsuki and her personal maid. This is just a small feat for someone who is known as the Witch of the Void in the Supernatural World.

Minamiya Natsuki said, "It wouldn't be a problem… it's not as though he has a chess piece to reincarnate Hyoudou Issei into a devil himself… and none of us servants are interested in having a pervert as a servant… I am much happy with my personal maid Zest… her tea brewing skills are exceptional."

"I was created by Lord Belial to serve Lady Minamiya… my lady's happiness is what I strive, and deeply honored at being complemented by my Lady." – said Zest with a respectful bow.

Zest B. Steward, is an artificial devil, she is a beautiful tall tanned skin white-haired woman with a slim yet shapely figure, and gold-green eyes. She has a rabbit tail and rabbit-ear-shaped horns that are currently not visible due to her hiding them with her demonic power. She is dressed in a french maid outfit.

Natsuki darkly glanced at Zest's chest from the corner of her eyes, "How I wish that Alex had not given you such big boobs… I feel jealous when looking at them…"

Zest blushed in embarrassment at Natsuki's remark. The size of her boobs is very big, it is as much as Himejima Akeno's… which is too much when compared to the flat board of Natsuki's

Everyone had a bitter smile when they heard Minamiya Natsuki's words.

Rias then turned towards Sona and questioned, "Are you sure Sona, do you really not want to reincarnate Hyoudou Issie as a servant?"

Sona shook her head, "No, I don't have a suitable chess piece that would bring out his true potential… so he is all yours to keep Rias."

Rias thought about nodded, "I suppose you don't even have a need for him,

Ingvild Leviathan, the holder of 'Nereid Kyrie' as your Queen,

Erza Scarlet, holder of 'Armor Creator' as your Knight,

Kuro Usagi of the Moon Rabbit Clan, Holder of subspecies version of 'Indra's Vajra' as your Rook,

Kodou Asuka holder of two sacred gear namely 'Oraculum' and 'Creator' as your Mutated Pawn Piece, and finally,

Shinra Tsubaki with her own sacred gear 'Mirror Alice' reincarnated into a devil with two Pawn Pieces…

I must say, your Peerage is coming out to be quite exceptional Sona."

Sona sighed, "Maybe… but my Peerage is still far being good enough when compared to Lord Belial's or my elder sister's peerage… Erza aside, I still need some tank-type and warrior-type servants."

Minamiya Natsuki said, "Don't worry Sona-chan, you will reach there soon enough… for now, you should focus on the servant that I recently introduced you to."

Sona nodded gently towards Natsuki, "Thank you Minamiya-sensei… You are always a big help."

Natsuki smiled, "It is the duty of a teacher to help out her students, moreover, considering your relationship with Alex… it is only natural that I help you."

Sona blushed at Natsuki's mention of her relationship with Lord Belial.

All five smiled at Sona's change in demeanor, Rias said, "But I am still surprised that Lady Serafall did not object to it…"

Natsuki nodded, "Hmm, I still remember how scared and tensed Alex was when we went to talk with Lady Serafall, but she agreed in the end. She has long known of the bond the two children share, therefore, she did not want both of you to separate… as that would have hurt both of you… and hurting her precious dear little sister is the last thing Landy Serafall would want."

Rias said with a sigh, "I want to break free of my engagement with Riser Phenex as soon as possible… Therefore, I have decided to reincarnate Hyoudou Issei into my peerage…"

Minamiya said, "Good luck on that Rias-chan… bringing him to your side wouldn't be that hard anyway… especially considering his character…"

Rias nodded and said while standing up, "Well then… Sona… it's my defeat today, next time it will be your turn to drop by at Occult Research Club… also do bring your entire peerage with you… by that time I would have also reincarnated Hyoudou Issie too… Also, thank you for all your help Natsuki-sensei."

Sona nodded and said, "Until next time."

Akeno also bowed, after which a crimson magic circle appeared under on the floor and both Rias and Akeno disappeared from the Student Council room.

With Rias and Akemo gone, Minamiya Natsuki said, "Well then, shall be on our way too?"

"Yes." – Sona, Ingvild, and Zest nodded, following which Minamiya snapped her fingers and instantly these four also disappeared from the student council room.